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Midland Man

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Everything posted by Midland Man

  1. Thanks JHb. It comes from a video that shows the mea....... You know what I am not going to say it. Not saying that it will ..... Saying it is like invading Poland. I think I did the right thing. MM Edit: don't feel like Douglal anymore. Liverpool won the league. You will never walk alone!!!!!!
  2. OPPs You are right JHB and I am wrong. Meadh out side on the Belfast main line. Hope you all like. MM Edit: I Feel as stupid as Douglal right now.I can live with it.
  3. Lovely stuff. Lovely the colur on the SLNCR. Are they decals or hand painted? MM
  4. When looking at some pics of 800 Meadh I noticed something. There is quite a few shades of green on the engine. This is not a shadow or the sunlight. Drew Donaldson said that Meadh was painted in GSR green. Could he be right as the is many different shades on the engine. Here is some of the shades. Hope you all like. MM Edit: I don't think any are GSR green but may be a Mix of different greens used by CIE/GSR.
  5. I saw a Patterson book in a rare book shop. The Clogher valley railway. (Sorry if I said it wrong) it was 55 euros. Did not buy it. I only have one Patterson book that being the LLSR. I got it for a lovely 17 euros in Galway first edition. Lovely stuff. MM
  6. With these photos I am becoming a fan of this railway. Is there any kits of locos and stock?
  7. I know it's a diesel and I would like to see it run again. I probally should have said in a manor that tells that Phoenix is a Diesel engine. MM
  8. Never heard of Noo Zealand but thinking of buying 2 (remember I did say thinking) One being 655 Clonsila in GSR Grey and 654 Clara in CIE Black. What engine did you get? Guessing it's non MGWR condition.Keep us posted. Would like to sea it running. MM
  9. Lovely stuff. Cart wait to sea it painted. One question and it's not about the model. What is the layout in the back on the last + third pic?
  10. That sure is a nice story. The have realy no gaps to fill when it comes to Locos and stock. Wish them the best of luck.
  11. I think model rail baseboards did the Bords + Bray head. A different company did the rest of the scenery. The reason they built it that way was probally so to get the model finished faster. The model (baseboards )was brought into Malahide in October and the museum opened in January which is an achievement in itself.
  12. Love the last photo. That is the kind of scenes I love. I cart wait until I get into kit building!! MM
  13. There is about five they are. 1. West Clare 0-6-2 number 5 2. The new Cavan and Leitrim railway 0-6-0 Nancy 3.NC&L 0-4-0 Dromod. 4/5. 2 out of the 3 Bord Na Mona engines Edit: Are all 3 in working order? I think the might be. If the Tralee and dingle was open they could probally use that engine. The a lot of engines at Cultra. I would like to Phoenix run again or even an original C&L 4-4-0T engine.
  14. The early modelers were amazing to say the least. Not just the pair jobs but rather the techniques. I once heard that FRYS and drews tools were made by dentist tool makers that's why the cuts are so well done. The D&B green is something I am going to try as well the Peach colored on the window frames. Question time If Meadh CIE green is right is B113s wrong? Would Meadhs original color be under the paint coats? MM
  15. Looks stunning is it owned by Malahide ,privately owned or just an example from IRM. Even without coaches it looks amazing. They should get a A in orange pulling some mk 2s. MM
  16. I hope it's a barn find unrebuilt LM class. Number 90 is nice but I think it's at home at Downpatrick.
  17. I have 3 engines that be okay at Maam cross. 1. The GNRI 2-4-2 at Cultra. 2. RPSI number 184 0-6-0. 3. RPSI Lough Erne 0-6-4. Probally Lought Erne would be two big but if you got the SLNCR rail bus it could look like a nice scene. Good luck lads MM
  18. Realy good stuff too good. I just thought that the original paint job and lining was done by hand and mainly by women. A lot of early modelers were the same and fry did all of his pre CIE stuff by hand. When I went to the Malihide with me brother who is an annoying military modeler he complained that FRYS models were bad because you can see paint marks! Any way I think the model looks lovely. MM
  19. 603 was a pilot engine at Athlone (1960 it replaced 600). It was one off 3 engines sent to Athlone. By late 63/64 2 were still there. One was steaming when 186/131 went to Westport. It could have been 603. That means 2 Midland engines lasted until 1964! Amazing MM Edit it was not 131 but rather 130 and these are CIE engines not GNRI.GNRI had N at the end.
  20. It looks RTR. Amazing stuff.
  21. wow super stuff. Real good stuff . Keep it up.
  22. just seen this,looks great.
  23. Yes please! Love the card buildings. Can not wait to sea Portadown.
  24. Looks great. With a few 141s it will looks great.
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