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Everything posted by Westcorkrailway

  1. yes. 1 (2 the odd time) 6 wheel coaches would be placed at the end of the Railcar sets.
  2. So your saying it left Kerry clean and came back dirty? Usually it’s the other way around
  3. I wonder how many who only remember the railways from Ireland from there trip to the boat end up buying Irish locos and stock
  4. If GSR 6 wheelers went ahead it means (thanks to the 00 works CBSCR Saddle tank) that a RTR Kinsale Branch Train will be possible….tell me that when I started modeling Irish and id have given ya a slap!
  5. see below video of colour footage of a mixed GSR-CIE train in the late 40s (and for extra points the locomotive is an oil burner!) https://ifiarchiveplayer.ie/monsignor-reid-collection-castlerea-train-station/
  6. I’d take a few GSR ones I think
  7. The metal gantry around the signal box should be gone too
  8. But how economical would a locomotive like that run on say runs to maynooth and back or short runs ect.
  9. What’s worse is that I think I have it on my old phone….just never thaught to look there!
  10. https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx28nMfHADsuqZy_hzbaXti9Nm3g3qzA30?si=QCqS99ePLIFgI4Ol
  11. Pretty sure (can’t remember for certain) I saw a photo of a snail coming through on a wagon being scraped/re-purposed at limerick works near the end of there career
  12. See the end of this video coincidentally uploaded a few hours ago with 112 hauling the Galway set at the very end of the video
  13. To be honest when I saw that lorry I was going to buy it on behalf of @Patrick Davey it only cost a few euro after all. But I was under the impression that he was there on the Saturday. Lesson learned for next time! I’m in love with my van. I mean seriously there is nothing you can buy for 20 quid anymore. I’d be suprised if many of the broken wheel ones are left .
  14. Yes it is possible that even maebh herself hauled bullied wagons past rathpeacon and on to mallow. Perhaps somone has a photo somwhere. But 801 100 percent did that kind of work
  15. There was a haunted bridge in Dunmanway where a drunken passenger opened the door and fell through the bridge, the body was never found. It is the only bit of West Cork Mainline where the rails were kept, some say one of the reasons was because they knew twas cursed. see the below link of a photo of the bridge relitivly recently taken by the late Fred Dean
  16. Recently switched to the dark side! A generous donation from a memeber of the IRRS and I got the cork city bus this weekend. I’m wondering have any folks on here managed to change the destination boards or scrolls or whatever there called to different destinations. Same goes for the advertisements on the side of the CIE bus
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  17. Could you imagine something like this being made into a starter train set
  18. I was literally just making a topic about this when I saw this pop up, so I’ll just put what I typed in this thread I don’t think this was posted on the forum yet, but those who were looking for some RTR steam might be in luck after all! Hello everyone, We have some very exciting news for all of our railway modellers. With help from our friends at Hornby we have commissioned our first exclusive Irish steam locomotive. We are bringing out the UTA (former NCC) 3F tank engine better known as the Jinty. Two of this exceptionally popular tank engines where sent to Ireland during WW2. Our model will represent one member of the duo and we are hoping to have it available sometime in the new year. Numbers are limited to 500 pieces and price is to be confirmed. We hope you enjoy our first foray into Irish steam locomotives! You can pre order by ringing the Dublin or cork store. Price is yet to be arranged
  19. The southbound dart Connolly to Booterstown/Blackrock worked well for me.
  20. That’s a GSR open wagon, not a bullied Open the snail on Bullied wagons were on the chassis itself next to the running number of the wagon. And not much bigger then said running number
  21. I think all the Bus stands are within the same room so it’s not the most difficult thing to find. I even purchased a bus yesterday (shock horror)
  22. I think he means “work with CIE roundel Era stuff” versus “works with Flying snail Era stuff” I have seen at least one of the grey chassis ones with a snail on the chassis. actually I think one of each in the grey pack has the snail represented. A larger Steam engine like a Bandon tank also worked the beet from Ballinascarthy to cork. From Kent, I’ve seen footage of no.801 maca haul the rakes of sugar beet as far as mallow.
  23. I’d love to have it, particularly after all the 0/7mm Gauge propaganda thrown in my face today!!! problem is such a maticulously designed layout probobly belongs in a place like Hell’s Kitchen Castlerea, Maam cross, kilmitagh, dunsandle or ballygluin. Basically any MGWR based meuseum
  24. Tbh I think 6-9 plus a break van will look fine on most layouts
  25. Hey in courtmacsherry. 3 plus a breakvan happened often enough to be considered “prototypical” you just need a C Class, MGWR J26 or number 90 to make it fully prototypical!
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