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Everything posted by Westcorkrailway

  1. I’d it ain’t broke….and so on no I found this earlier version of the marks models website. 1998-2002 I can’t remember when
  2. Wayback machine provided more fun irish rail website RPSI website ITG website DCDR website IRRS website CIE translink the C&L marks models west Clare railway Hell’s Kitchen
  3. I can’t believe I never tried this before. But I put this website into the wayback machine. as a reasonably new member. I don’t remember this website looking anything different to what it does now.
  4. All that remains of HEP is the sign in Lanyon place.
  5. I’ve often had people complain about the gap in Cork and how “the platforms should be built closer to the door of the coach”. It is a little bit more complicated then that. I have heard some modern trains have extensible ramps though….or something like that
  6. I’ve heard that it’s fine for stuff already built. It would be very hard to change the curve at kent for instance. However for new built project starting from scratch there would be a minimum radius. I’ve deffinettly heard somehere that curved platforms are no longer being constructed too due to accessibility
  7. Important point as well for all you who have ordered the bullied wagons. When it comes to the early 60s there was still a good few timber body wagons still on the beet trains
  8. My first question is would it be possible to run a few railtours where the profit of which goes exclusivly to the DCDR flood damage fundraiser the other question is if finances one day opened up. Could a second mini base of operations be made at ballynoe. If such a place is of a higher ground then the Downpatrick.
  9. The bridge might need strengthening due to the erosion . very well represented rapids
  10. Photo Posted on IRM Facebook: Our latest announcement around the CIE Bulleid LB flat wagons have certainly struck a chord with modellers, with the pre-orders flying in fast! To get the juices flowing, check out this little piece of prototype inspiration thanks to our friends at Irish Railway Record Society from Albert Quay in Cork, showing the varied traction that these wagons operated with during their careers, which were not just limited to diesel traction! I will say I am not sure why both 90 and 552 are in Albert quay months after the West Cork closure. Interesting none the less. I can’t believe I never thought to check the IRRS archive for photos of these. one thing I found in the archive is below. What wagons are these? And are those snails???
  11. Ironically I sold my ferts to justify a 2nd pack of bullieds
  12. On a real note does anybody have some good alternatives to IRM’s LB flats. For my Ford train I’ll have 3 bullied flats but I want a few other types mixed in (because as mayner said the LB flats were far far outnumbered by older types)
  13. Yes, I forgot. Tractors also were transported new from the factory. I presume it’s a Ford Supermajor.
  14. And not exclusivly fords either.
  15. Well I’ve seen so much Ex-GNR stuff working the west cork line I thought the gnr flats were a genuine possibility!
  16. In the Oxford website there is a few light blue anglias in 1:76. Marks models had olive green ones before. escorts and cortina’s went across the city railway apparently, even after the west cork was closed. Only C class could venture down there though as the Victoria road curve was very sharp. The 141s could not do it….only done in case of overflow Zodiacs, zephyr, consuls, Thames vans, anglia 100e and 105e would have ran there in the late 50s and early 60s
  17. In the Oxford website there is a few light blue anglias in 1:76. Marks models had olive green ones before.
  18. Myself and scahalane have probobly sold a few of these IRM wagons at the mere mention of the Ford train! Roughly page 17 for those who want to investigate themselves. It includes an S class shunting around cars and the fords train in Albert quay. Among other goodies
  19. I heard from somwhwre that Ford in cork provided the police in the north (RUC) with there cars. They came across the border in a tarp or something. I can’t remember the details.
  20. Another GSR Era photograph. This one from 1929 (see the much older cars) on the wagons on the left) I have pre-ordered 3 flat wagons I hope to mix in some other 4w flats such as 2 generic CIE flats made from British ones and maybe one of the GNR ones Leslie had if they can be found.
  21. Is it a greenway in 2023?
  22. Above is a joe st ledger film from the IRRS archive posted online by Ciaran cooney. Looks like E429 did make it to the waters edge! But I think your location is correct @scahalane
  23. The first arial photo was from 1937, the 2nd with the silver E shunter is July 1959. The third photo is sometimes in the late 60s to early 70s and the final photo is also 1937.
  24. I think it’s Cork. The church in the backround way high up on the hill would make me think so. The E’s did not last long on lee side as Tom Ryan said 2.Yeah I should have cropped that Blackrock bit out!
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