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flange lubricator

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Everything posted by flange lubricator

  1. Thats sounds like a sensible plan hopefully people won’t be greedy and limit themselves to one or two packs so everyone will get an opportunity to get some .
  2. Any update on this for Black Friday should I be breaking out my sleeping bag flask and woolly hat for an overnight queue?
  3. Not that I am aware of the first ones to be withdrawn were of this type a number of the ones at Mallow BFS were the older 30001-30099.
  4. I would also be interested in this Phillip.
  5. No , your certainly not dim , there were two batches of 42’ containers flats , the first batch were built 1971 30001-30099 distinguished by using ride control bogies and second batch 30100 onwards built 1974 using sambre et meuse bogies virtually the same wagons.
  6. Received my Liners and Guinness this morning and they are fabulous wagons, I do notice that some of the wagons are numbered below 30100 which were the 1971 original 42 flats , I thought the ones that IRM were doing were the 30101 upwards numbers?
  7. In the Description on your site Mk.2c Ph2 SO (ex-FO) 4103 Black Roof Mk.2c Ph2 SO (ex-FO) 4104 Black Roof Mk.2c Ph2 SO (ex-FO) 4105 Black Roof Mk.2b Buffet (ex-FK) 4402 Orange Roof
  8. I think they are Bachmann bogies
  9. That’s is a very good idea and perhaps a way of rewarding IRM loyal customers and at the same time discourage the skelpers.
  10. Don't know about 4401 but 4402 never had a black roof
  11. Thats a difficult one to answer 174 made it into full IR livery prior to its withdrawal in sometime circa 1993 there are other examples of 141's in STIR livery up to 1991 /1992 if not beyond. A Jonthan Allen picture of a weathered 174 in 1992 One question I forgot to ask yesterday when visiting Paddy Murphy's stand was the ETA on the 141/181 class additions.
  12. Not impressed those scones always had florescent candles as opposed to incandescent completely different hue .
  13. Well, if you're hungry enough I'm sure the scones would pass the 2ft rule.
  14. You must have been famished and I hope it was extra strong Lyons tea after all those announcements.
  15. I think that started happening in the late 1990's
  16. I think he mixed Palmerstown with Harmonstown
  17. You never know they might organise a party of drummers from the Artane band to do a drum roll commencing at 1055 so you car hear it happening.
  18. I believe Kay Burley will be reporting live from the show .
  19. For that reason I’m trying to encourage myself to save money on me heating
  20. I hope it's not going to be like the start of the sales after Christmas when the waiting horde is unleashed into the store like greyhound's out of a trap.
  21. That is unfortunate news, it's unfair to blame the customs official as someone who works in the business what one usually finds is someone somewhere has got something wrong a description a code etc as customs have said they have a system and people need to work too that system, instead of blaming the official perhaps they should aim their ire at the geniuses who thought leaving the customs union and single market was a good idea in a bid to improve trade .
  22. in the 1970's everything on the wagon was brown
  23. This is fantastic bargain especially for anyone who wants to try their hands at weathering without feeling that they are going to devalue a precious Tara Model.
  24. You can find plenty of pics on the web here is one of a shale so shows the side strakes
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