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Midland Man

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Everything posted by Midland Man

  1. The brake van was in bad nic a well. Quite a lot of rust.
  2. To be fair it's probably be built for the expansion of the DART so it can go as far as Maynooth and Hazelhatch which will probally leave that part of the network Crowded and secondary line that need investment to make it more respective like the Galway and Westport lines will not come. The design is terrible but you have to remember that design was given the go to by council. It will ruin that part of Dublin for good. I hope that this virus may give us something good by stoping this in some way. MM
  3. Could be going to Whitehead or Downpatrick. I was there last year and there was only the Brake van. Pity it's going Always made my day.
  4. Wow sold out already. That is amazing. Shows how much of an impact the super train era had on modelers. Good job lads at IRM. MM
  5. For me I would go... Freight = Orange Passanger = Green. For me seeing a green 071 would make me a bit sick. MM
  6. To be fair Meadh is 84 tons while the 071 class is 99 tons. Height would be the only one of many small problem for getting the system ready if Meadh was ever restored. Restoring here would be a b@$!x. I have heard that the.... Boiler is cracked in a dozen places. Outside cylinders are messed up. Frames are cracked. Chasis is messed up Brakes are all bad and need replacing ever just to move her. Piping in the boiler need replacing. This is only a few of many problems this engines gives and even if you over came all this stuff it would be... Millions of money spent on a engine People will dislike it as very little of the original will have survived. The engine will only be in use for about 3 years before overhaul so CIE may change restitution making her unable to run. I would spend my money on something practical like a 402 and even then you will need turn tables. MM
  7. That is very sad news It would have filled one of the many many gaps in Irish RTR models. MM
  8. Sadly both of the Meadhs will never run again.
  9. So is that you lovely lovely horses.
  10. They are CLASS!!! Are they scratch built or kits and if they are kits where can you get them? MM
  11. The hush hush ended up the same only hush hush is a 4-6-4.
  12. I heard something that a German engine reached 120mph on a heavy good train. Can anyone clear this up for me?
  13. Top 5 non Irish engines. 5. GNSR/LNER D41s or whiskey haulers as called by drivers. 4. Bengal Nagpur railway GS class 4-6-0 ( these things are class!) 3. Nizam state railway A class 4-6-0(again class) 2. Lake Padarn 0-6-0 tank ( cannot find its name in any of me books) 1. 0298 class 2-4-0 tank engines. These are class! Favorite Diesel engine would be the engines used on the OLD Glasgow underground. MM
  14. I always loved Argadeen but found it hard to put it into my list. You could probally build it using a jintie chassis. Mite build it (let me reprise myself try and build it) MM
  15. Sure parts of 461 were left after they sent it up to Whitehead for restoration in the 1980s. As for 184 i would love to see it in this livery........... MM
  16. Rural Ireland is still much the same because 16year olds can still drive tractors (175s) and use them as cars to go to GAA training.
  17. Now slurry that is a one of those things. Those beasts would not enjoy where there going sadly. A tip when walking around farms is that you walk with your head looking down in front of you. That is if you like clean shoes.
  18. Hi guys Is there any pics of Frys/drews tools? Did any of the tools survived to this day? Just wondering. MM
  19. I though it would be nice to bring this back. To see... 1. If the original people on this topic changed there favorites. 2. So new members (like me) can put a list of there favorite engines. So here is my top 5 list of favorite engines. 5. East Indian railway 2-2-2 Fairy queen. (This is preserved thankfully) 4. MGWR G2 Tender engine 654 Clara 2-4-0. 3. MGWR B class 0-6-0. 2. GSWR E4 0-4-4. 1.WTR 2-2-2 Number 1 (GSR 483) Engines that should be mentioned. D&B number 9 2-4-2 MGWR C class 4-4-0 K3 2-6-0 inside cylinders SLNCR Sir Henry 0-6-4 NCC 4-4-0 number 55 Things I hate and would scrap BCDR Baltic tanks. 850 2-6-2 (let's be fair it was unsuccessful) Leaders/Turf burners Great Bear 4-6-2. Hope you all MM
  20. Yes that's it. The book was written by David St. John Thomas and Patrick Whitehouse who created railway roundabout. I will check. Library online shops a wonderful for have books in good condition. Yes. Their track always surprises me how small it is compared to our track... MM
  21. Nah it's fine I always find a small bit of pride when I find a book I have been looking for ages. The 150 books a realy good stuff but can cost a prity penny depending on the seller. I have got 3 out of the 4 these are bibles of the big 4. These come with track plans and the odd drawing. The each cost about 10- 15 euros whitch great as I find them hard to get. I think they are great.
  22. Hi David. I have heard of that book before. I will probably start looking for one when the lockdown is over. I always have a list in my head on what books I would like. Right now the list is small with... Locos of the GSR also known as the bible. GWR 150 It's the only 150 book I do not have. Shepards Midland great western railway. I have read it from two different copy's yet none were mine and have never seen it in shops.
  23. Looks great. MM
  24. Just seen these posts. Thanks JHb and everyone else. The books price is good. Wonder if it comes with drawings?
  25. WooooooooooW! That looks amazing!
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