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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. Paul, I was hoping to buy that but now everyone will want one at that bargain price! They're gone off the rails! (anyway, shouldn't we move this to the eBay thread?)
  2. No problem in USA either. Usually I get not to see anything BBC for not paying my BBC license fee. Not logged into YouTube
  3. You have more locos than most but if you could do your favorites first, say one a week you could get it done in in three years. The cost of chips is likely to come down. If sound becomes mainstream then the cost of 'basic' chips will also fall. Buying chips in bulk in Germany as suggested by Noel might help a little. One could probably not afford to get someone to do them for one so there would be a big time commitment.
  4. I don't use this but is the spacing between tracks correct? If not it may be that they are not intended to be fitted directly to each other but with a small piece of joiner track that will set them up better with the lengths on the mainlines
  5. yippee
  6. I believe that Heirflick has an alibi:D
  7. Hi, Some of my baby GMs were purchased used where the original owner had discarded the original box. I am missing the following; 141 original (came in the wrong box MM0141A) 156IR 161sa Supertrain 183IR Weathered 184IE 188CIE 190sa Supertrain 192IR I don't have much opportunity to pick up the boxes here. If you have one or more of these that you no longer intend to use would you please PM me. I will help with logistics and cover any shipping etc. Thanks, Kevin
  8. Speaking of New Irish Lines…….. November publication?
  9. Still need one. Any help appreciated. Thanks
  10. Or the sub in dry dock, jacked up to change a flat……….. (caterpillar drive, of course)
  11. Similar question and advice on respraying on Neol's thread here http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/4537-Respray-question
  12. How were they used, Patrick? The sand would be required at the locomotives wheels for traction
  13. Looks, great, Kieran. A very timely post. I was looking at mine yesterday and wondering how difficult a build it would be ..... as a first foray into brass. Any pearls will gladly received.
  14. I think this is the number 2 cab end and intended to couple to the coaches. The grey end is the 'front'
  15. When you're happily fishing and your boat suddenly changes direction any speed feels like a fast speed. The speed is not estimated in the article. Fortunately the Irish Sea is not that deep only a few hundred feet in most places. It looks like the sub was operating in the deeper channel on the west side which is still only about 400ft in that area. Hence he downward vector maybe a little less. If this was a Russian sub interested in NATO exercises it would have been running at tactical speed, (say) about 25 knots to avoid shallow water detection and it passive sonar array should be optimized to that speed. The array on the tower is usually a 360 array. If they detected a constant bearing/range surface sound, it more likely than not they'd bother to do anything about it. Unlikely to pop up and wave to satellite, I think. Lucky lads! I'm glad.
  16. http://www.thewandererphotos.com/2015photos/February-2015/i-rbtHdrR/A Some of the best shots of new livery on 206 here
  17. Noel has a lot of ballasting still to do on his track, so obviously he's thinking about purchasing one!
  18. Isn't this one for Scots?
  19. Good to know. One of the vendors you mention already emailed me to update me on the products that are available
  20. There is definitely a market for several of these wagons. bubbles, various cements wagons, thing no longer available since MIR kits gone etc
  21. It looks like one on the SF models if I'm looking at the correct thing. Anyone have any roof photos before and after?
  22. If someone would do an injection moulded plastic rtr, I'd buy all five (even if the prototypicalists disagree) (No rivets were counted during the time it took to write this, and any mention of rivets, pristine or weathered, is purely coincidental)
  23. Hi GSR, I can't really make out your drawing all that well and no expert so throw this 'advice' out if it makes no sense. Access from the inner inner loop to the outer platforms seems restricted unless you reverse the crossover or add another crossover in that direction. Maybe consider replacing the diamond crossing with a single slip if you reverse the crossing? What ever is on the bottom right ?good/carriages shed has limited access from the inner platforms. If this is required then maybe think of running this out of platform 3 (instead of 1&2, if you have sufficient length) and use another single slip to allow access from Plat 1&2 to it?
  24. Thanks Martin. That helps a lot. You're right, they're a near perfect match!
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