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Everything posted by Westcorkrailway

  1. On the CBSC…Courtmacsherry comes to mind, as does kinsale (closed 1931) which both took fish traffic and would be shorter then the pier extension @Andy Cundick has done a 7mm layout of courtmacsherry that’s ABSOLUTLY sublime mother then that. I’m not sure where else on CIE rails was fish traffic big….possibly valentia? Fenit?
  2. Baltimore railway station building is in tact but now derelict. In Use until about 2016 or some time like that. A later CBSC red brick building like creagh and Bandon (high level) the shed you see below was once an engine shed but sold to the yacht club. Original C&B rails ran out of this shed until 2004! I have a photo somehere of Baltimore station building with period posters and of course….fresh and pristine paintwork a Baltimore mixed train would be easy to make up. A unique running on the Baltimore line was timber for the boat building that went on next door (a tradition that continues today) I would add the timber and maybe a hattons 6 wheeler to the train, maybe a few less open wagons and different types of vans and it would be perfect for motive power there is few options. a great mix of GSWR, DSER and WWLR ran the branch before being taken over by C class locomotives entirly. AEC railcars went out there for the Baltimore regatta. The A class were to heavy for the Illen river bridge so never ventured this far south
  3. Baltimore would be an interesting one in regards to this one. A small (enough!) terminus with a small extension out the pier (the most southerly bit of rail in Ireland) for fish traffic. Although it closed in 1961, has potential and I haven’t seen it done
  4. No I don’t have the photo. Although I do wonder if this loco was working out the skibbereen and Baltimore or Clonakilty branch would it have been well photographed or noted at all.
  5. Yellow/orange buffer beams on a C class? Didn’t know about those Recently while surfing through a private collection I came across is a photograph of C234 With a flying snail on the side….all I was told was was told they weren’t there long before they started cracking due to the heat (they were not metal snails like the A class) I couldn’t find another photo of this variation on any other loco nevermind C234….possibly a “republic of glanmire road job” as you call it
  6. For how long did the livery last/is there any photos, particular colour photos on the internet/IRRS flicker? I have been told of a few other wierd livery variations recently yet struggled to find photos of these variations at the moment
  7. There often is somone going away at the piano. It does improve the atmosphere of the station.
  8. I’m not sure the same official email announcement went out about the 141s. As the physical announcement got the word out there regardless…. I wonder somone should enquire to PM about running social media pages….possibly?
  9. If you look at @scahalane’s example, I believe that’s meant to be a blend of the late 80s to the early 2000s he might be able to provide a no.36 3d print which I believe was in situ in Kent since 1955(?) I think the roof was painted geeen as a post to the current grey scheme
  10. What era will kent Stanton be?
  11. Ids say there may have been a few A’s in black an tan post 1962. Just without the re-engine so the “R” variants wouldn’t have been around
  12. You got approval from the master of building kent himself……
  13. These have been there since November 2020/21 I believe
  14. Very recently. I believe 2610/13 was the first to loose it’s facial hair….early November me thinks
  15. in the series WW2 “band of brothers” it says a certain failed artist died 11th of April 1945….Now that’s a howler! You should have seen the uproar when this beut was announced to be put up in cork city to “promote shopping” If my sources indicate me correctly, RTE will be delving into railways again very soon, I know for a fact that they’ll read our complaints about the last show as the thread of us bashing it is not to far down the search list when you look it up! Hopefully a lesson will be learned
  16. Guiness liveried 201s
  17. Murphy models is set to release an intercity green new loco 201 in 2 or 3 years so it should be grand. 1950s west cork is more my taste. If you look at the threads “former CB&SC layout and my workbench https://irishrailwaymodeller.com/topic/9855-westcorkrailways-workbench/ You will find ample cheap and easy ways to do west cork in that time My Facebook/Instagram page West Cork Railway Colourised currently may provide some inspiration Another thread on this forum which may be of use is @Mike 84C and @bantree photo realistic layout of bantry
  18. Some British types could be comparable to Irish types….depends what you have
  19. You can never have too many west corkonians….Welcome Darrman
  20. 1st of coach’s are perfect, the looks like Gerry’s handy work 2nd set need the roof painted black with a spray can, very easily done. And also more importantly, a white stripe along the top of the coach as per the other 2. It can be painted but I prefer a a long white transfer of the appropriate thickness if one can be found, and you feel you have the skilll to apply one
  21. That makes 2 of us but I try to donate when possible! some drive from cork to maam cross…..I can watch in admiration of the dedication
  22. I sent a few West Cork Railway Books to the UK on belhalf of the author. I sent them on the 22nd and they were there by the 27th or something mad like that. Meanwhile my locomotives of the GSR has been there since early November, and a small CBSC stamp that should be a tiny envelope has not moved since December!
  23. That ship has sailed for another 10-ish years. I could be wrong but for reasons I’ve flad I’m the past, it’s not going to be a run away success greenway…. the Cork and Macroom Direct railway will re-open before the youghal line….which I know is stretching the truth a little bit….but imagine telling somone that in the early 1990s
  24. Some small updates over Christmas. My Christmas coffers were well and truly spent on railway books and railway items first order of buisness was the Fertiliser wagons which have now been converted like so to white. Thanks to DJD for the white ones….and the chocolate! And I hope he has gotten the surplus green ones ….unfortunatly while I was doing this I held them by the upper portion, didn’t realise that the bottom half was a 42 flat for a chassis….which detached while I was moving it, it completely ruined one of the couplings beyond repair, so it had to be remember…..at least it looks realistic! Other then that I received some very generous donations from a fellow West Cork Modeller, Really great stuff. My first CIE van aside from the cattle ones
  25. I don’t see many layouts that come close to this . It was a pleasure to see it at the cork swap meet. (You’ll have to bring it to the next one, see who puts down the most expensive car to swap for it!!!) Any progress on the no.36 model?
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