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Everything posted by NIR

  1. I think it's just a wide angle camera view making the nearer track gauge seem wider, the furthest track looks narrower still
  2. A stop signal/level crossing indicator? - red then turn 90 degrees for white https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/161029-help-for-sign-at-level-crossing-with-lamp-at-broken-brea-level-crossing/
  3. It's a bit odd though, all the drooling over the detail on a 121, the lights are wrong, I want a driver inside, but the most glaring inaccuracy is just accepted with a shrug, can't be bothered.
  4. Then again that would be creating its own market for the next 50 years with a decent sized barrier to entry surrounding it. I guess the big unknown is 3D printing and the like.
  5. If a trader has been given an Irish VAT number they will be treated as having imported the item themselves so will be paying the VAT themselves (they will have a deferrment account so no waiting around) which is why they charge you an amount equal to the VAT at point of sale.
  6. Interesting, that's not unlike how I remember it with bricks strewn around. My memory would have been in a June or July.
  7. Will be interesting to see how cleared it was. I have always associated that memory with 1972 but it could have been 1970.
  8. Wonderful, I really enjoyed reading that. I seem to recall my father calling it Foyle Street station. Foyle Road was a continuation of Foyle Street so maybe that was the local usage. There was definitely something of it left in 1972 as I played inside it. Went in through the side entrance and remember bricks strewn around on the floor. At least one of those rounded kiosks near the entrance was still there at that time.
  9. That's a lot of throw on those point blades!
  10. I'll be having one for a 'future project'
  11. Sounds like it's to avoid dealing with irate customers across the changeover, saving them from their own folly as they order a bargain on the 27th
  12. Poor fella, was there no man in his life to put him right
  13. A train of modern units passes prominently a couple of times in The Lobster (2015), looks like a location under the M50 at Blanchardstown https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lobster
  14. I think a railway location appears in Odd Man Out (1947), shot on location in Belfast https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odd_Man_Out
  15. NIR

    Class 121

    I think we must be approaching peak Ready to Run detailing at this point. Detailed, robust, low cost - pick any two.
  16. Anyone have a track plan of Fintona?
  17. @BroitheBoat trains are a thing of the past. Not the most comfortable of journeys but they had their own charm. Dropping the window and looking up at the stars from the middle of nowhere at 4am was pretty magical when you were 10.
  18. NIR

    Class 121

    Must be an Irish thing, DPD are the best of the bunch in the UK
  19. NIR

    New Platform Signage

    At least it looks like they took the old ones down, I remember three different lots of signage at some DART stations twenty years ago
  20. 'Sample Only - Not For Resale' are the magic words
  21. Maybe an 'unofficial' model railway shop with a door either side of the border...
  22. Yellow is Sandite 80 Class?
  23. A scratchbuild from brass sheet with minimal tools, amazing
  24. Kill them! me lover
  25. I was in Star Wars you know... On TV a year before Star Wars was released!
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