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Midland Man

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Everything posted by Midland Man

  1. WOW please put more up. Sure Mullingar is like my 40km down a few roads. If its going to be a 50s/60s scene you can run realistically U class 131 A couple of J15s A LM class 0-6-0 A G2 class D5/6s And many more but a 800 can look nice as well. You got the engine shed spot on. Do not forget the railway houses where the old station master was shot [ long story]. the Sligo side has a bridge that you can run trains down it like a branch line but have it loop round to the main line. [ hope you get me] Two questions 1. could i sea the track plan or what is the length? 2. Are you building the Breathland track layer?
  2. Thanks both of you you have both helped me. The middle part where the houses are will be a there smallest in height. The goal of the layout is not to see the trains but to sea the environment the trains live in. I want to make the scene look real so that the smaller houses are at the front and the bigger at the back. I want the onlooker to see a town not a model railway. The juntion road will be the main point as you can sea one street and that's all. Hope you all like Mm
  3. Reminds me of Carlow. Looks amazing.
  4. First track plan done. Hopefully the layout will end up the way I want it. Sorry it ain't square. Made it in a rush. as you can sea there is 10 buildings. They will be a mixture o shops and private houses. Shops include butcher green grocer hardware store 2 standard every day stores. All buildings will be a mix of 1-3 Storie buildings. No section will have a great deal of mix of Stories. Hope you all like. MM
  5. Don t worry the will not be a power plant built by him at Tara junction. Great stock by the way MM
  6. That sounds nice i have to say. I did nit grew up in the 80s so i will never feel that way about hornby.
  7. Looks great. Jut one small thing i never like and that is the Hornby signal box. I know this is not my layout but i do find they don t look as realistic. Best advice i can give you on improving them. Build your own using the building measurement. You will enjoy building as you learn new techniques and you make great model. Hope i do not seem rude and hope this can help in any way. MM
  8. It would be intresting to sea the new W/WT class being built in white head in that little livery. But if a W class is built A NCC livery would be every better. Think about this a castle a WT and a W all in a line at Larne but then again the castle may all apart and the W may be a Wt.
  9. Hi victor How did you subscribe to new Irish lines? I am not a master on using emails but is there a address? Galteemore love the video. Could you post more and do you used a mega points system?
  10. The preservation scene is in a tight spot Watch this.... I think this decade will engine preserved steam sadly
  11. Here is his model.....
  12. Any pics? I know someone who has a saw that is powers but a tractor buts it's not for sale.
  13. The experimental green was the one I was talking about. I need to make me self more clearer. A 4-4-0 tank was painte in it as well. @Dunluce Castle I beleive made a model or at least had a model in the green. Is there any pics of the engine in the livery.
  14. If the CC is marked wil here the black dots are the UTA logo is where the N is. Was number 2 the only WT class painted in UTA green like the NCC 4-4-0s in 1950/52 or was that a different engine.
  15. Thanks Mayer. I have an idea for my next project but for now i am thinking of getting these kits to put beside the shed. The company is called Artitec and they make resin kit like Provincial wagons. They have great detail and there made in Germany. Here is there link. https://www.artitecshop.com/en/scenery/h0-187/kit/
  16. Nice vans. the midland drawings are in rmteh resource libary i think. You will want the 1874 edition.
  17. Thanks question for everyone. Should I paint the all the wood used on the model white or should it stay the same as it is?
  18. Great detail. Love the killer clamp.
  19. Thanks David and Galteemore. It's based on one of the Aran Islands and the model will be kept white. I hate a lot of modern architecture due to that they ruin lovely lovely building or prices of land. When building models I find that the classic designs are symmetrical in shape and are easy to build. I beleive architecture changed for the worst when they realized that can drawn circles and irregular shapes using a computer. I always wonder how Barrow street is built due to the amount of irregular shaped buildings on the model. But any way this is not the Irish architecture forum but rather the railway model one.... stay safe MM
  20. Here is how the shed can out. I have to say I am still a newbee to this hobby so expect some problems in the build. First attempt came out bad so the model had to be cut down by 14mm which is a lot. has not been painted yet but soon will be. Corners came out a lot nicer than my first build. Back windows also got a new feature. I the plastic 1mm bigger on all sides to create more depth. Need a bit of TLC in my mind. For some reason the pic will not upload and I will try and upload it a later date. Good news on Glendelogh road. It's going to be O again. Is made the track plan as simplistic as they go and I find its not as fidily as OO gauge. So yeh hope you like and agree on my new change of heart and stay safe. MM
  21. Nice work. Very clean stay safe MM
  22. The Derry road?
  23. It happens to me as well. The problim was my internet so I got it fixed and now it's fine.
  24. Harry Mulholland would have the answer. His model of Knocklong juntion had a model of a weed train and when his layout was dismantled the model was bought (or given do not know the whole story) to Tony ragg whitch he still uses today at shows. If you want to sea the engines look for his layout at shows. It should not be missed.
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