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Everything posted by NIRCLASS80

  1. It would be CAF Dmus like the rest of the system and a rationalised station like most others.
  2. Bubble vote carried out.
  3. Great stuff. Any chance of building two!!!!!
  4. Happy Christmas everyone. Love this forum. One of the few places online that you find helpful advice and encouragement. I think the relatively small numbers involved means we have to stick together. Gaz
  5. Just brilliant. Happy Christmas.
  6. No problem Paul. I have no idea when the windows being blanked out dates from but I will PM you a name of a local Ballymena railway buff who might be able to help. It used to be great sitting in the cabin with the tablet exchange bell drowning out the sound of the church bells of St Patrick's as they practised during the evening. Bliss!
  7. An accurate Class 50 would declare me bankrupt!!!
  8. Yes that's it in 1990.
  9. Fantastic looking cabin. You need a 40 lever frame for the interior!!
  10. I always vowed not to buy these as they are way out of my time frame but those photos are starting to weaken my resistance!!! Look stunning.
  11. Just about to make a new start on my first fictious Irish layout after more than 20 years of North American modelling. Wish me luck I will need it
  12. Look fantastic lads. Can't wait for the first four packs to be delivered now!!
  13. Hope those fortunate enough to attend the show this weekend might be able to get an update on the Murphy Models 121.
  14. Also the buffers stick out more meaning on small and medium radius curves buffer locking can occur.
  15. Do you know when the mail order ones will be dispatched?
  16. I have already tried that route and was promptly informed that filling out the form, posting it along with payment to the RPSI Dublin address was the only option.
  17. Looks steady as a rock, or should that be cement!! Can't wait for these now. Great work.
  18. If the second set are produced could Murphy models simply supply a brass etch that could be fitted over the relevant Windows by the modeller. It would keep the price similar and no one could expect Murphy to modify molds for just one coach.
  19. Great looking wagons once again, amazing. Hope Richie doesn't get too good at this or he will get head hunted by one of the big boys;)
  20. Great stuff
  21. Does that mean no more Kinder Eggs Express on Irish layouts
  22. When you see someone handing over a bank/credit card and paying £2750 for one locomotive it makes OO gauge seem not so bad!!
  23. Made a visit myself. Great show but forgot to take any pics
  24. Great to see a manufacturer being open to ideas, one of the advantages of having genuine modellers at the heart of it all. I personally would prefer a RTR rake of fertiliser wagons than the plough. Rake of 10 "ferts" made to IRM standards would be awesome!
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