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Everything posted by StevieB

  1. You've obviously got the space to run reasonable length trains - lucky guy. Stephen
  2. It's a BIG show, rather pricey and no discounts for those over a particular age! Stephen
  3. Agreed. Stephen
  4. Technically, Waterford had six lines serving it but, as we all know, the WTR was not connected to the rest of the system. Stephen
  5. What's also interesting about the current track layout is that there is but a single line alongside platform 4 but two tracks alongside platform 3, or has the old up main just not been lifted yet! Stephen
  6. The Cravens were steam heated and, therefore, they ran with BGSV's not EGV - nonetheless, it could do with a modicum of TLC. Stephen
  7. It does make you wonder if Glenderg's source has got his facts right about the mk3's. Stephen
  8. I came across this interesting piece - - nice shots at the end of the revised track layout at Waterford!Stepehen
  9. Interesting comments by Glenderg on the structural integrity of the Mk3's - never heard that one before and they have been involved in some major incidents over the years e.g. Great Heck when a love struck idiot drove off the road and onto the track - no problem found with the coaches but a major programme of road improvements involving crash barriers at the approach to road over rail bridges - necessary but so unsightly. Stephen
  10. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Murphy-Models-MM5609-Irish-Mk2-Generator-Van-Coach-IR-Intercity-/161457207228?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item25979977bc Stephen
  11. I believe that there is an HO gauge drawing in one of the back issues of New Irish lines - I can see a nice little conversion of one of the IFM Park Royals. Stephen
  12. Irish Railways Traction & Travel 1987 has a photo with the caption - 001 Class No 018 passed through Waterford station en route to Limerick with a bag cement train. Given that the only freight east of Waterford was limited to Bell Liners trains, New Ross fertilizer trains and beet trains from Wellington Bridge, this train has presumably reversed in Waterford station. Stephen
  13. My need for 201's is limited, nice as the models are, so I shall wait patiently for MM to produce 121's - gives me time to save up! Stephen
  14. It's my experience that railway promoters tended to be very ambitious. The result was that most railways were over-engineered in the sense that they had more facilities than were ever used e.g. long platforms which is the very opposite to the point being made by snapper above. Either would inject an additional degree of realism into railway modelling. Stephen
  15. One of the bugbears that we all have to put up with is a lack of space which invariably means running unrealistically short trains, both passenger and freight. Ofcourse, a good many of Ireland's passenger trains out in the sticks are made up of only 1/2 carriages plus BGSV, but mainline passenger trains tend to be just a bit longer. Now if you search for Bradfield Gloucester Square on youtube you will find an extremely realistic model with workings based on Bradford Forster Square and where the mainline passenger trains are but five carriages long. That seems to work. Translated to Ireland, that would mean that a passenger train made up of Mk2's would use the five carriage types produced by Murphy Models. Dunno about Mk3's since they tend to be so much longer anyway. With regard to freight trains, one trick is to use 4w wagons rather than bogie ones where possible. Stephen
  16. I think that you will find that movements at Waterford are now controlled from Waterford West signal box and that the only passenger line is the old platform 5 - platforms 3/4 are for freight to Belview. Even the Emerald Isle Express didn't actually use these platforms, it only stood there for photographic purposes! Stephen
  17. Here's another question for you historical buffs - when the magnesite plant at Ballinacourty was in full swing, did the reversal of the dolomite and magnesite/oil trains take place in the passenger station area? The working timetables that I have give that impression. Stephen
  18. Thanks Tom, it was the cabin I was interested in. Stephen
  19. What's that lurking behind the bracket signal Stephen
  20. I've just been looking at the Roger Joanes album on flickr, where there is some lovely historical stuff on Waterford in the 1960s. At that time the Macmine Junction trains were using platforms 3/4, their original platforms 1/2 having been given over to diesel loco servicing. The subsequent rebuilding in 1967/8 saw this area given over to car parking. Is that when the following changes were also made: 1) Removal of platforms 7/8 to create more car parking? 2) Removal of the connections down main/platform 3 and up main/platform 4 and their replacement by a connection platform 3/up main? 3) Removal of the signal box controlling these movements? 4) Movement of the up and down lines west of the passenger station towards the river in order to create what is now called Sally Park? Stephen
  21. If you read Gerard's initial post again, you will see that he explains why there will be a slight delay. Anyone who has moved home will appreciate his situation. Stephen
  22. How nice to see a loco hauled passenger train in Waterford's main platform once again. Stephen
  23. Is it meant to be a take on the old GNRI livery? The look very good in it. Stephen
  24. I'm a great believer in model railways having a historical background and this is just brilliant. Like others, I await further details as the project progresses. Stephen
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