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Everything posted by connollystn

  1. DJ Dangerous, I was thinking the same thing. I expected loads of reviews from people who would have seen the model at first hand but, to my disappointment, not a word. I was going to head to Mark's Models to view the 121 but it's quite cramped in there so I was waiting for the real experts' opinions.
  2. [The] Derry Road, thanks for posting those pictures and videos. It's nice to see what's happening at other exhibitions, especially, for those of us who are adverse to travelling to anything that is held outside The Pale. Looking forward to the SDMRC Exhibition in two months (how far is Blackrock from the City centre?)
  3. Enjoyed filling out the survey. Hope my wish(list) comes through.
  4. Considering the amount of damage they done and the distress caused to the modellers the sentences are quite lenient.
  5. The bees' knees, the dogs' ********. There aren't enough superlatives to describe it. Looks like it will be the best ready to run model of an Irish locomotive prototype ever!
  6. Hi Branno, There is lots of information on the thread 'LIMA Murphy Models' which has pictures of all the ready to run models produced since the 1970s and you should see the wagons which were available with the Flying Snail logo. The logo was adopted from the DUTC after nationalisation of rail and bus services in Ireland (I'm open to correction).
  7. Thought I had been barred from this site 'cos of a number of comments I've posted in the past!
  8. Looks like a very impressive layout, would love to visit. From what I can see it looks comparable, albeit smaller, to what I saw at LOXX in Berlin. Great work.
  9. With the proliferation of Digital Command Control it's no longer viable to produce dummy versions of locomotives. If someone wants a non motorised model they'll have to remove the components that drive the wheels. Couldn't ever see myself doing that as I'm sure I'd break something along the way.
  10. Great work JasonB, a nice bit of weathering adds realism to any model.
  11. I'm not surprised that nobody replied to this thread. When I saw the pictures I wanted to get sick. It reminded me of a low point in so called RTR CIE models. Wonder if anyone will be mad enough to buy them? It's a good reminder for those of you too young to remember the pre-Murphy Models & IRM/Accurascale era.
  12. We should send the anti-dump protesters down there to clean it up!
  13. Looks like they won't even get a slap on the wrist. I don't think that people outside the railway modelling world understand the time and dedication that goes into making model railway layouts. While a lot of people have made cash donations, currently standing at £85K, the one thing they can't buy with that is the time and effort it took to make the exhibits. Years ago you'd be sent to gaol for stealing an apple (yes, I do remember those days) but nowadays, unless you murder someone, law enforcement agencies just seem disinterested in pursuing vandalism and other matters which 'they' no longer consider serious.
  14. Hi Guys, Click on link to read the latest regarding the destruction of the Market Deeping model railway exhibits https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7059229/Mother-teenage-yob-smashed-model-railway-exhibition-says-mortified.html
  15. The one consolation that Liverpool have is that Solskjaer is doing a Graeme Souness on Man United.
  16. Great picture of the 121 [B125] above. Seeing some unexpected details - didn't think there were vents in the cab doors. Were the 121s the only locomotives which had the tablet catchers placed too low?
  17. At €4.50 it has become a luxury to have tea and a Kitkat on the train, mind, it's still a lot cheaper than afternoon tea in the Shelbourne. I really like the 22Ks, they're very comfortable and noise intrusion into the cabin isn't anything like that of 29Ks, however, as the rail service operates at a snails pace on the Sligo line I use the bus which is faster - something I just don't understand.
  18. Will there be a house warming party?
  19. I've used the following: Michas Banhoff (toyauctions.de) and Ben Zerba (Czech Rep.). Shipment from purchase to delivery was within 4-5 days.
  20. I have to agree with you [Warbonnet]. Producing a blank loco with separate transfers would raise a number of issues - one being undervaluing it should someone want to sell it on at a later stage. Unlike marriages, model locomotives aren't for life.
  21. Though unfinished, I was really impressed with the O Gauge layout. It was my first time to see an O Gauge layout and I was really impressed. The IRM Accurascale stand was very impressive and professional. The lads really have taken their' work/hobby very seriously and the announcement of the A Class really added to the atmosphere. While there may not have been the amount of layouts the people would expect for the premier model railway exhibition in Ireland I feel that there was something there for everyone. Well done to everyone involved.
  22. The Class 121 had so many cosmetic changes I doubt that by the Irish Rail era any two locomotives looked the same. I think that production of the 121 model will be a herculean task.
  23. The MRSI show is the highlight of my year. It's great to have something to do on a long weekend in Dublin. I try to get there early to avoid the crowds as it's the best way to view the exhibits but, everyone else seems to have the same idea. Pity there isn't a canteen as it'd be nice to sit down with a nice mug of tea and a few biscuits. I normally treat myself to a break and have a vegetarian roll (a cigarette [there's no meat in them so they must be suitable to for vegetarians]). Roll on Saturday!
  24. Very interesting topic Railer. Wasn't sure what was happening to the 'surplus' 201 locomotives. So sad to see that a number of them had such an early demise with less than 23 years service - in human terms, that's like being put on the scrap heap at 50.
  25. I think that Lord Adonis has a point. You would expect a much better service between major cities but I feel that the governments are more interested investing in roads than rail. I feel that the Mark IIs and IIIs were far better coaches as compared with the current locomotive hauled stock. I gave up using the train from Dublin to Longford, the bus is cheaper and just as quick and, at times, arrives in Longford before the train. I like the 22K railcars, I think they're great, roomy and comfortable, the best buy in years by CIE/IÉ. The noisiest thing about them are other passengers.
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