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Everything posted by derek

  1. Yeah, the bubbles are the business ok. Thought I would never get any. Was on the hunt for them for a while before I struck lucky. I held out for the ivories rather than the grey. Everyone to their own..... It sure is Noel. It makes the tedious jobs worth it
  2. The layout is looking as good as it has done since the destruction of mid September so I thought I would play trains for a change VID_20240127_175236.mp4 VID_20240127_175454.mp4
  3. Amazing Kevin. No other words needed
  4. Love the ground cover around the signal cabin, the way you have the "worn" pathway through to the steps. Will definitely be trying something like that. Was gonna go with gravel or the like, but that looks miles better. I not one bit ashamed of ripping off ideas, oh no
  5. Really "constructive " replies on here now- not!
  6. It's just that the email said March, AND @MOGUL mentioned Paddys day. Hope he didn't mean Paddy Murphy
  7. Denis, the german site Modellbahnshoppelippe has scrap car packs ready to go. Excellent site recommended to me by @murphaph. Have a look before you do any more damage
  8. So lads, is it mid to late March or May? Just asking.......
  9. home for the bewildered very clever
  10. Thanks Denis. Tunnel looks a lot better now with new facings. Therapeutic?!!!! I could think of a better word for it ha ha
  11. Crazy name for a bridge. Where the hell did you get that? I think that ballast is on upside down. You better take it up and start again. Seriously though, looking excellent.
  12. Got the tunnel reinstated with new fronts. Bedded it in with some foliage etc. Now I am going to have to face into ballasting the inner loop of track. Probably wont post for a while- unless the home for the bewildered has good wifi.
  13. Jesus, Mary and The little donkey! You are flat to the mat. You are another of these fellas who doesn't bother with the whole sleeping and eating lark so? Same as @Patrick Davey Layout looking amazing. Keep it up (but do sleep occasionally)
  14. Excellent work on that Patrick
  15. Thanks Denis, it will be nice to get that corner restored. Been a bit of a drudge waiting to get it back to this
  16. New facings fixed to the tunnel, ready to be fixed in place behind the church, from where it came.
  17. In a truck I would say. A 40 footer..............
  18. Ha ha. At least they are on the way. PROBABLY
  19. great to know, thanks. takes the "probably" out of the scenario
  20. Baby GMs are 141's are they not?. For Gods sake tell me they are. Some light on the horizon.(See my rant elsewhere)
  21. Thanks for that. As I said, I know its out of your hands. You lads at IRM are very good at updates on your own projects and they are very much appreciated. Thanks again Hi Andrew, I was under the impression that they were imminent as well, but we can live in hope. Don't suppose you have anything solid to base that on?
  22. My point exactly. There is no information at all being given out. At least come out and tell us if there is going to be a delay. This attitude of "just wait for us indefinitely" is not on. Maybe @BosKonay could shed some light, but it doesn't sound like it.
  23. Okay, so while all of this seems great and promising, what I do not like the look of is the word "Probably" in relation to the Murphy Models 141/181 rerun. I understand it is beyond the power of the lads at IRM to do anything about it but it is a bit frustrating . Are the bloody things coming out or not? And before you all come on and tell me to be patient, please remember that I only have two Irish locos. (One I got from a man we all know).So I don't want Johnny Mc ten locos telling me to relax. When I originally heard murmurings of a rerun of the 141s I emailed Paddy Murphy for a possible timeline and was given a possible date of Q2 2023. That was in 2022. That changed to Q1 2024, which was to be expected, but what is this with "probably this year?" And the silence from Murphys is deafening. I know it is a one man operation but don't make announcements if nothing is going to happen. Maybe I am getting excited for nothing . Could someone on here elaborate please or should I give up and look at getting some "previously loved" locos?. ? Ok, rant over Here's hoping..............
  24. I have been removing the old wooden tunnel facings and replacing them with the new ones. On turning the tunnel on its side, I was amazed to see the lengths I had gone to to construct the thing, about ten years ago. I have seen less structural timber in a house When you consider that some lads on here make their landscapes using strips of card and styrofoam, and they look great, the tunnel was really a case of overkill. Have a look....... I don't know what I thought I was supporting
  25. Really coming together now Denis. The bit of colour from the ground cover really brings up the layout
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