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Everything posted by enniscorthyman

  1. Thanks for the comments lads. That's a good tip there Rich. The junction signal is from the SSM stable and is supposed to work points on the other side of the bridge.
  2. That's a great idea.Dirty windows, spiders web's the lot.
  3. The roof has been glued on and a bit of weathering done.One problem came to light as I had used clear fix to affix the windows which worked fine, however as can be seen in the photo the super glue used to glue the roof on has clouded the windows on me.I made a bags of the antenna on the roof as well.However I am happy enough with the result and would hope to do a better job on the second plough van next.
  4. That's very nice, well done.
  5. Thanks for the comments lads. It's going to be fun to get the roof to fit snugly.
  6. Lovly shots Noel, and the buses blend in well with the super train era.
  7. A little update on the plough van. The bit I hate the most-painting is done along with glazing and decals and a small bit of weathering.She is still not finished yet as the roof needs to be fitted and some other bits to be done.The break pipes are not in the correct position from what I can tell, but I like where they are. Oh I also let the bloody thing fall on the floor today, some damage but nothing a bit of super glue won't fix.
  8. Lovly work David.
  9. Nice layout and the LC gates look great.
  10. Amazing would be a understatement.
  11. When I started with an Post in 1992, for a while I did get to bring the evening mail to Enniscorthy Station.Singel 121s were a common sight then
  12. Condolences to you and family JHB.
  13. Always nice to see this fantastic collection.Well done.
  14. Very nice, and your layout looking fab.
  15. A small update.lamp irons are glued on to the veranda end and I have stuck on a bit of scrap brass to represent break rigging. I stuck in some seats into the lookouts as well.The seats are from the Dapol Deltic kit. The Wickham inspection car has had the roof touched up.Between storms and cold it's bloody hard to get to the shed to get much work done this week.
  16. Lovly job, and they look well behind the A class.
  17. Yes definitely Dave.The kit even comes with the prestwin chassis.The 20 ton break van kit would probably be even better especially If you don't have the ballast wagons to go with the plough van.
  18. The most difficult part of this build so far has been the hand rails which I got done today.I have also started back at the Wickham inspection car which I intended to power, alas she will not move.I just built the seats etc, however the way I did it may not be correct as I lost the original instructions.
  19. It's a nice kit Des, although I will cheat a bit and use the shapeways 3D printend plough section. Noel, The SSM kits are nice to make and we'll worth having a go at building.
  20. Thanks for the comments lads. The double steps have been added and I stuck in the control wheel on a bit of brass rod inside the van.After trying different brass wire I found one that I could bend to fit on the side to represent the break pipe.The roof needed a bit of work to fit the body.
  21. You did a great job, sweet.
  22. Lovly Job Nelson.Happy New year to you.
  23. Very impressive running.
  24. Some more work done today. I cut some brass tube and glued it to the stove vent and attached the side lamps as well.Some more brass wire was used to make the handwheel on the veranda. Some adjustments are required for the roof to fit properly as the doorway section of the veranda is a bit high and will need to be cut down a bit.
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