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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. Any photos? (can't see them from here)
  2. Richie, I didn't understand your comment about the nine windows. I thought the Mark IIIs had eight windows, +2 halves equals nine? What about the Hornby's as donors? When I looked at my own Mark threes I recalled that they don't have flush glazing. Would also be a lot easier to pick up Hornbys as I think they're still on sale in various liveries. Not sure whether the Hornby's or Limas are more prototypically correct bodywise, though.
  3. Still looking for these if anyone can oblige. Thank you
  4. As luck would have it I have exactly the same question. Looking to respray some Mark IIIs into supertrain livery. I do remember some discussion about this on the site but I may have been as an aside on another thread. I also seem to recall that on Wrenneires thread he refers to the Mark IIIs or at least the restaurant coach being a respray of a BR version. That being the case there may be some other donors out there for respray. Of course, that may not answer the question of which one actually proves the most prototypical donor for respray. Waiting on my ST respray of MarkII rake from one of the vendors on the site here so hoping they'll turn out well. If so, definitely moving forward with trying to find some donors to respray a ST MkIII rake. There remains the problem of a MK III EGV, of course.
  5. Not any more
  6. Hopefully the large pond doesn't hold it up to much. Looking forward to it!
  7. Love the Mark III Supertrains, Anthony! Picked up some Lima Mk IIIs in IE livery. Even then it seems the coaches were more than one shade of O***ge so the coaches in the rake don't match (basically some of them are yellow). Need to get my hands on a few more mismatches so I can respray the lot into ST livery! Waiting on a rake of MM ST MkIIs to be repainted into SUPERTRAIN livery. If it's a good match, off go the MkIIIs to D&M.
  8. John, you haven't experienced Texas. It must be the extremes of temperature that affect the cognitive processes
  9. =))=)) I'm glad they have finally decided to simplify the process:facepalm::facepalm:
  10. Aren't you the seller? should have put it up on the site and avoided the fees. Someone will usually want it
  11. This is the cheapest new on eBay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/201410964305?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  12. Lovely find, Kieran:tumbsup:
  13. That seems expensive, even for an O gauge model, isn't it? How much did the models fetch when they were produced I wonder?
  14. As a rule of thumb, it takes approximately one year for every representative at a rail accident investigation unit inquiry .... (Page 18)
  15. Thanks for posting that. Very interesting! Glad no one was badly hurt and no children run over on the other line. Nice to see the older rollingstock. Super find:tumbsup: I didn't even know that RTE had old archives available now. Now to read that report ....
  16. Actually Ireland is only about 1% of the entire European Union population, so in effect the whole country is actually empty, not just the area outside the Pale. On a positive the note though, the Greeks form about 2%. Maybe we can cut them loose and use those billions of euro to invest in Irish railways?
  17. I believe it was furnished in response to a request for references/resources that now seem to be increasingly 'required' to support either a statement of opinion or fact on the site.
  18. If you like, you could post a photo of the baseboard or diagram of the track plan that you need help with. Let us know what you're trying to achieve.
  19. Thanks, Ben. Enjoying seeing those old buses and the Mark III's in Supertrain livery if only for a moment:trains:
  20. I don't know my NIR DBSOs/DVTs well enough to make out the details of the trains on this archival video as I'm looking at a smart phone right now. The only coach I can make out at the end of the film is probably 931. They seem to have been in the bumblebee livery. http://www.rte.ie/archives/2014/1028/655398-peace-train/
  21. I don't think so if it costs money, the rules can't be frequently enforced, or the workforce is expendable!
  22. Great video! Lots of freight. What's the problem there again, Ted? ........ Eh, I mean, Dave.
  23. Like 3180 TLA here;
  24. Interesting discussion but maybe wandering off the 121 thread here a little. Very lovely model though
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