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Everything posted by skinner75

  1. Nice looking build - I built a block shed with my dad, but we never did the insulation in the slab. It's more of a home to a couple of motorbikes, several mountainbikes, with a workbench, cabinets & shelving taking up the rest of the space! We did run electrics down to it from the house, and have the armored cable coming up through the slab - setting it in place before pouring the slab in sections - mixing the concrete ourselves.
  2. Didn't click on the vid, but I'm assuming it was shot on carpet too lolz!
  3. I hope it's mostly steam era stuff, so I won't end up in the poor house!
  4. In the case of the two farms above - the question is - was the land bought from the railway after closure? If not, surely then it is a case of tough titty pal - follow the former railway alignment, as the farmer doesn't own that land
  5. What are all the gashes on the driving trailer?
  6. Great quality print that! Did you have to do any/much sanding down to remove 3d printing 'lines'?
  7. Easy peasy to rip up tarmac in the future if the demand is there for rail, which it appears not to be at present
  8. Are the pocket wagons able to handle the extended 40+5' containers, or has the extra 5' addon made them too small to take those containers?
  9. I think freight comes through Athlone from Dublin around 12.30pm-ish, and then heading towards Dublin it passes through around 4.30pm (I think)
  10. These have gone on to a good home today
  11. Exactly this - I don't have any layout, but I am still buying the IRM releases as they come out. I'd be a right eejit to not buy them when they are released, and then in X years time when I have a layout, have a whinge about crazy secondhand prices when IRM have sold out!!
  12. Have you seen what old Nintendo stuff goes for?!?!? (doesn't mean that they'll get it, but the rare games market is crazy) https://www.ebay.es/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=nintendo+rare&_sacat=0&_sop=16
  13. I remember getting a ride around the track as a kid many, many years ago! It is just a simple oval of track - possibly dual guage?
  14. I came across this on YouTube- a look at the way things were back in the day. Oh for catering like that these days! Enjoy a trip down memory lane https://youtu.be/ocnE95oVDW8
  15. Doesn't look like it, going by this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqs5hCjS8sQ
  16. I must have a gander up the attic - I've a few MIR kits unbuilt in boxes that could go to someone who'd appreciate them from a historical perspective
  17. I gave one of these sets away a year or two ago!
  18. Don't worry, a proper pandemic will come along and make a major population correction - Covid wasn't it by a long, long way. One with 20~50% mortality rate would solve a lot of the worlds problems...
  19. I can't see those on any of his ads - either sold or withdrawn. Are you talking about other ads on the site from different sellers?
  20. I just spotted this on Adverts - went up 3 days ago: https://www.adverts.ie/toy-cars-trains-boats-planes/model-railway/27875433 May help fill an A3R sized whole in somebody's collection!
  21. When are the black&tan ones due out?
  22. As you say George, that is pretty much industrial harvesting, apart from the poor sods (pardon the pun) having to stack the turf by hand for drying out. Get rid of the machine cutting, and see how many people would still like to go out and hand cut the sods - very, very few I would imagine! Not too nostalgic for that part of it I reckon
  23. Ireland should seriously look at offshore wave power - we are ideally suited for it, being on the edge of the Atlantic and all that. No unsightly-ness that you get with the windfarms - they are placed around 5km offshore, and are barely visible from the shore. Unlike wind, they will provide power on calm days, as they use the swell of the sea. I reckon the Germans are looking at us wondering why the hell we haven't got them in place already!
  24. No X20 route anymore - which is crazy. It was great for me, as from Athlone to Dublin, it was a straight run up the M6/M4. During the summer, always plenty of tourists in Busaras taking it down to Galway. Yet, the route was canned - go figure!
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