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Everything posted by enniscorthyman

  1. Great photos.Bleach GreenJunction just looks class.
  2. A bit of video of 107 in action.
  3. A few photos from a very enjoyable evening of watching trains on this layout. I brought my own 107 for the short CIE goods and 073 is on the cement, with 187 on beet dutys.
  4. Rich, delighted to help with DCC wiring on A and C. What I did when I wired up my A class was first get the brass detail kit from SSM, which has the nice little details such as cow catcher and radiator grills.This is optional, and you will get away without it.I have used the TCS-T1 decoder which is 2 function and you can have directional lights.You will need to drill out the headlights on both ends of cabs.When you get LEDs you will also normally need two 1k ohm resistors. The TCS decoder has a wire loom that's Is colour coded, and this is hard wired into the loco.The decoder can be removed from harness if need. Another option is to use a Hornby Deltic chassis which is cut to suit the A class and already has a 8 pin connector so you can put in a 8 pin decoder of choice.If you want directional light there is a common diagram that is used for this. I can't remember it off hand but I will get back to you.Check out the very early pages of my workbench as you will see work on a39 at that time.
  5. Thanks for the kind comments lads. I will post up a quick video soon.
  6. I would love to go Geoff, but broke after Wexford show and the wife won't let me out for a while:((
  7. 107 is back in action and running well after a bit of attention.
  8. Is that a TCS T1 decoder on board George. lights looking good.
  9. A very sad situation.
  10. I am not sure Fran, I thought it was a Blue line sd9 but you are welcome to it for free along with the other switcher body's if they are of any use. I have another sd body as well that can go.Both could be missing some bits.The chassis was to be used for a MIR 071.
  11. Happy April 1 Noel=D But I do here MM are to release a 201 in the new livery with a driver at each end in the image of Elvis:p
  12. The Switcher body's were to be dumped by a friend who used the chassis for 121s, so I rescued them as they are beauty's. I don't know what to do with them. The switchers came from a on line shop in USA and are not cheap either.
  13. Have a look at page one of my workbench for a photo of the body's.
  14. great job.you are reminding me to get back to work in my own attic.
  15. Thanks for comments lads. The ballast wagon body's are 3d printed from shapeways and are mounted on dapol prestwin chassis. I used break pipes and brass hand wheels from dart castings.SSM provide the decals.
  16. A bit of video showing the first run of the SSM ballast plough vans.The track and layout need a good clean.085 has the realdrive Mr sound guy on board.I will post up another video when I get a chance to clean layout.
  17. I would love to see those photos Noel.
  18. Great photo Noel.Was the bodywork bad on her Noel or was there other issues with it.
  19. Fair play Nelson, a great job. Best of luck in exams.
  20. All four grey 071s look great lined up like that.
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