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Everything posted by Georgeconna

  1. current status with this one..
  2. Electrifying!! Got 2 lengths of 3rd rail in. Thought it would be a lot worse than I expected. Used super glue to cement the pots in and slid the track into the pot and dabbed a bit of accelorator to grab the pot into the sleeper and did one pot each time the same way.
  3. Crikey you want your wits about out doing this Loco. Great work Eoin.
  4. That looks really sweet john, Veyr nicely assembled and flawless.
  5. Nice ol Channel that Talking Picture is to, Some fab films on it too.
  6. Work on something with Dunnes one too there lads, I get them for Xmas from Work....
  7. And there was much rejoicing from my wallet!!. These will be worth the wait I'm sure.
  8. Bit of railway content at 2mins and 4mins. The days when it was healthy to smoke. https://www.rte.ie/archives/2019/1212/1098728-images-of-cork/ Serious prices in what is now Jim Cashmans.
  9. Rigging on. One Life boat to go on and its done.
  10. finished now and my 2020 1/24 scale disaster....christ I hate modelling sometimes
  11. Pity the old gates have been replaced at Tubbercurry. Sad to see it in that state and overgrown again since my last visit.
  12. Think the orginal Box is there for sure...I'll check at the weekend
  13. Ta. It might be easier to sell off the three kids, also less Emotional. Now you got me looking at bargains on done deal!! Arrgh.
  14. Is there couplings on that wagon?, Cant make it out.....
  15. Two Beautys there John.
  16. Nice one , I was lucky to be invited to his house and to see his layout which succumbed shortly afterwards to a left on Soldering Iron. He was kind enough to give to build base boards which are incorporated into my on going UK layout. A all round nice Gentleman.
  17. Reverse logistics Eoin, Loft full of the stuff. Need to move it on as the life credits vs kits does not compute!!
  18. Many Fellas Selling plastic kits up there Dave or it most Trians and Diecast Stuff?
  19. Yes a Rocket would be nice Eoin, I have the Matchbox 1/76 model which has the correct wheel spacing so wont' sit on oo track but a working one would be just nice. the Triang box is really nice too. I think the Hornby Marketing the Retro style has really hit bullseye here. Things is that Traing 9F did the rounds about 8 years ago too, just how many do people need! Spent way to much on toy train last month so will wait for a bit on buying one. Its not like it won't be re issued again some time on the future.
  20. Well not much Golden orange or NIR Blue for most of you boys but me being a small boy growing up in the 80's a quick glance at the cover of the catalogue would of made me jump for joy and this one is no exception but inside some very nice stuff, mostly Vanity buys if I can call it that for me if I am honest!! Now has that Rocket got all wheel pick ups. Top Models to interest me are: Hush-Hush 10000, APT and the Rocket! 7 Car APT nice price sir! Other wise not much BR SR for me except the 'Golden Motion' Merchant navy, Not sure who actually buys that stuff. Nice retro packaging on some of the usual models but I imagine these will be got for a few quid off over time as they tended to be overpriced from the start and sit on the shelves for ages. Not too sure about the tinplate stuff, Appeals to a Certain generation along with the GMRC Steam Punk release. Time will tell if they are good sellers. Now anyone want an old Hornby APT for 50 notes!
  21. Tim Cramer is still banging out cracking Models. The last one I saw was a fab French loco in plasticard.
  22. Merry go round. Pretty pointless really.
  23. Tks Noel, Good Spot but It is actually a Bachman Art Deco version of Templecombe. Dont think they had air con on the 60's though!
  24. Ya vol Herr Dave. Learning the German n all this weather. you have me worried now!
  25. Hi Robert, Power is a Hornby Class 73 chassis which was spilit and lengthened. Runs quite smooth too. I milled out the white metal head lights and installed a 2MM filament Bulb as that suits it much better than the Leds. took time but got there in the end. Looking forward to finsihing it next. G
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