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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. There's no direct curve at Ballybrophy. The only reason one would be installed is if there was a reason for trains to by-pass the station completely (i.e. it was closed).
  2. He said he doesn't want the Bachmann version as he doesn't like it... To answer your question, bs819, the short answer is no. Your only option would be to approach a kitbasher/scratchbuilder and ask if they could put something together or have a go yourself.
  3. They look quite different to me, to be honest... And I don't think a 2600 will cut the mustard for bs819: Edit: The tram trolling has been flogged to death at this stage. Can we leave it there?
  4. While Richie is concerned with the design itself, rest assured we've got the livery timeframes covered, too.
  5. All will be revealed at the Raheny show...
  6. Superb work, Bren... it looks fantastic!
  7. I pointed that out above and Junctionmad clarified...
  8. You'll have to provide more information than that - there's no user here by that name.
  9. The biggest stumbling block facing Irish preservation is a lack of manpower. Everyone wants to see the likes of A3R, C226, 124, etc. in working order. Everyone wants to see facilities like Moyasts open regularly and manned. Very few are willing to put in the effort to make it happen, though, and those that do end up being judged unfairly as a result.
  10. Well we're not changing the forum title to Irish Battleship Modeller! (PS: stats show forum usership has been steady for this time of year... )
  11. Both those wagons are in the white/ivory livery so both have a heavy coating of dirt. The grey livery was worn by the first batches of bubbles when they first entered traffic in the 1960s. Re. The coupling, as we explained when the swan neck coupling solution was announced for the ballast, it will also apply to the bubbles because the chassis is of the same design.
  12. Hi Noel, Both logos will be represented in the production run.
  13. Hi George, Just to clarify, Mercig would be creating 'master' samples which the factory in China would replicate. Standard factory weathering doesn't float my boat either, but I know the factory can faithfully reproduce weathering samples that are supplied to them, which is something I think many manufacturers don't actually bother doing.
  14. The handiest way of doing it is to upload to YouTube and embed the videos into your forum posts.
  15. Welcome to the forum, Ewan. You don't have to make wild excuses to have NIR's 112 on your layout... it spent a while on loan to Irish Rail in the mid '00s. Pic here: http://briansolomon.com/trackingthelight/2012/12/12/out-on-the-beet-turning-muck-into-gold/nir-112-with-laden-beet-tay/ (The date in the copyright notice is way later...)
  16. Dave is a retailer...
  17. Not really addressing the OP's issue there, Noel...
  18. Not sure if it's down to settings that can be changed, but in real life the cab lights would be switched off while the loco is moving...
  19. Further to Richie's post on the ballast wagon pre-production photos thread, we've posted a blog on the website explaining why we had to place the NEM coupling pockets higher than normal on the ballast and bubble wagons, and the workarounds we've devised to ensure these products are compatible with the couplings on your other rolling stock... https://irishrailwaymodels.com/index.php/2016/09/12/ballast-bubble-differences-in-coupling-height-and-solutions/
  20. Not a bad rate of acceleration at all. Having studied the video, the train was already travelling at 0.7mph after one second. In your video of the models at the top of the thread, the 071 is travelling at a steady scale 0.29mph. There should be a law against doing maths on a Sunday...
  21. These old girls had a lively rate of acceleration with a seven-coach rake (speed limited by the limit on the curve heading west out of Mullingar...):
  22. Paraphrasing, Noel!
  23. The chassis, while similar, has enough differences to warrant an entirely new tooling. And to paraphrase Scotty... "We can'nae go any faster"
  24. There's a misconception that locos crawl along at that speed in reality. They generally don't, unless they're fitted with slow speed control (used with auto-discharging hoppers, etc.). An 071 and a rake of Mk2s would have accelerated quite a bit by the time the last coaches reached the end of the platform...
  25. Hope her stabilisers are working!
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