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Rachelstown and St Stephens Green

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  Alan564017 said:
TDR, as said above stunning stuff. Are the cement silos a self build or out of box?


The silos are from parts of Kibri kits, some parts have had to be widened and or changes to height to allow the bubbles in TDR

  burnthebox said:
Hi TDR mind telling me where you got the 3 oil storage tanks & also especially the big one, thanks in advance,

BTB Two of the smaller tanks were picked up 2nd hand locally, the other small and the large tanks were in a Kibri set on ebay.TDR

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Hi guys back at the layout after a well-deserved break from ballasting etc. next on the agenda is the signalling, with work just started on the first five, here is an update of their progress thus far, phone boxes and ID plates yet to be fitted, then painting, placing and connecting to the control panel. Also waiting fitting is the shunt signal and the theatre box for signal 12. Signals 2, 6 and 8 will be platform mounted. From left to right is, 12, 2, 8, 1 and 6. There is 31 in total to make. Couple of pics attached. TDR 30wo9p5.jpgi5rhur.jpg Thanks for viewing TDR

Edited by The Derry Road



You have made my day. Wonderful work. Love the signals you are installing, and how these will add authenticity to your railway.

I had planned to run a railway today but, thanks to BT and their incompetence, I spent most of today speaking to their employees in India. Ve vill by Turdsday, 6th July, 2015, have an engineer to resolve your fawlti lynes problem! Some service, I think not.





You deserve a "Personal Thread"!

Congratulations on your recent Birthday. Only seems like yesterday that you were15. Long may you continue to be a valued member of this Family of Modellers.

My thanks to you for your work.


Belated "Happy Birthday"


Old Blarney.

  Kirley said:
Some intricate work there Raymond, are you making your own or are these signals kit bought?


Kieran I am were possible making my own, however all the heads and leds are purchased, the brass tubing, channel, laddering and flat bar etc I got from model shops. I have several designs of brackets and gantries to construct for the various positions on the layout. Strange but I'm really enjoying this part TDR

Posted (edited)

Richrua, running timetables and various stock movements are currently at the planning stage. I have a large variety of stock and I'm considering different running themes. For example shunting and running cement trains on St Stephens Green side and cattle wagon and mixed goods shunting and running on the Rachelstown side between the passenger traffic all of which will be tied to signal instructions. TDR

Edited by The Derry Road

V nice TDR . Signalling is a bit of an enigma to me. Semaphores were fairly straightforward but apart from the red green signals I don't really get the smaller triangular type

Posted (edited)
  richrua said:
V nice TDR . Signalling is a bit of an enigma to me. Semaphores were fairly straightforward but apart from the red green signals I don't really get the smaller triangular type

Richrua I also did not understand the meanings either. Until I had the concept and each signals purposes explained to me. I have also read up on this subject which gave me a basic understanding. The triangular type are for shunting movements. If you look at middle signal in the picture number 8 it is a Starter Signal for Up Line &, with feather, for movements to Branch line. the sginal on the left when complete number 12, Branch line Home Signal. Protects Station area with Route indicator to enter Up or down platform. Route Indicator box will display either U or D. to show what platform road is set, Shunting Signal for movements to Shed area. . TDR

Edited by The Derry Road
  richrua said:
V nice TDR . Signalling is a bit of an enigma to me. Semaphores were fairly straightforward but apart from the red green signals I don't really get the smaller triangular type


Actually the correct operation of semaphores is much more complex then Colour light IMHO. Track circuit block working has simplified the operation of MAS as has reduced complexity trackwork.

  • 2 weeks later...

Progress on signal construction


Work is continuing on the signal construction, with a mix of signals at various stages, most have had 1 coat of paint, whilst some have LED’s fitted to test the look, all still require phone boxes fitting and ID plates, and some are waiting route indicators. I’ve also started constructing some of the gantries from Plastic, I tried brass but there seemed to be not enough heat to solder the main parts together, anyone any ideas/solutions’ to offer? Plastic will do for now as a trial on these two.

Thanks for looking TDR



  Junctionmad said:
Actually the correct operation of semaphores is much more complex then Colour light IMHO. Track circuit block working has simplified the operation of MAS as has reduced complexity trackwork.


I agree JM and in model form also TDR

  • 2 weeks later...

Signal construction update


I have had a long rethink on the signal gantries and was not content with the plastic ones. When I was in Belfast last weekend going to the UMRC exhibition I called into Chris at the, “Modellers Nook” for some extra brass components. As you can see from the pictures I have soldered the cable trays under the gantry platforms. Posts and bases are yet to be attached. Each gantry will now be completely brass including ladders handrails etc with the exception of the signal heads, One has been assembled to check measurements and balance, held temporally with blu tac. Quite pleased with them so far. TDR



  Kirley said:
Built to last Raymond, they are 'sturdy yokes' alright. They look very impressive even in this raw stage.


Yes Kieran they're sturdy yokes alright, on my way home on Sunday I had a brief look at the gantry at York Road. It's seems to be of a basic yet sturdy and ample construction, from a modelling point of view, I've based the ones that I'm making on a similar method. Hopefully they won't break, crack or snap if nudged by someone or thing.TDR

  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hi all just a quick couple of pics of the signal heads made of plastic and the brass gantries prior to painting wiring and installing. Signal heads just placed on to test the look








Instalation of all the signals except the ground shunting ones will begin next week fully working connected to the control panel. hopefully will be finished by end of October when I'll start the ground shunt signals. Will keep you updated on the progress. thanks for looking in. TDR

Edited by The Derry Road
  Hunslet 102 said:
Some nice intricate work there Raymond and making them fully working will be great to see.Look forward to further updates and a few more pics from the layout as it progress's


Thanks Andy, I'm really enjoying this aspect of the hobby, it is very time consuming yet a great feeling of satisfaction making them. There are 31 signals in total to make, paint, wire and fit. So far 20 heads on posts and gantries are almost ready to wire and connect. The remaining 11 are ground shunting signals that will also work when made up and fitted. Hopefully all the time and effort will be worth the wait. TDR

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