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Everything posted by Georgeconna

  1. Someone here might take the coach of you if don't need a particular one, you can stick it up here in the for sale section.
  2. A Call into Halfords on the way to Carrauntoohil to pick up some rattle can primers saw the hull painting begin yesterday, Pre shading now next. Red for the bottom as this hopefully will be hard wearing and grey on the top part! Done outside yesterday before the rain came back again. Hand Rail cappings done also and you can see the Bulwark supports are in on the Port side. Not the greatest of photos as I am using high ISO. Pics of the mountain too! Damp!
  3. Marks models have them for the sale: €110.00 Stuff the 150 she is looking for... https://www.marksmodels.com/?pid=3981
  4. Ouch!
  5. The problem with the A's is just that they are all lovely and they don't even have Chimneys!
  6. We use rail here for some customers, Works Really well TBH. Some adventure there Leslie!
  7. Thank you Professor! Very Handy so for modellers in Australia.
  8. Flipping heck Some amount of gear goes through that place looking at the 'About us' I do ponder if this is mostly old chaps stuff gone to the model shop in the sky as lot of it is quite old, obviously appeal so some folks. Lots of bids undervalued at low prices to hook in the punters for the bidding war. Last one I bid on was a G Scale Mannin, Estimated @ 400-500 went for £1400 in the end! Now the Isle of Wight is a place I like to revisit, Maybe by Hovercraft! only 25 quid for a flight! You do have some stuff under you belt Broithe. (whats that Latin for? )
  9. Very Neat internal Gubbins, Obviously the roof Clips off or is it screw on?
  10. See on RMWEB the A's are coming by Rail! Great Choice!
  11. Wow Blow pipe action Man!
  12. Cool, I take a look at the Firestick thing to see if it is on that, Mabye an Action man one would be great. The Rib with working motor was awesome! T The Tank looks Nah now but to a 8 y/o ad the bees knees, Some battles were had with the Rib, Helicopter and the Tank. Still missing a Action man tied to a parachute some where in Watergrasshill.
  13. Seen this pop up, I had a few punts over the years with Vectis and never won a tad, Lure you in with tiny prices and then bang all hell breaks loos. If you have not looked at the Vectis site they do cover lots of interesting toys and Lot and lots or trains, Wont be bidding anymore now though now with Brexit. too much hassle. Good Publicity though. fly on the wall about IRM would be mad Eh! I don't mind some of the programs on yesterday (gave up on the Brooklands one though) but there is lots of repeated shots and lots of Add so better of watching it of catch up or tape it. Would love one of these to play with, hours of fun in the 80's
  14. LOL , I got suckered Fran - Bought it 2nd hand of a lad when I was working in Marks 7 years ago, Looked mint, I had not noticed the tell tale crack on the bottom of the cab and it had expanded. Thankfully I got a new chassisfrom the New Gen 31's and reinstalled all the gubbins and back in action! At least there was spares available! The Fan works Still and TBH it runs really smooth. Cant fault it, One of My Favourites. I don't think the H lads could foresee the Chinese using sh!t metals and the Chinese still do, Take all those fancy Garden thinks made of metal, Lasts about 2 months before the rust starts setting. If the Georgous A it is being compared to Hornbys and Limas 'Irish' efforts then no question different league, Different times! BTW I love the smell of the old motors. ah the days of running me old Pannier to death! Happy days. did it bother me about the Flangeless middle wheel, Motor in the cab...Nah but I was 12 then! That Silver A though! Wow!
  15. The Model Certainly looks extremely nice for sure. "Looking at a Hornby model and have one of these beauties beside it" What Hornby loco are you comparing it to? Compare a Similar sized / price of loco say the Hornby Class 31, Opening Doors, Interior Cab detail, Moving Fan, Lights, Ok No speaker (It came out some time ago). Solid die cast chassis (expect for earlier Versions and Railroad) Absolutely fab model, I love mine to bits. Runs like a beauty too and pulls like a devil
  16. yes this has already affected by purchasing TBH looking at my bank balance!. I will think very long and hard about getting bits n bobs from the UK these days. I might test the waters on some thing small however to see if stuff will still make it through. Levying VAT on everything is gonna slow stuff right down and create backlogs big time.
  17. "new technology to make online shopping easy" - should read easier to take more money off you suckers.
  18. Some Vid of the Engine room on the last trip I had on this beauty, It was being looked after by an Irish Lad. The low howling sound is the Water Pump feeding the boiler. Oh the Smell!! This mesmorising! MVI_5176.MOV
  19. Those Locos are in right good nick, Well looked after!
  20. Sure is, It Calls to NI during the year. Leaving Glasgow for excursions today. Seems to be Just Scotland at the moment.
  21. Thanks Noel, the shaft has no gland neeed Noel, its an apparently a Sealed Shaft but this will be packed with Silicon RC Grease to stop any leaks as the shaft is below waterline. That worked on the ol fellas puffer that leaked through the shaft, Squeezed some Grease into it and sorted! No leak.
  22. Hi Lads, Thanks for the Comments, Been Beavering away here and have managed to get a few small items done over the past while but the most tedious one has been done and that is the Armoured Deck Plating and punching the Rivets but I have that done Saturday all day and I have now pre shaded with white and Black and then laid the green on the top. I am quite pleased with this as a Flat green Deck would of looked a bit toy like. Took it out in he ambient light to see though what it looked like. Weathering also has been started on the Box, Front Gun and ammo Boxes by the Main cabin. Sunday took the the Knockmealdown mountains for a 13K hike to calm me nerves after slicing the top of my Left hand thumb off with the Scalpel! Parents were not available or supervision for Help at the time
  23. LOL, Had 4 FCLs in the USA today, All turned around to go by Air to Ireland now. Ouch! Hope you don't get hit too bad here.
  24. An a class is in there somewhere! tis on the film thread on this forum, Darling Lilli, pushed a steamer whilst under cover. Page 34 of Barry Carse's Metro Vicks book has a colour picture of it
  25. Hope tis this one in the next run, Saves me buying a luggage van then,, who whoooo!
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