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Midland Man

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Everything posted by Midland Man

  1. Such amazing work so fast! I don't know how you do it.
  2. By god that is amazing. Can not wait till I get one me self.
  3. Mr Ahorn is quite right. Amazing locomotive you have there.
  4. Lovely scene your missing one thing and that's a digger.
  5. lovely stuff. J19s are a firm favorite engine of mine. cannot wait to sea more....
  6. Your becoming a real master at the card kits.
  7. Realy good shots on the video. The GNR MAK is always nice to What year was withdrawn I am guessing before 1975?
  8. Hi @Dunluce Castle Realy exellent stuff. My brother is a military modeler whitch is awful as his standards are a million times higher than mine. That rail chair came out realy well. I had a CIE one from Moate but it's now in me garage so it's lost for good. Since you are a military modeler I wounded have you ever came across Mark Felton productions (it's a you tube channel) It's realy good content and if you have not came across it it's realy intresting. stay safe MM
  9. The wagons were use ingrain siding on GSR lines. I am prity sure there was a grain siding (or just some random private siding) in cork whitch was operated by number 90 and never ended up into deisel days. Clara had a siding. Was there ever a entire rake of wagons or were they only used on mixed traffic?
  10. The grain wagons are realy innovated. As for the open wagons although there is the SSM kit it will be intresting to sea a Rtr version. Will look well with a a class pulling it. The lovely thing about the grain wagons is that you only need about 3 as they were used in sidings on lines that lost the goods service in about 1947. IRM and JM design keeping us happy in this weird time.
  11. Sounds intresting. Will there be a kit as well as a Rtr?
  12. Amazing stuff. Looks amazing!
  13. Wow just wow. She is a real beauty and is not even complete! Realy wants me to get one of those. Funnily one of the large manors near me had a garden railway using gauge 2 engines and stock. When the owner moved house he left a lot of the track behind as well as a carriage (he never carried passengers only model coaches) I am trying to find more about the railway. Could have realy intresting locomotives.
  14. Sounds nasty. I not a big fan of eBay as I find that buying stuff in a a shop gives you a nicer feel than buying online. One of the best thing about model shows is that you buy from the seller and you give the money to the seller not some electric machine in a place you don't know. If you are ever selling something like a camera I try to Stell to a second hand store who will clean it up and sell it to someone else.
  15. Amazing model you have there. They got one of the class running a few years back. The running gears on it look really confusing. Good luck with it. stay safe MM
  16. Amazing senics.
  17. Wow just wow. I am surprised that no Guinness is being left in Cragy Island or does jack drink paddy whisky?
  18. Practice makes perfect says many people so tonight I practice led soldering joints. Came out all right and are really hard to true and take off. I think there good for a newbie like me. I getting some 3D printed baseboards sooner or latter. Does anyone have any tips? stay safe MM
  19. This layout gets better and better every time. Thank god there ain't any seaguls MM
  20. Yawn Afternoon all. I have been working on exams over the past week which has halted most work. While all of this I got a small bit of work done for the model and that being a shop/private house. It's still a skeleton but it's square witch is the only thing I want right now. There is good news I will be off school (proberly) tomorrow so Glendelogh road will begin to take shape hopefully in about a month. The goal is to get it 50% done in about 14 weeks so a lot of work has to be done in a short period. Bad news is that my stock is getting shorte by the minute. I have zero plaster card. 2 Bords of styrofoam. A bit a bobs from wills. I plan to get a SSM kit made so I can improve sodering for building steam engines but for rail cars it plaster card all the way. So then here is what I did today. I have other building I want to make but are in the works right at this moment. Thsi building will be a pub because pubs are everywhere and are a classics Irish thing so............. Hope you all like stay safe MM
  21. Interesting stuff. I must look into get about 2 of them and buy one of the JM design G2s but I have a to do list which I realy want to get down to the bottom of. To make a 1960s themed railrour you need one of those and 2 park royals with a 2 rebuilt J15s. The livery would be black an tan.
  22. How are you going to do all the lining on the sides? AKA livery.
  23. If yo sea the D&B stuff can you take pics measure it if you can and get lots of close ups of you can. Hope you can help.
  24. wow looks good. If the Shannon bridge was never improved in 1900/1901 the Ds would have been turned at Mullingar and a smaller engine would have to go on to Galway. Would have been quite interesting operation at the station. MM
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