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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. From Mr Dean in case you're not aware of this Flickr album
  2. As long as those graffiti freaks don't show up
  3. Not to hi-jack your cattle van thread Leslie but John Mayne did a nice MGWR horse box in metal a few years back I have the book but had forgotten about that picture. Several others have been posted up on the site in the past often mixed with cattle boxes but obviously the latter would have predominated Great info , John. I suppose you could also convert one to PW van
  4. Ah yes working your way quickly into the mother in law's heart by showering her with 'gifts'
  5. Leaving out the 'rear' (bonnet-side) cabs windows would be a major omission (don't worry). Some of the horizontal ones were blanked out in later years on 131 & 134 (at least) so it's likely you're seeing the sample for that. 134 in IE is due in Oct 2109. Grey, BnT, Supertrain IR all had those windows present. https://www.flickr.com/photos/irishswissernie/5768419772/in/album-72157677789896957/
  6. Incidentally what language is the graffiti in?
  7. Unfortunately this really isn't seen as crime by many including the Gardaí and courts. I wonder why we discourage gricers from 'benign' trespassing when this reckless destruction occurs (rhetorical)? Interesting to see them continue with people in the trains looking on without apparently doing anything. When was the last time one of these idiots was run over (we can only hope, I suppose)?
  8. .... under the 'fakes' section (just for clarity)
  9. Nice one, Tony. Enjoyed that trip back in time.
  10. Not a bad likeness but missing some detail especially for O gauge
  11. Thanks for posting that @DERAILED. Maybe so but we should applaud some efforts at remembrance/restoration all the same. All too soon, few will remember the line first hand at all. From another source, I understand that there were some questions about reopening the line (maybe as far as Bandon, I'm not entirely sure) in recent years. The are about 130 land/property owner that now partially occupy some of the former trackbed and even viaducts. Monetarily this would have been a nightmare to agree on anything let alone the 'compensation' required to facilitate something like that. Then there would the problem of the City South Link Road having been built on the trackbed of the former CBSCR. It would have been interesting to see a LUAS style tramway on the initial section to Albert Quay!
  12. I already counted on this being in next year's budget 6-9 months will be a year before it's done realistically. PM sent @Mayner
  13. Very interesting thread indeed. Thanks @heirflick. So regarding the color of the signal themselves does this sound correct? Initially home signals were Red-White Red (RWR) (from post outwards). Distants were chevroned Yellow-Black-Yellow (YBY). When paint was replaced by reflective surfaces, was this a paint or plastic and was the red replaced by Orange at that point (OWO) or did it remain RWR? Was the Orange a replacement color or did the original red paint or reflective material fade (sorry to revive memories of debates on shades of orange and weathering again) ? At what point did the signal become 'tipped' in Red (OWR) Apologies in advance for the alphabet soup
  14. Such an oddity so different from the standard BR version in all these respects would surely be an essential component for anyone modeling 60s and 70s era especially if there an array of appropriate traction about to be released ....
  15. Not ideal as you'd have to add the solid portions by hand but just in case you don't find an alternative? Bachmann 44-562 - 5 x Model Plastic Metal Fencing Grey 00 Gauge
  16. I don't 'need' them (but that doesn't mean I wouldn't be buying one of each especially BnT )
  17. Actually I need the bonnet end for the shed so if you need the cab that'll work out ... The grey livery frequently ran singly as did the BnT. In later years with more need for faster acceleration and train speeds or on freight they were equipped for multiple running and paired to each other or the 141s which always looked odd because of the height mismatch (love it!)...... and I'lll still be getting both of course
  18. I'm not sure if it would be Alphagrafix which I believe does a lot of Irish outline in card and does not have a website but has a catalogue. They advertise in Railway Magazine. Contact address: 23 Darris Road, Selly Park, Birmingham, B29 7QY, UK
  19. I believe that these are probably 638A &639A converted from 2962-2971 4w TPOs/sorting vans. Spray control coach would probably still be at the back. At times there seem to have been 2 tool vans and (more recently?) just one. Open to correction as weedsprayer not my particular forte
  20. I'll have the Greys followed by the CIE Black livery for Christmas, please! Not available yet? .... Just a curry chips from the Garda station, Wrenn
  21. Lovely F-14. Probably the heaviest 'fixed'-wing to land on a carrier
  22. Sorry, I was looking at IRM wagons and freight sneaked in there. Close enough to get you to show your wares though! lovely little thing in N really.
  23. You finally found a CIE Fowler Freight in N? Probably no-one else has one (now)
  24. Deleted (read question twice, answer once.... like the leaving cert advice, I suppose) EDIT: I presume that the underbody of the DVT would be very similar to other MK3s which would be available in BR colors from a number of manufacturers, Hornby, Bachmann?, Oxford etc, possibly all slightly different lengths etc. I think the Oxford one is lit etc and could be adapted for a DVT?
  25. OMG! Some of the morons tweet-arguing with IE about a time stamp on the video. I do think there should be substantial penalties for this behavior
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