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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. Unfortunately, anything that trades using the US dollar will be more expensive in GBPs and any components or rtr from China (which trades using the USD, as we discussed before) will be more expensive, like the last offering from MM. Most manufacturing was sent to CHine to keep costs down of course. Leslie, I presume you're "Built in Britain'. I had the same problem purchasing everything in 2014 when the dollar was much weaker than now. Sorry, lads
  2. Good point and that's assuming he had not boarded a train before! Lol
  3. Although one can order the A,B,C,D packs and proceed all the way to 'Place Order' without receiving the discount, so be sure to select 'Full Rake'
  4. Thanks, Leslie, I have a soft spot for the 800s also K
  5. I hate this sort of nanny nonsense but that being said, I boarded a 22k class with my young daughter at Cork Kent during the week and noticed that gap was quite wide, so there is certainly some risk for children, seniors and in situations where crowding occurs. It's probably not possible to warn passengers that are boarding but yes an automated warring could be issued for alighting passengers. On the day , I wondered why such modern rolling stock could not be fitted with step/ramp that opens to meet any platform. If a robotic milker can find a teat on a cow, surely a a step could find a platform! It's not that hard
  6. I'll be losing a pound of flesh, alright, I'll just have to wait a bit longer. See you there, Eamonn. I'll be there on Saturday. Actually hoping to meet a few members on here if possible. Good luck with the bubbles, folks:tumbsup:
  7. NO interest in an interest free loan then?
  8. Looks great! Does the offer only apply to the Ivory bubbles or may those of us not modelling these order a rake of orange bubbles for the offer price and await delivery of the orange ones?
  9. Jeepers! That's looking well now, Eoin=D
  10. Oh, I see how that might have occurred. No problem. If anyone has photos of any coaches in silver livery, would also appreciate if you could post on here please
  11. Yes, there are. Without getting into a discussion of what was built using traditional wooden framed building techniques and what were prefabricated laminates, some of the 1950s stock were turned out in the 'silver' livery along with the A and C class locomotives, the class leaders of the B, E, G classes and the 4w luggage vans. For certain there is photographic evidence of one or more 1429 series 7-compartment standard coaches in silver and some others if I recall. 'Unfortunately', I'm not at home and cannot access my iMac as I physically disconnected it having been hit by lighting last month Some indirect evidence of a silver composite laminate on John's post here http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/1367-Irish-Railway-News-1957-60?p=20242&highlight=Silver+livery+coach#post20242 Silver 4w Luggage 'Hooded' Van There's a photo of a laminate on the site somewhere, can't find it Good old Ernie, The odd man out is unquestionably a 1429 series coach The rest are green however. The silver would have been most common from 1955-1960ish only
  12. Hahahaha, notice one, Jim!
  13. Seriously, there's something left to close? Experienced 2600 railcars yesterday, just to afford my daughter the experience of being on the 'train'. Awful things. Pretty quiet early morning but reasonably brisk custom in the mid-afternoon. I doubt you're wrong, John. Little or nothing was done to develop a modern rail INFRASTRUCTURE when the governmental coffers were full , let alone now. Yes, but the holders of the purses things would have to subsidize it, whereas they'd acquire income in so many ways from forcing train travelers onto the roads
  14. A little dark as you say. Shame. There's a sense of atmosphere just a little too dark to appreciate. Maybe a reshoot at some point with a dull lamp in the foreground somewhere, wouldn't take much light and still keep the evening scene. Good attempt though!
  15. Watched it through! No problems with length. Great video, Kieran!
  16. PM sent
  17. Good luck, Dave, I think this will be a great exposé of your fine work. I do not suppose you're going to have it up and running in the next week? (Yeah, had to ask)
  18. Looks really authentic, Gerry!
  19. Kieran, releasing surplus stock to the fraternity is always appreciated but ..... for God's sake, man, don't stop building!
  20. Nice job, Nelson. Thanks for that. Looking forward to mine now
  21. Kent Station and the goods depot are protected structures. I wonder what parts are included in the goods depot, probably not the remaining signal cabins?
  22. I'll be back in the US by then but looking forward to this as I said before.
  23. Very nice orange bubbles, Noel. I'll be waiting for the orange bubbles also
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