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Everything posted by Mayner

  1. I think the latest alterations are a big visual improvement and also give the impression of a station serving a market town with a fairly wide traffic basis compared to a small village & juts might have stayed open for freight under Railplan 80. The beet bank would have started life as a cattle dock possibly with cattle specials running to serve cattle fairs up to the early 70s, the mileage (gantry) siding would have served wagon load traffic basically any traffic not handled in the goods shed, including individual wagons of bagged cement in H Vans, bagged and bulk fertiliser/lime in open wagons, petrol/fuel oil, timber, steel basically anything. I would be inclined to replace the trap points with a crossover and move the bitumen unloading onto extend the gantry road into a headshunt, so you can position wagons further down the siding without having to disturb the bitumen wagons during un-loading. John
  2. I worked from an office on Grand Canal Street about 15 years ago, the staff tea room was on the 3rd floor facing the Boston Yard. I ended up with a squint as I always had one eye on the window. The Boston Yard became increasingly busy after the Drogheda & Maynooth suburban services were extended to Pearse in the early 1980s both for reversing trains and storing trains trains during the off peak period. Most of the MK3 Push pull fleet were stored on the relief lines between Pearse & the Boston Yard after working the peak hour services from Drogheda.
  3. The CVR even in its final years seems to have been something of a "spit & polish" outfit with smartly turned out locos and stock. The lighter colour of the underframe and bottom half of the angle iron on the end of 67 is likely to be a coat of dirt thrown up from running than the absence of rust, most Irish narrow gauge stock was vacuum rather than hand braked so the underframe was likely to be coated wit a combination or road dirt and brake dust. Several photos in E M Patterson's book indicate that van and wagon ironwork were picked out in black in contrast to the monotone in similar photos of GSR & GNR(I) stock. Although in its last years the railway was operated by a Committee of Management of Tyrone & Fermanagh County Councils, the interests of the Brooke and other landed/military families who promoted the railway were still strong and no doubt instilled a sense of pride/loyalty in the Aughnacloy shop staff. Funnily enough Ballinamore on the Cavan & Leitrim turned out at least one passenger brake van in green with snail & blackened ironwork as the rest of the passenger stock became increasingly decrepit in CIE days.
  4. Wow! I heard rumors about the successor project to Greystones several years ago. If anything you have raised the standard of urban modelling even higher, its been well worth the wait!!!!!!!!!! John
  5. A lot depends on the solder used, the cleanliness of the rail and screw head and the power of the iron. T The resin flux in multicore solder is unlikely to be up to the job of soldering to a screw head to a rail without some additional help. I have used "Powerflow flux' with multi core or plain solder for assembling handlaid track, the important thing is to thoroughly clean the flux reside from the joint on completion otherwise you get verdigras growing on the surface. You should be able to get Powerflow flux from your local plumbing merchant. If that does not work for you, simply pin the sleepers to the baseboard on either side of the baseboard joint with trackpins before cutting the rails. This arrangement worked for me on a modular N gauge shunting yard layout which survived a move from Ireland to New Zealand, I fitted strips of ply across the baseboard ends to protect the rail joints during transportation and storage.
  6. Frequency depends on the size of the fuel tank, operating hours and milage/nature of work. Inaccurate fueling record/absence of a sight gauge on a 001 Class was one of the contributory factors to the Cherryville Junction collision back in 1980, the loco had worked a freight from Waterford to Mallow before being used to replace a faulty 071 on the Tralee-Heuston. Waterford shed staff forgot to record the fuel used when the loco was idling before working the train to Mallow. CIE used to re-fuel locos working freights on the main line at Inchacore using a long hose, I remember seeing IE refueling 201s off the mails and passenger trains at Galway loco depot on a Friday evening during the mid 1990s when I should have been out partying! Its not beyond the bounds of possibility that locos working freights are refueled by road tanker at places like Ballina or Bellview rather than returning the loco to Inchacore for re-fueling
  7. Snap. Very nice model as running on the Tralee & Dingle in GSR days. Same loco as running on the C&L in the late 1950s I need to do something with the front buffer beam pushed out by the Micro-Trains coupler pocket
  8. The short loop in the goods yard almost seems to have been a standard feature at larger stations on the North Kerry & Burma Road possibly to speed up attaching tail traffic to passenger trains, perhaps the Cork-Waterford AEC railcar passenger attaching an insulated container on a 4 w flat from the local co-op or meat works with urgent traffic for the British Railways Waterford boat. The Dapol Prestwin chassis fitted with a wooden floor looks close enough to the flat wagons used during the early 60s for Guinness and general container traffic. =John
  9. The 62'6" air braked wagons were converted to carry timber traffic. These wagons were used to carry container traffic on the Cork & Galway mail trains and became surplus to requirements for container traffic after mail traffic ceased in 1993-4. There was also a risk of of exceeding the axle load if 3X20' containers with a heavy product such as butter or milk powder were loaded on these wagons. The 62'6" wagons were in use in timber traffic by 1996 for traffic from the West of Ireland to Waterford & possibly Clonmel plants The 4 wheel wagons were a later conversion as timber traffic built up to serve the particle board plants at Bell View & Clonmel. The closure of the Ashai plant in Ballina and failure of Bell Lines in 2007 lead to a substantial drop in container traffic, that would have made most of the 4w flats surplus to requirements for container traffic. Timber traffic ceased completely around 2002-3 when IE suddenly discovered that it was un-profitable, traffic resumed from the west to Waterford when a new contract was negotiated with Coillte, though after 20 years IE & Coillte have not sorted out a rail connection to the log yard at the Waterford Plant, though I suppose it keeps the local hauliers happy
  10. The building on the right looks suspiciously like it started life as a locomotive running shed and the line to the left of the A Class as a passenger station, which would have made sense as the Dundalk & Enniskillen would have had its own station, running shed and works before the GNR Works and Loco depot was established. http://www.geograph.ie/photo/1030219
  11. Barrack Street Goods Yard. The connecting line to the Dundalk Newry & Greenore Quay St Station & Dundalk Port at upper left line to the Square Crossing Clones, Enniskillen, Omagh and junction with the GNR (Dundalk South Junction) main line bottom right. The yard was closed in the early 90s and freight traffic transferred to a new yard on the old Irish North Western connection at Dundalk Junction. Site now occupied by Civic Centre/Council offices. Interesting the "Fitting Shop" beside the DNGR connecting line was this part of the old Irish North Western works
  12. A smoke box will weather differently to the boiler and smoke box cladding as its exposed to direct heat from the smoke from the fire and exhaust steam. So a rusty or burnt smoke box was quite prototypical on a hard worked loco.
  13. The DLK log cradles were designed to fit over and straddle the 22'6" flats, the long channel visible in the photo is part of the cradle as opposed to part of the wagon chassis a fairly unusual arrangement.
  14. Driving a government vehicle I was often been stopped for suspected speeding but never in my own private car. We work under a similar performance management system to the traffic police, so most cops have a fair idea we are not going to be difficult at being stopped unnecessarily by another public servant trying to reach their quotas and keep their boss and Government Minister happy. Though again I might just have been lucky .
  15. I disagree: Both the Mayo and Sligo lines have a faster more frequent passenger service than they ever had, the Bus Eireannn service from Westport Castlebar to Sligo via Ballina is more direct and scenic than by rail through Claremorris The Burma Road (Sligo-Claremorris) closed to passenger services over 50 years ago was primarily intended for people travelling to Limerick, though in 1897 the 5:45 a.m. from Sligo connected into the MGWR down Limited Mail at Claremorris at 11:00 arriving in Claremorris at 11:36. At that time there appears to have been a morning and afternoon passenger service over the Burma road, the afternoon service was a mixed goods and passenger train or for a time machine! I am not sure if it was possible to travel by rail from Sligo to Castlebar by rail before the Burma Road closed to passenger traffic when the service was down to a single return Sligo-Limerick working
  16. Beautiful drawing very old with handbrake on one side only and wooden centered wheels. The requirement for a handbrake on either side most likely came in after 1900. The East Downshire Steam Shipping Company operated out of Dundrum (Co Down!) and had a fleet of private owner wagons that operated on the County Down. The wagons apparently ended their days in internal use at Dundalk Port after the County Down Main line closed. Provincial Wagons once produced an East Downshire coal wagon http://www.provincialwagons.com/3.html I have a large scale drawing of the Irish "standard" wooden bodied open wagon used by the Great Northern & the Southern Companies from about 1916 onwards, if I find it I will scan it!!
  17. Sidelined locos and freight cars (coal and oil tank cars!)were quite noticeable when we were on holidays in the States in 2016, there were articles about lay-offs and stored locos in the local papers in Western States. A lot of the locos in the UP video look like they were due for replacement/heavy overhaul.
  18. I can claim that I have used ply for baseboards in three different countries on two continents! Scandanavian birch ply is probably the best option, we had major problems with Canadian ply on an Irish site, most of our home produced ply in New Zealand is from Radiata Pine warpps and twists into wonderful shapes unless securely fixed down. I 1st used ply 9mm ply as a baseboard material on a 4mm shunting yard layout in the UK with an open top trackbed busing the technique in Barry Normans Landscape Modelling of fabricating the baseboard framing laminated from 75mm wide strips of ply laminated into "beams" X 75mm spacer blocks cut from 75X25 (nominal) softwood. The baseboards were very strong and stable despite using cheap ply, the main drawback was that the 9mm ply trackbed sagged between supports and noise with glued Woodlands Scenics ballast. I eventually fixed reinforcing strips under the track bed. I used 12mm ply for baseboard framing and top for an American N gauge layout in Ireland, the framing was simply 75mm strips of ply reinforced at the corners with 50X25 (nominal) stripwood. This was very strong and stable but again very noisy. Being from a building background I am not above using 18mm construction ply on 100X50 softwood framing for baseboard framing. I tried this on my 1st 21mm gauge layout in Ireland in Ireland, but was hardly portable to get out of an attic so the less said the better. The current incarnation is on a 1200X4800 permanent baseboard on timber piles in the garden all in CCA H3.2 treated timber. The ply is capped with a damp proof membrane with a drainage channel on either side to drain rain water, track and ballast (real stone) is glued down with dilute pva concrete bonding agent. Certainly strong enough to walk on no signs of delamination or decay after 3 years in a rainy extremly humid environment. This section of baseboard is slightly noisier than adjacent sections where track is laid on 250X45 softwood, main issue is water not draining away quickly and flooding the line after a heavy downpour.
  19. I visited Pendon fairly regularly when I lived in the UK about 30 years ago, though I never saw the Madder Valley in operation. I used to drive cross country from Leighton Buzzard where I lived gricing the Chinnor, Thame and Wallington branches (all still open for freight) or the modelshops in Oxford or Abingdon if it was a Saturday ah happy carefree days nothing to worry about but debauchery, drink and trains in no particular or5der
  20. Decided influence of John Ahern's Madder Valley Railway in there https://www.pendonmuseum.com/jahern/jul1942.html
  21. Its an interesting question, it depends really on whether the Ulster & Connaught managed to merge or simply work the Clogher Valley & Cavan & Leitrim The situation in Northern Ireland would have been fairly simple with the Ulster and Connaught continuing to work the lines in the Province until 1948 or when it became too unprofitable to continue in operation or decided to become a cross-border bus company. The Clogher Valley closed in 1941 when Stormont bought out the 5% dividend guaranteed in perpetuity (by the local ratepayers & government) on the original company shares. The Bessbrook & Newry survived until 1948. It difficulty to see how Bawnboy Road-Maguiresbridge & Tynan-Bessbrook would have been built survived for very long without some form of Government guarantee on capital or operating subsidy If the U&C simply worked the C&L the GSR would have absorbed the line and collected its 5% dividend until 1934 before making a decision on the future of the line. The Baronial Guarantees were a bit like current day public private partnerships to finance infrastructure projects the Government & Councils provided a 5% guaranteed dividend in perpetuity on the issued capital and was also responsible for making good any operating losses on the undertaking, if things got really bad and the company goes broke the Council took over responsibility for managing and operating the undertaking, but was still required to pay the 5% dividend to the original shareholders. This happened with several companies including Clogher Valley, Schull & Skibbereen & Tralee and Dingle, the C&L managed just about to stay outside this category, though the 5% dividends to the shareholders (Local gentry) were a sore point in Leitrim.
  22. The Bandon seems to have been reasonably prosperous in the early 1900s ordering 8 4-6-0T from Beyer Peacock between 1909 & 1920. Rocksavage seems to have been pretty good at re-building locos into different wheel arrangements all the Bandon 4-4-0T, 4-4-2T and the 1st 4-6-0T were re-builds from earlier 2-4-0T & 4-4-OT locos. At one stage the Bandon appears to have two No 19s? in main line service a Baldwin & a Beyer Peacock 4-6-0T which could be seen arriving in Albert St on successive trains from West Cork. The other West Cork staple was a series of 5 0-6-0ST to a standard Beyer Peacock design dating from the 1880s which lasted into the late 30s, the GSR divided these locos into 3 Classes on account of slightly different wheel diameter although boiler and motion appears to have been the same, the usefulness of the 0-6-0ST on goods and mixed trains may have influenced the Bandon to buy the Baldwins rather than a loco with a leading bogie or pony truck
  23. Good to see that I am not alone in my 3' gauge interests and the C&L at that!. A TT or OOn3 layout takes up roughly 3/4 the space of a OO gauge layout so 4' is a bit tight length wise for a station yard or an Inglenook https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inglenook_Sidings or Timesave shunting puzzles https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timesaver. A quay side Timesaver based on the planned C&L extension to Rooskey & the Shannon shipping services would make an interesting shunting layout My own layout Keadue is an L shape terminus to fiddle yard layout with the station on a pair of 4X1 baseboards. The original plan was to model Drumshanbo but I did not have the space, the layout is intended to operate as a through terminus like Fivemiletown on the Clogher Valley with trains from Sligo/Boyle & Ballinamore terminating at Keadue (except for the coal specials)
  24. Looks great David, I especially like the main line sneaking off stage to run down the main street
  25. The main draw back with the American Steam locos was that the design and construction was totally different to British practice and would have made maintenance and operation challenging. New Zealand quickly adapted American steam loco practice and adapted the 2-8-0 as standard for goods & 4-6-2 for passenger after problems with locos supplied for the UK, the indigenous 4-6-2, 4-8-2 & 4-8-4 types supplied from the early 1900s onwards were all based on American practice and trouble free in operation and maintenance on some extremly challenging routes American and British locos tended to have a similar design life, we have 80-90 year old Heislers & Climax locos still with their original boilers in sound condition , O&K in Germany tended to build more for planned obsolesence The 10 year life of most American locos in the UK is probably tied up with boiler certification and maintenance intervals. The CBSCR 0-6-2T were basically yard switchers rather than main line locos and probably would not have been as steady at speed as the indigenous 4-4-0T, 4-4-2T & 4-6-0T locomotives, wonder whether anyone thought of fitting a pony truck and assembling/converting the locos to 2-6-2T John
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