I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on point dimensions, in terms of the length of points from (say,) the tips of the points themselves to the tips of the points on the other track if the points form a crossover, or the angle or radius of curvature in the case of a branch/siding (or any other method of expressing it that makes sense, or might be more appropriate)?
Basically I'm thinking of what would allow a OO model train to run through a point so that it looks prototypical. I'm not sure how Hornby or other manufacturers chose 1st and second radus but I suspect that they chose something that would fit on the kitchen table and worked from there. Notwithstanding that coupling systems on rtr coachs may neither be prototypical nor close coupled, the coaches often swing wildly through lower radius points with coaches moving maybe half a coach width or more (ejecting the model passengers from the non-existent gangways).
As a child, I remember travelling in coaches (which I thought swung wildly at times depending on the trackwork or when approaching a terminus) but in truth the coaches may have moved a foot or a little more in relation to each other
I'm sure there may not be a standard size for points and that the intended speed accross the point may have dictated the dimensions (or vice versa) e.g. mainline versus siding. I have some space for the layout but I'm not sure if I have enough to recreate this.
Anyway, the look is what I'm after:trains: