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Everything posted by enniscorthyman

  1. That is nice indeed.
  2. Yes this layout will be portable George as I plan to show it at a few local places. Hopefully it will turn out ok.
  3. Update on the new layout build. The front section is ready for painting and some filler where needed.The back sections are mostly built but need some finishing work. As may be noted in photo,I have built in a small door on the side to house the dcc controller. It's taken me 3 months just to get this far and I have built this more robustly for its staty in the attic. Lenth is 8 feet by 1.5 feet,enough for me to work on when my time is scarce. I have a few ideas with double track and space permitting a island platform. I plan a tunnel on the left and road over bridge on the right to discuise the track disappearing to the back section. I don't plan a fiddle yard on the back section due to time and space.
  4. Wonderful job.
  5. I am looking forward to Easter and getting a chance to see Ballybeg and the New Macmine layout.
  6. 121 and coaches look well Tommy.
  7. I have just started the back section of the layout.No idea yet of track plans,only just to get woodwork done first. I have 5 SSM 42 flats to build,so a start was made yesterday.I plan to get back to finish the Dennis fire engine during the week.
  8. Top class action on you layout. I love it.
  9. Nice work Kieran,well done.
  10. The leds will be powered from a coin type battery and holder at 3v.I have some small on/off switches to be fitted in the main body which has plenty of room.The leds can be powered from 12v with the supplied resistors if desired.
  11. I also have this Oxford Dennis getting some leds on the roof and front grill.
  12. After problems with previous layouts in the attic, this a new more robost 8 feet by 1.5 feet layout that can be split in the middle.The back part in next to be done. I have a few ideas in my head for track work etc.
  13. Very nice machine. Very impressed when I got a look at Noels on the old Tara junction.
  14. Fantastic job. I look forward to viewing.
  15. Search here for a piece I did a few years ago on the line,Waterford-Ballinacourty revisited.It contains photos that I took and some gems from David Parks who took photos of weedkiller trains on the line in the 80s.The photo at the bottom of my reply is one such photo taken at Curabaha LC near Kimacthomas in the mid 80s.
  16. I ordered mine yesterday so looking forward to it.
  17. Some photos of Gerry's 121s on Ballybeg I took last week.
  18. That's great news.congratulations Richie.
  19. Very enjoyable watching the N Gauge stock.Great detail for the size of them.
  20. It's great news alright. Some MK 3s with double headed 121s anyone?
  21. Beautiful and stunning.
  22. Very nice. I would love a SD40 some time when funds permit.Love the UP Livery.
  23. Bit of a flood in Enniscorthy alright.
  24. Happy Christmas to everyone.
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