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Joe Keegan

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Everything posted by Joe Keegan

  1. Folks Enjoy the green day today whether you are modelling or not today. With the vaccinations on the horizon ( how efficient they are , is another day’s work) once we can get out to the model railway club houses , modelling friends, swopmeets and more importantly the ability to travel to the exhibitions in the near future.
  2. Is this is the type of H&M controller that you used for 121 ? If so , you have an problem as that type of controller is not suitable for the motors used in today’s model railways and may have damaged some of the components on the PCB. This uses a Rheostat to increase/decrease the voltage which is ideal for today motors. H&M cease production of the Duette controller in the 80’s with the release of the Commander transistorised controller as a replacement. I would suggest that you look at replacing the H&M with a Gaugemaster / Morley Controller non feedback controller.
  3. I would like to see a 201 in Black and Tan and SuperTrain livery Just saying
  4. Yes , you have limited functions/speed on DC . You need to operate on DCC to achieve the correct functions/speed. Have you read up in general on using DCC/DCC decoders , using DCC decoders on DC ? Check out this DCC site “ wiringfordcc.com “ and the section “ DCC for beginners “ Do not use DCC decoders on DC feedback controllers as this will destroy the decoder and you no redress on a damaged decoder used on a DC feedback Controller.
  5. Merry Christmas and enjoy your presents
  6. Hi John Belated happy 21st birthday again They can be re gauged to 21mm as Paddy wanted them to be converted without too much fuss. I have a grey 121 to convert over the Christmas for Adavoyle. It will an interesting project with the stepped axels for the rotating journals.
  7. Would you care to explain exactly what you mean by the numbering detail ? Askin’ for a friend
  8. The Yellow dots are to indicate the cab end when putting the 121 back into its foam cradle .
  9. A picture would help of the point/trackwork
  10. It is a Crimping tool for terminating Pyrotenax cable MICC ( Mineral Insulated Cored Cable ) . There should be a pot wrench and a cable stripper ( behave yourself down the back ) as part of the set. They are tools of the Electrical trade in particular to Fire Alarms , Churches and Industrial Explosive installations. Here is a photo to hand of one my own crimper , with a full set in the van . Unfortunately it is not used today as much as commonly as it was 30 years ago. Newer , less labor intensive cable is used today. It still puts the fear of god to some electricians when they see Pyro. I would get a call to disconnect/reconnect cables or to completely reterminate a damaged cable.
  11. IMG_0880.MOV IMG_0881.MOV IMG_0882.MOV
  12. Marks Models in Greenogue got a delivered of 121 sound & non sound decoders from Paddy Murphy at lunchtime today. I called and purchased the non sound decoder . Sound decoders are available as well. Instructions Note the last paragraph
  13. The question about the decoders availability is in the air with the carrier pigeon as we type
  14. From Marks Models this morning .
  15. Pictures would paint a thousand words . Thanks What is the location ? Just sayin’
  16. The remains of the trackbed , about 5’ under the hardcore . This photograph was taken in May 2020
  17. Lovely job l am looking forward to see the progress Enjoy
  18. An 071 on duty in the North Wall last week
  19. Amazing how a simple beer will grease a palm and open many doors or in this case getting the red carpet treatment
  20. Available in News4U at the Glenroyal SC Maynooth and Easons O Connell St .
  21. On the Roco set you are missing the WiFi modem to communicate with your phone/tablet.
  22. Joe Keegan

    Roy Jackson

    David Holman , can you point me in the direction of Roy’s articles on managing big layouts Roy’s email address was another story : “ bollo*top4@*****.co.uk If Roy’s email offends you , then I am in the correct forum & you’re not Cheers Joe
  23. Copydex , if it doesn’t work out then you can remove it without damage to baseboard.
  24. Try another decoder to prove if it’s 071 itself or if it is the decoder at fault
  25. SSM has a range of Irish signals which maybe suitable for your requirements.
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