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Everything posted by Westcorkrailway

  1. Something these coaches are slightly missing for that extra bit of irishness is the steps that most of these coaches had. Would it be worth making 3D prints of these and attaching them onto the sides if necessary or were lots of these coaches lacking steps
  2. In west cork days. To strengthen AEC railcar capacity instead of adding an intermediate. One or possibly 2 of 6 wheel coaches were attached to the end of the set adding yet another valid yet unusual use for the 6 wheel coaches in Ireland. Albert Quay was full of wrecks from just about anywhere at this stage, they were used on the clon junction branch before being replaced in deisal days with bogey coaches of some kind. The Baltimore branch was still regularly using these types of coaches up until the very end it seems. I don’t thing the Courtmac branch used them if at all that line was more suited to the CB&SCR bogey coaches though I’m open to correction and as pointed out by darragh Connolly, There was a 4 wheel coach at this time…though just a single one 201A, an EX DN&GR/CB&SCR coach. Survived into CIE days as a departmental vehicle. Considering the fact this is the only one I know of to get a tiny snail on the door….all 6 wheelers is the only job
  3. They’ll look good with the infamous Tailte tours Bachmann/Murphy’s K class. The Black and Tan 6 wheeler can be seen below along with plenty of other strange scenes in a “transitional” era with a 141 hauling an entirely CIE green rake of coaches.
  4. Something tells me that the lovely CIE green livery is going to grow on people…..and the Silver A’s along with A42, A46 ect. Will start to apericiate in value. not to mention, CIE green coaches have to be on others agenda at this stage. some showcase of the prototype in use
  5. Certainly did, mostly for excursion work I think.
  6. I had my wallet in hand ready to spent €260 anyways! I hope these will arrive on time as I think the last batch are delayed a good bit
  7. Let the hoarding begin
  8. Just ordered the 4-pack of dark green and 3 light green coaches…..now all I need is laminates and/or Park Royal’s and I can flog on my CIE BR mark 1 coaches
  9. This exact sentiment I agree with. I had a discussion with somone about this at raheeny. At the end of the day these coaches were very similar, mostly minor differences between them all and from a distance…it would be very hard to tell if they were all in different liveries What these coaches provide is something I would’ve died for when I started Irish modeling 3 years ago. A cheap way to make 1950s rolling stock that will suit steam and diesel alike from this period. These are the first mass produced coaches suitibe for A1, A30 and any Irish steak loco alongside a major upgrade for A46, A42, B121 and B135 (and that’s not including the single Black and Tan inclusion) . And any loco of course produced in the future compatible for this coach. Just seen @jhb171achill has posted I’m sure he has said what I was going on to say!
  10. I have tangible evidence to say JB probably had a hand in accuracy in these coaches First piece of period mass produced rolling stock for Silver and green A class locos since the Bachmann/MM coaches
  11. Just got an email…..I’m flabbergasted
  12. It’s mad how that C class was so new at that stage and yet looked so old
  13. Some more announcements for the show, a few 0 gauge locos will be on display from various show attendees including the below ones
  14. How many bulleid wagons have made it to preservation….I can only think of the one heading for Maam cross and the one in Dunsandle
  15. Wasn’t the macroom section supposed to be open but insurance wouldn’t let it go ahead or something… Everytime I’ve gone to Killarney it’s been a real treat watching the construction take place.
  16. And gouldings… yknow…I think I know somone who made these type decals . perhaps he should produce them for a few bob
  17. It’s a shame the macroom bypass won’t be open by then
  18. I’ve seen a photo recently in another thread of 1 or maybe even double hunslet locos hauling it
  19. Delighted to hear Owen O Neil will be in attendance on the saterday. Owen has been 3D printing kits such as 20ft flats, 20ft containers, signal cabins ect. He will be showing his work on his Chetwynd viaduct model. Currently not yet made for rails running in top, but still getting there. Chris larkins book is set to launch at 1 o clock on the day with Honours from Ray Good for those interested in model cars premier motorsport will also now have a stand at the show.
  20. Just had an excellent presentation on the 70s and 80s, the first half being dedicated to the magnesite wagons here in cork by Joseph Lawton. Who was there on the final day of operation….his graffiti on the back of the last magnesite train has been immortalised in model form…I’ll have to get him to sign it or something!
  21. it’s quite simple really Money + World Cup = sports washing
  22. I could write a book about this but I’ll refrain it’s the railways like the CBSC that should be greenways though…yah sure it’s mostly privately owned and an awful lot of embankments have faded into time… for instance the current proposal is a cork to kinsale greenway. This would encompass the viaduct and possible goggins hill tunnel before driverting off. (The reason I only do possibly the goggins hill tunnel is there is a house built on the trackbed just after it) the dream would be a cork-clonakilty using mostly former rail alignments (some of the Ex railway stuff isint bad in this section) it would require lots of CPO’s and even the building of at least 2 new bridges at innishannon. But it would be a greenway to rival if not beat the Dungarvan greenway. 2 tunnels, 3 major bridges/viaducts and 3 sections of beutiful views.
  23. Westcorkrailway


    thanks to the knowledge of a forum member on here. C202 (C227/NIR 106) turned up again….in a super secret location (don’t look at the hyperlink no clues there) https://www.alamy.com/moyasta-junction-clare-ireland-27th-june-2022-a-diesel-locomotive-awaiting-restoraation-at-moyasta-co-clare-ireland-picture-david-creedon-image473781922.html?imageid=452A6CBA-69A3-4AA8-8CB3-A9FD68D7FAB9&p=442236&pn=1&searchId=9cfe3c28858f4cad8c1f61ae164e510a&searchtype=0 With some more goodies…this first one contains something that should be a suprise to many….if only IRM knew it existed https://www.alamy.com/moyasta-junction-clare-ireland-27th-june-2022-rolling-stock-belonging-to-the-west-clare-railway-awaiting-restoration-at-moyasta-co-clare-ireland-picture-david-creedon-image473781928.html https://www.alamy.com/moyasta-junction-clare-ireland-27th-june-2022-a-former-bord-na-mna-locomotive-awaiting-restoration-by-the-west-clare-railway-at-moyasta-co-clare-ireland-picture-david-creedon-image473781973.html https://www.alamy.com/moyasta-junction-clare-ireland-27th-june-2022-a-coal-wagon-with-some-carriages-awaiting-restoration-by-the-west-clare-railway-at-moyasta-co-clare-ireland-picture-david-creedon-image473781933.html as mush as people like to bash this area, I find this kind of preservation fascinating. What’s more interesting, parts in a parts shed or a whole loco slowly being eaten away. While also giving some things a chance to be preserved in the future when the demand is there.
  24. I suppose but considering the demand for a bypass in castlemartyr a railway would be definitely feasible . As i often said there is a huge state of the art dairy factory right next to mogeely station… youghal has some of the cheapest housing outside of Leitrim, a direct rail route would’ve meant many of those working in cork had a decent option for housing with a railway connection … era just a missed opertunity is all…considering it’s going to be part of a proposed “supergreenway” from cork to Waterford, it’s gonna be a while if at all before a serious proposal for re-implemented railway Very true.
  25. Unfortunatly the sentiment is about 5 years to late. The line is now set to be be one of the most boring greenways in Ireland, other then Youghal station itself which will have the neat little turntable
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