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GSR 800

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Everything posted by GSR 800

  1. http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/4475-Bridge
  2. That blue looks good on it ..is the rest of the train painted?
  3. When I saw that first pic showing the whole layout there..WOW!
  4. Mate that Link isnt working
  5. Probably both of those factors
  6. Or something like this?http://www.steamlocomotive.com/colored/sp4449-inline.jpg
  7. maybe for steamers black with orange lining?
  8. bit of blackntan heaven there Noel. the fueling point is a lovely addition to the layout.just keeps getting better
  9. Brilliant work Anto! Love the AEC,always had a bit of a soft spot for them
  10. it seems you cant get to the site unless your a member here
  11. Looking great Stephen. Can't wait for Mini whitehead!
  12. Noel I think the postage,for me anyway is €4.00. But the actual cost of the mk2 was originally €30. Once when ebaying I saw a lovely old Dublo tank for €15 then when I checked the postage it was €18!
  13. Would their have been any talk of large 4-4-0s in Ichicore in the 30's to respond to the GNRs compounds?
  14. That's a monster Wrenn!
  15. I hope she(or it) gets better! It's happened to me with a duchess a few years ago except much further! Still works ok though
  16. You have a B2a?
  17. .
  18. Well well, a model of 461! I can't believe This thread isn't a sticky thread
  19. Achill would be a lovely tourist railway. Halts at the famine village, keel and the a climb to reach Keem beach loop. Terminus at Achill sound
  20. What if the GSR HAD built Pacifics? Named after saints methinks? No. 1000 St Patrick?
  21. And preservation? I can think of a roundhouse of 800s....
  22. Your first one looks a bit like my grandparents house in Mayo. Great model of an Irish cottage:)
  23. Thanks John,my god they made a right mess of poor auld 356, and then left her at inchicore in a hidden siding to rot
  24. What on earth are yez on about!?
  25. The thought of a ready to run 800 or A made me run around the house 10 times! Boy I hope their the 50s and 60s era. It about time that happened!
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