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Everything posted by Kirley

  1. I just use Halfords etched primer spray and leave it for a few days to allow it to fully dry.
  2. A bit more progress.
  3. Kirley

    Dutch Van

    Excellent work as usual David
  4. Thanks for the update.
  5. Any development on these wagons John or did I miss later updates?
  6. Thanks for posting, looks like a good Show.
  7. Nine buses altogether, just pulls you right back to that time (for those who remember it of course).
  8. Did he mention doing another book Noel?
  9. Just finished reading Michael McMahon’s book “Irish Railway Rambler” and it’s the sort of book I read over a period of time dipping in and out of it. The more I read the more I appreciated the clever way he has put the book together. While it’s mainly a book of photographs it is full of information not only of locomotives but also coaches and Railcars. A great reference book which captures railways in Ireland between 1982 and 1995. He has hinted on doing another book on Freight, I for one can’t wait.
  10. First coat of Etched Primer added.
  11. Any more hints on the 'commemorative' item?
  12. Got a bit further in the build, all the fiddly bits completed. Now for final clean up and wash before applying the first primer coat. Pickups and decoder to be fitted before testing the locomotive and tender. The beginning of the end is in sight.
  13. Tidy work
  14. Any dates when these models were first released and did they all come out together Dave?
  15. 3 MIR Kits A few years ago they would be in big demand, now ...... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Model-Irish-Railways-MIR-Class-071-locomotive-kit-with-chassis-NIR-/201547556323?
  16. I take it you will have some of these kits at the Bangor Show next month Leslie?
  17. It's exciting being at this early stage of a build with all the ideas in your head but not completely sure what way it will end up. Enjoy the process Eamonn, it will be a good distraction from the 5 42'flat wagons you are constructing.
  18. Excellent job.
  19. I've been struggling away building my first brass kit locomotive this past 2 months. With some outside help and advice I've got to this stage which leaves all the fiddly bits to finish.
  20. If you can pick up a Bachmann Class 66 at the right money it's a good compromise. I did a some 201's a few years ago, see my Work Bench http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/78-Kirley-s-Projects?p=46208&viewfull=1#post46208 entry #388
  21. Well done for your perseverance and a good outcome. Good to see some actual modelling on this Site which unfortunately has become more of a talking shop recently.
  22. Well done Daryl, With this type of modelling it's a case of filling & sanding, filling & sanding, filling .... Until you get a finish you are happy with. Keep at it.
  23. Well done, Richard. good to see it almost finished and to see all your detailed work has paid off.
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