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Everything posted by UP6936

  1. Who do you think Saint Patricks day is named for!? Seriously, if paddy did a run of wagons at a reasonable price I would certainly pick up a few. The 20ft flat would be a good choice, because it could be a standalone wagon aswell as a base to put other company's kits on top of, provided it was reasonable priced
  2. Maybe in the seventies a string of bubbles goes to Waterford docks to be filled or emptied? With a pair of 141s at the head. Or just run them because you can, that's how I ended up with a light blue 111 hauling CPWs on my layout
  3. Might be of interest to collectors : Hornby hymek in CIE colours http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/111300884234?nav=SEARCH
  4. Lovely loco Patrick. You must be far more disciplined than me to have set operating session eras! They do sound fun though
  5. Lovely video Patrick! That layouts bigger than I thought. Do you have a C Class?
  6. How about Black and Tan? That always seems to look smart on c201s in any photos I've seen
  7. Hunslet, the roadway looks great, the whole street scene really conveys the look of a Belfast street convincingly
  8. From that angle the couplers do look a lot more compatible. Can a replacement belt be sourced?
  9. Very interesting little contraption, is it easy to switch out the couplers for either tension locks/kadees?
  10. Eiretrains might have something if you browse the stations
  11. Thanks Dave, I can't wait to try out shots like that on the network with some 1:1 scale equipment!
  12. I had bought a new camera and was taking a few shots of the layout, and things got a bit arty I had just found out how to do light trails and got somewhat carried away These shots feature 111 and 112 In this last photo 111s headlights are well visible
  13. My video, as requested!
  14. 85 merlin was out with the mk2s on a steam trial run today. Video of merlin passing whiteabbey bridge going up on my YouTube channel now. She seemed in fine form, and was running fairly quickly. Can't wait to see her out with tours, anyone know when that will be?
  15. Lovely attention to detail! 083 suits those grey bogies I think
  16. From the sounds of his collection I might need to take a mini-break to see it all!
  17. That was some amount of beer cans! And I thought train collecting people where bad...
  18. Its nice to see something unusual modeled, very nice scenes. By the way, is one of those mk3s riding on b4 bogies?
  19. He'd be as well opening a hotel, for the whole site would take up residence! Lovely scenes ttc, inchicore does turn out some odd versions
  20. Mike, have a look at a YouTube channel called P90DLS. His work shows some good use of railtec transfers
  21. Boskonay, at least the DDs have a 201 on the point, and maybe hate was a bit much. Don't like the streamlining though. On the topic of 22s, I think they are comfortable and pleasant to travel on
  22. They may do, as I believe it was considered for the belfast to Dublin line, so it could be on the cards eventually for other places. I hope not though, as I hate the modern streamlined electric trains so prevalent elsewhere
  23. Sulzer, I think they might be hydraulic transmission units
  24. Boskonay, I think Warbonnet's YouTube channel has footage recorded on mallards layout if thats any help
  25. Specifically the gum was juicy fruit. I believe the first pack bought with a barcode is in the Smithsonian museum
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