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Everything posted by Railer

  1. 078 is in the new grey livery since early this year but is waiting for parts to re enter service. 085 has been confined to Inchicore works for some time now, about 2 years and has recently been reported to be in the grey livery now but not out in traffic. 087 has been in Inchicore works for about 2 years now, was stopped while still in IE orange and no word if it's overhaul has began yet, rumors are it was stripped of parts for the rest of the fleet a while back.
  2. It's because the 111s cannot be fitted with knuckle couplers for 450s or dellner couplers for the DD stock. The Gatwicks use drop head knuckle couplers at each end to allow the knuckle or shackle coupler method to be used. The Gatwicks are coupled in pairs by a bar semi permanent coupler though so thats why its always 2 used as a barrier. The single barrier wagon has a drop head dellner coupler like the one fitted to the 201s when the haul the DD sets. A 111 has to use the barrier wagon to couple up to DD stock. The Mk3 EGVs were also fitted with a drop head dellner at each end.
  3. They still have the old 645E3-Bs and IE have since upgraded their 071s to the newer E3-Cs. That's why today they sound different to each other even when just ticking over while idle.
  4. I saw her in Connolly as the Enterprise spare at 16:20. Might have come light from York Road or was sent out to help clean the rails as there were some issues with rail head condition today with leaf fall. It looked as if it was going to swap for 227 that had just arrived in HEP mode as it had no EGV on the set. Also noted this morning after the engineering works at the weekend. The south bound signal at platform 3 in Howth Junction displayed a double yellow aspect before going to green which was a new feature and all the signal post codes at the station have been changed from HJxx to DN2xx. HowthJuction HJ code to the new Donaghmede DN code.
  5. Small bit of bashing and a quick spray required but there is a good bit of potential here. http://www.ebay.ie/itm/HO-Scale-Bachmann-608-Union-Pacific-Plasser-EM80C-Track-Cleaning-Diesel-EUC-/231018293758?pt=Model_RR_Trains&hash=item35c9c369fe
  6. Checked it out, thanks. Also Warbonnet, can the sound be turned off on the Genesis SD70s? Really tempted by UP1995 but can't decide on the standard of DCC version. I'd rather not have the sound on while running on DC, my Hornby class 60 does that and starts to do my head in after a while.
  7. Have to wait another 6 years to order 201-C-201.
  8. No idea, just heard they were moved over the weekend. Some are saying for inspection but at this stage they have been left to the elements without care for far to long.
  9. Great photos, they confirm recent reports that some Mk3s have been moved to Inchicore, not many though.
  10. Every time one of the Bray gigs is on, every single time without fail I end up working that weekend. It's unreal. US steam hasn't really grown on me.............yet.
  11. The NS locos. Saw a few photos online of about 20 of them all around a round house with one on the turntable. Amazing sight.
  12. Thanks for that, that's a good to run over. I was into airsoft for a number of years and imported alot form Hong Kong, everything was picked up by customs even $120-$150 pistols. The UPS driver got to know me from all the C.O.Ds and started asking me about airsoft and what model I got this time etc. He used to be wrecked form some of the rifles he had to carry to the door. I'd say hes happy I gave it up. I reckon my first darksider would be an ACe, really like the heritage locos. Are they limited runs? Also what's the rolling stock situation like? just go with what you like the look of type of thing.
  13. 073 was brought along for the spin. It was started up later on for the Cobh/Midelton section as there is no runaround anymore.
  14. For someone new to the dark side of modeling. What or who would be the manufactures to look up. I hear Bachmann leave alot to be desired for accuracy on the US side of things. Mainly looking for quality models of SD-40/70s, ES44s, Dash 9s. Then for purchasing online, who are generally the go to e-tailers seeing as there is little to no US stock this side of the pond. I take it customs and revenue will have to get their share too?
  15. Historically the NIR sets don't go with either 111,112 or 113 in the condition they are in. They are the wrong livery for 111 and they were scrapped or returned to the UK as far as I know by the time 112 got LED markers or 113 got it's 8. I got them to go with 209 along with the other set I got around this time last year for €90 odd delivered. Being off the sauce for 2 months and having no girlfriend makes these things easier.
  16. 077,078,084 and 087 all skipped the black and silver livery. Of the locos that have it the new one, 071,077,078 and 088. 071 is the only one without the logos on the sides of the cab. 078 is still not back in traffic even though it was painted up before 071 and 088.
  17. 086 has at least two orange doors, tow on the same cab and has had been sporting them for a few years now.
  18. Of the 201 class I have 4 favourites all for different reasons. 220 and 227 are may top two then 223 and 207. My River Blackwater is the pride of my 201s. I plan on getting another 220 to turn into 227, another for 223 and when 230 is released, one to become 207 maybe with the yellow face.
  19. Has to be 084 in the state it was in up until it was stopped for overhaul a few weeks ago.
  20. Don't know about 087 except that it was in the worst condition of all the 071s then it went in for overhaul almost 3 ago years now. At the time there was speculation that 077,078 and 087 would not be out again. Still waiting for 078's escape after 077. Reports are that 088 is sitting in Inchicore in slate grey livery. It was last reported working a timber train on 31/1/13, that was a quick turn around.071 took longer.
  21. Excessive HEP use. 206 burst into flames almost 10 years ago working the Enterprise, the loco was almost a write off and spent about 18 months being rebuilt and re wired. The 201s were not designed for HEP and GM recommended against it but IE wanted it. 208 and 231 failed in the last week too. As soon as the EGVs are returned to service the better. 230 won't be working trains for a long time.
  22. Seeing as I will be stuck in work for all of this bank holiday weekend I decided to treat myself today. The flash is overkill and makes it look like the room was dark but the lights were on.
  23. I was reading on Wiki that Deutche Bahn have said that if the Trust ever managed to get Tornado hauled through the Chunnel to their network they would left them run Tornado as fast as they wanted to see what it can do. They seem more relaxed over there than the UK that are only going to allow them to run Tornado to 90mph.
  24. How can the UK take their vacuum braked Mk1s to 90mph and beyond when even our Mk2Ds are/were 75mph limited? Can't purely be down to bogies. Great to see the A4s being able to stretch their legs again.
  25. I better start looking for some overtime so. I thought 077 was subject to change due to the "late addition".
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