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Midland Man

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Everything posted by Midland Man

  1. Quite pricey there @NIR 450 ‘Castle’ Class Just one 4000 class would take up my modeling money rations. After look at ECM trains Bing loco I thought where i could get one so i look around and found a bargain https://comoda.spraytanfresno.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_27&products_id=34882. Look at the price difference to this https://www.ebay.ie/itm/SCARCE-BING-LIVE-STEAM-O-GAUGE-LOCOMOTIVE-3410-BAVARIA-tender-great-western/143589052484?hash=item216e931044:g:4r0AAOSwj~VcyxGo. Unfortunately i am not going to buy it as my ration don,t go that far but i thought one of O gauge people or anyone would like it. Its is a real bargain. MM
  2. The Curagh siding or the Salins juntion?
  3. Are any persevered and is there a kit to build them?
  4. Hey @Noel It looks outrageously good. I find this a real help to sea how to do something like building a kit before you do it. MM
  5. Wow Mark amazing stuff can not wait to see the more to come. MM
  6. If the person who took the photo was on a bridge it could make a great layout. Plus many people like layout with tons of track and this one got it.
  7. Hay @Angus Might I say that 3mm is a great scale as its small but it's not to small. Since you have the skill you would be able be to build all the stock to a high standard MM
  8. Hi all I am going to use DCC concepts flux and solder for this project. If all goes well I am thinking of doing more wagon kits an for a first loco south eastern fine cast SECR 2-6-0 white metal kit will be quite good and what I have heard of them quite easy. I plan to modify the tender to look like a CIE oils burner as i fine the Bachman that everyone has are not nice and unrealistic so a oils burner will give me more interest than that of a coal one. MM
  9. Have you made any other wagons from the NCC ad that one looks amazing.
  10. I have just seen the prices and boy they are not cheap. Some are £70 pounds and others are up to a £1000 pounds. MM
  11. Some of the stuff is a amazing prices even better than Lidl. Take a wrenn loco whitch are prity penny for €30.
  12. I took them off the model to see and yes they are 24mm apart so they are scale wise they are. Yes that was what I was thinking as well problim is the plaster card ain't square so the roof will be kind of bent. MM
  13. Lovely engine @murrayec yo are saving from probally ending up in the bin. Pity it will never run again as it has such charm. I wonder here you can get them as is looks so cute. Can not wait to sea more. MM
  14. Probaly is N due to the coplings. @GNRi1959 should get it as he wants to do N and look at the price amazing stuff.
  15. That's amazing stuff there.
  16. Hi all last night I do some scratch building and I have to say it's quite fun even if you make a mess. I built just a small little shed and put it on a little diorama. I now know what to improve on. 1. Coners are quite hard and need to be perfect 2. Doing strate lines is quite easy only I have to take my time. 3. Finish probally the hardest part for me but the most important. Good finish good model. I will leave with some pics. Not there is no roof but I am waiting for good materials to build it. I will get better pics soon. One thing I do like about this is the wethering on the road. Hope you all like. MM
  17. Don't have a clue of the colors but I suspect it was grey. The problim is I am only really good on the midlle of the midland but I can tell you what would pull it along and that would be a MGWR B class 0-6-0 whitch would have been never on a branch for two reasons 1. When the midland used them it was only for the mainline. 2. In the 20s the midland got the great F class or cattle engines as drivers called them. These took out every 0-6-0 tender apart from. The L/LM class ( they were basically turned into J15s by the GSR with superheated Z boilers). Hope This will help in any way.
  18. Amazing stuff @Galteemore they do look a pain to make.
  19. I wounded whitch batch it came from the Belfast the crewe or the Scotland batch? I know Duluce castle is a Scottish engine and all the Belfast engines were once 2-4-0s.
  20. The powers can was on the Breatland track layer and would have never been on branch lines.
  21. Nice DMUs Remember seeing one of those in the livery as a little kid. Is it a kit/modifications or is scratch built.
  22. Ahh they replace the colur. For god sake IE
  23. @murrayec The reason i think the engine was scraped by fry was not for metal but rather electrics as all electrics would have been in the UK. None of the metal would have not been used for army reasons as Eire was Netural. We were more Netural the Switzerland as they have 105s and French planes that were captured by the nazis and sold to them. As for me thinking that Fry live in Malahide it's because Gay Byrne visited him and he lived in Malahide (he all so lived in Dundrum I think) I can sea why Drew Dinaldson used clockwork as elf tonics only came back to Eire in the late 40s. You can sea why Drew Donaldson used clock work as they were easy a lot to get than any electrics. As for the smoke generators they would be impossible to get in the second would war. MM
  24. I have got the track plan for Long ford if you ever want if but its quite a new and I badly drawn. MM
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