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Everything posted by Mayner

  1. Going by their track record Kader would be likely to acquire the Hornby if the business goes bust. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Williams_Electric_Trains Kader would probably drop the Bachmann brand name in the UK and market its British outline models as Hornby.
  2. Diesel Dawn Colm Flanningan 2003 is a useful source of information ( including drawings and photographs) on diesel railcar development in Northern Ireland https://www.amazon.com/Diesel-Dawn-Northern-Ireland-Development/dp/1904242081
  3. Fertiliser wagon loading may have been increased to 48 Tonnes when IFI started to supply fertiliser in bulk 500 or 1000kg bags. https://www.bulkbagco.co.nz/bulk-bags The wagon in the second photo may be carrying this type of bag.
  4. Sudden burst of activity in the works after the holidays (Christmas through to Chinese New Year) including annual trip to the beach and a model railway exhibition. Seriously full workbench, MGWR tenders on left, J15 frames and running boards on right. Assembled J15 main frames. GSR replacement frames similar to 186 on left. original GSWR/SSM frames on right I replaced the original bar section frame spacers with my own turned spacers and added some scrap nickle silver to stiffen up the rear of the frames/support the motor. I have to add reinforcing strips above the training hornblock cut outs and install brake hangers. I am planning to design new photo etched brake hangers and rigging as I require brake gear for 4 locos as the gear supplied with the kit is basically un-usable Test assemble High Level "Load hauler' gearbox, these are designed to allow the motor to operate at maximum efficiency and a high torque for slow speed haulage. Temporary packing piece below motor, possible lead block?. One option is to bed the motor in silicone sealant as a resiliant mount to reduce vibration and noise. The piece of rail is basically American Code 250 "finescale" Large Scale narrow gauge rail, LGB rail is a lot larger in cross section With a horizontal motor set up the motor and flywheel will project into the boiler, not exactly leaving much space to add weight or a decoder (whatever that is). Gearbox basically fits in the firebox leaving the cab free. I will probably line the sides and top of the firebox with sheet lead. Reconditioned replacement mainframes for 193 and Branchlines Slimline gearbox dismantled for cleaning. The frames gearbox and motor came from a half built J15 I picked up at a swapmeet in the UK nearly 20 years ago and bring 193 into line mechanically with 191. I basically used the Slimline gearbox with a Mashima motor as standard for narrow gauge and industrial locos very smooth running but a tad noisy. Next job will be to fit the hornblocks, suspension system, and assemble wheelsets and gearboxes.
  5. Mayner

    KMCE's Workbench

    The majority of Irish fish and meat vans were classified as non-passenger coaching stock and were painted in a simplified version of the company passenger livery. Fish traffic also appears to have been conveyed in ventilated, insulated and standard goods vans. In CIE days the up afternoon mixed train from Valencia Harbour was classified as a "Perishable" and connected at Farranfore with the Up Tralee-Mallow which in turn connected with the Up Cork mail at Mallow. Presumably a similar pattern operated for traffic from the MGWR western lines. There are several photos of ex-MGWR meat/fish vans as tail traffic on the Mayo Line and Sligo Branch in late GSR and CIE days.
  6. A very distinctive and scenic line, small stations with staggered platforms, distinctive bowstring viaducts and a fascinating riverside section through Rushbrooke. The railway was quite "rustic in the 60s and 70s most of the intermediate stations still had a short very rusty siding still officially open to traffic into the mid 70s.
  7. GSP works well for international buyers, paying import charges up front saves time and money arranging customs clearance. I used e-bay a lot for large scale (very expensive) models from the States and United Kingdom, GPS items go straight through while non-GPS items sometimes take up to 2 weeks to clear customs. I never had a problem with scam sellers Could get interesting if the UK leaves the EU Customs Union on 29th, toys and models (new or second hand) imported from the UK would become liable for VAT at the Irish rate and an Customs service charge once they exceed the irish customs import treshold. Currently the UK Customs have an entry fee of £8 and NZ $45 in addition to sales and purchase tax.
  8. Mayner

    IRM Fert Wagon

    Reminds me of my first visit to Northern Ireland a 70 Class special with River Maine & a driving trailer from York Road to Whitehead & Antrim with lunch stop at Whitehead, an extremely enjoyable day. Although the 70 Class had the same power unit, generator and traction motors as the 80 Class they (70 Class) appear to have been considered to be "more powerful" by railway staff than the more modern units and treated and used as locomotives rather than railcars. There is a photo in Diesel Dawn of a 9 coach Portrush special made up of a 5 Car 70 Class set (2 power cars) hauiling 4 de-engined MPD railcars near Ballinderry on the hilly Lisburn-Antrim line
  9. Mayner

    GSWR 52 Class

    For future kits I am planning to supply the etched parts direct as a flat pack from the photo engraver in the UK and the castings and hardware separately from New Zealand. The majority of my regular customers are appear to be experienced rather than novice builders, for whom forming tumblehomes, flares and rolling boilers should be less of an issue than a novice. Supplying the etchings direct from the engraver would largely eliminate the risk to UK (and hopefully EU)customers of a package being stopped by customs and having to unexpectedly pay VAT and Customs processing fee.
  10. Mayner

    GSWR 52 Class

    The design of the loco is at quite an advanced stage with the artwork for the various elements of the locomotive superstructure substantially complete. Subject to the level of demand I am looking at the option of supplying the loco as a complete kit complete with SSM GSWR J15 tender and detail castings or a flat pack of etchings only similar to Worsley Works kits.
  11. There is also the scenario of the Midland Great Western extending the Kingscourt branch through to Armagh to a connection with the NCC at Cookstown. The Kingscourt, Castleblaney and Armagh railway was planned as part of an inland route from Dublin to Cookstown and possibly Coleraine. The Carrickmacross branch appears to have been built as a blocking line by the GNR.
  12. Sperry were famous in the US & Canada for using old Gas Electric "Doodlebug" railcars as inspection vehicles which got just about everywhere. Sperry crews had a reputation of being avid readers and excellent card players working away from home for weeks/months.
  13. A CDU would probably increase rather than decrease the risk of blowing up one of the LS110s. Luckily enough I was able to re-use the old lever frames and cable looms from the old layout and one of the frames is now hardwired into the yard section of the new layout. Funnily enough I used Triang lever frames to control the Seep point motors in the main yard and DCC to control Peco point motors in the staging and a crossing place on the old layout. I still have a hankering (and most of the hardware) to build an American main line layout controlled by a JMRI CTC panel with the LS110s controlling signals and switches
  14. I have gone back to analogue operating the points with some very old Triang lever switches salvaged from the old N Gauge layout. Apparently the Seep pointmotors can draw up to 4 AMP and potentially overload the Lenz LS110 decoders.
  15. Interesting no obvious sign of a goods yard. Goods traffic seems to have almost been an afterthought on early passenger carrying railways like the Liverpool & Manchester, Dublin & Drogheda, Cork and Bandon and Dublin and Drogheda. Its possible that the Luggage Hall may have handled urgent or valuable goods traffic (wines, spirits, tobacco?) in addition to "Baggage". Early coupled engines like the Liverpool & Manchester "Lion" 0-4-2 were described as a Luggage or Baggage Train locomotives, the MGWR had completed its main line to Galway and had 23 (2-2-2) passenger engines on the books before buying 0-4-0 No24 Hawthorn for "Baggage Train" service in 1852. The original Amiens St terminus would make a very interesting and challenging model
  16. The kits will be ready for shipping from 25th February. Currently completing the instructions. A limited number of kits are available at $250NZ + shipping for those that have not already placed an order.
  17. Interesting the invitation to tender was issued by the NTA as the "contracting authority". The invitation to tender includes the option of leasing or purchasing the trains directly by the NTA or IE acting as their nominated agent. https://irl.eu-supply.com/app/rfq/publicpurchase_frameset.asp?PID=141241&B=ETENDERS_SIMPLE&PS=1&PP=ctm/Supplier/publictender. This would simplify things if the government decides at some stage to contract out passenger train operation to Transdev or a similar operator.
  18. Eoin Lining the interior of the sides with plasticard appears to be a new development in terms of 4mm coach building. Did you cut out the window opening by hand or use some form of profile cutter?
  19. Ernie Shepherd's Cork Bandon & South Coast Railway includes a chapter on the Timoleague & Countmacsherry and includes a number of photos of stations, locos and rolling stock. https://www.amazon.com/Cork-Bandon-South-Coast-Railway/dp/185780198 The Ian Allen "Irish Railway Pictorial" series includes Rails around Cork & Kerry ISBN(10) 0 7110 3158 4 & Great Southern Railways ISBN (10) 0 7110 3150 9 include photos of the T&C Irish Railways in Colour a Second Glance (Midland Publishing) 1995 ISBN 1 85780 019 2 includes 7 colour photos of the line in CIE days. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Irish-Railways-Colour-Second-1947-70/dp/1857800192
  20. It may be easier to find a CNC Profile Cutting business rather than jumping in at the deep end with buying a laser profile cutter. Businesses that carry out laser or water jet profile cutting for industry may be prepared to take on one off and low volume work for individuals, a company like York Modelrail https://www.yorkmodelrail.com/ is probably the best bet option for an in-experienced designer. http://www.cnclasercutting.ie/materials/ http://cirruslaser.co.uk/cutting-services Members of our local Large Scale modelling group have had plasticard coach sides cut using water jet cutting for approx $20 for a pair of sides and have also used water jet cutting rather than CNC milling for profile cutting parts in metal for large scale locos. CAD takes time to master AutoCAD or SolidWorks are professional level programmes which is reflected in their pricing, Draftsight is a more reasonably priced option for 2D drafting for the casual designer, while Sketchup is widely used for 3D modelling by amateurs and professionals alike.
  21. I am planning to use Lenz LS110 Accessory Decoders to control Seep Point motors. Does anyone know if it is feasible to control two point motors used in a crossover from a single accessory decoder output? The unit appears to be unable to reliably operate a crossover with the pulse set at the default 0.1 sec. Would increasing the pulse duration and or increasing supply voltage above 15V/1A DC improve operation or potentially burn out the decoder? The decoder load capacity 1.7A continuous 3A peak (max 20 sec) (individual & whole decoder) supply voltage 8-25V pure DC or 8-18v AC or pulsing AC. The pulse duration for solenoid operation can be varied between 0.1 & 15 Sec.
  22. Omagh had a loco depot at the Dungannon end of the station There is a interesting tradition in New Zealand of local volunteer groups exhuming and restoring old steam locos that were dumped into rivers 60-90 years ago. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NZR_K_class_(1877) There is a great sense of self reliance in rural New Zealand most of the recovery and restoration of dumped locos is usually self financed and are carried out by groups that don't fit into the general category of railway enthusiasts or preservation societies Perhaps the boiler could become a s rallying point for a similar group in Omagh.
  23. Pre-1900 would certainly fit in with the coaching stock in the 1st photograph. The 3rd & 4th coaches in the train look like 4 wheel coaches which had all gone by the 1925 Amalgamation. The GSWR & GSR operated through Dublin-Cobh boat trains in conjunction with the Transatlantic Ocean Liner services. Postcard of 500 Class 4-6-0 on Queenstown Mail. Does anyone know when the Transatlantic Boat Trains ceased running?
  24. 1905 Old & new Postcard
  25. OO7 or James Bond christened by passengers on an IRRS special. In the late 1970s a returning Dublin-Youghal IRRS special was blocked at Thurles by an up passenger that failed at Templemore. 007 the Thurles pilot loco ran wrong road to Templemore to haul the failed train to Heuston.
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