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Everything posted by skinner75

  1. Came across this today - may be no more than wishful thinking, but still https://www.galwaybeo.ie/news/galway-news/closed-irish-rail-line-track-8448347
  2. Ooh - smoke generator fitted on the top end models. This would be a great feature on a 121/141/181
  3. Reminded me of this:
  4. I really hope they don't electrify all lines here - I hate the look of overhead wires, and you can't pretend you are 'back in the day' when there are overhead wires above a steam loco for example! Then you read about something like this below, and think 'the planet is screwed': https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/may/09/mind-boggling-methane-emissions-from-turkmenistan-revealed
  5. WinRar will do the job on Windows, available at: https://www.win-rar.com/
  6. 'It's only temporary unless it works' as the saying goes!
  7. Only remembered when I was down the pub last night! Oh well, at least I can watch it on the RTE Player later this evening (link below) https://www.rte.ie/player/series/nationwide/SI0000001172?epguid=IH10000974-23-0041
  8. Bruhn tankers filled with TK Red lemonade, to go with the containers of Tayto!
  9. Archive radio on the Harcourt Street line featured at the start of Bowman: Sunday show on Rte Radio1, 16/4/23 https://www.rte.ie/radio/radio1/bowman-sunday-830/
  10. Looks like the 'cute-hoor' loophole has been closed!: https://www.thedrive.com/news/absurd-200-foot-railway-demolished-after-court-closes-shipping-loophole Surely one of the easiest real life railways to model, by far!
  11. Marks Models currently have the Expressway buses listed as in stock
  12. Rails still in place on the Athlone one, so you could blast along that till you come to a short section where you would have to manhandle it across a tarmacced over piece
  13. I have a KD, and the windows did the same thing on mine - looks like the glue let go. I was thinking that using 'glue & glaze' would be the job for 'sticking' them back into place. Anybody else here have the same thing happen to their KDs?
  14. skinner75

    Customs & VAT

    'Cute-hoorism' fail
  15. I found this vid on youtube the other day - this is the replacement for the loco hauled sperry train: https://youtu.be/ktXShSjLmUA
  16. I just thought of the band The Macc Lads as soon as Macclesfield was mentioned! With greats such as: "All day drinking" and "Beer and sex and chips and gravy"
  17. Mentions the scale/gauge in both the item heading and description - 00
  18. Reminds me of one of Al Bundy's songs from Married With Children: My wife will never cook or clean Still my money spends Who knew when I first chose my mate That she would put on that much weight Oh sex we'd like for sure If it only weren't with her Please K-I-L-L K-I-L-L Me, me, me
  19. I only ride bikes, but my dad always comments on the price of bike parts whenever I would mention them. Economy of scale is still a perfectly valid point
  20. Supply and demand I would suspect. Cost drops the more units being ordered - economy of scale. Same deal with motorbike parts vs car parts - car parts are way cheaper, due to the massive amounts being produced relative to motorbike parts. I'm sure if IRM ordered 500,000 sound chips, they'd be a lot cheaper per unit than they are currently!
  21. Yeah, but seeing as they are in the bad hemisphere, it is their summer!
  22. Colour looks fine in that shot of it in Cork
  23. skinner75

    Customs & VAT

    Start busting their chops over it!
  24. Bit of art imitating life then?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvyIrsZ7Zhs
  25. Also covered by Tim Traveller (great interesting vids btw): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPWgJ6-iHM0
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