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Everything posted by RobertRoche

  1. A bargain was had here: https://www.ebay.ie/itm/133270200327?ul_noapp=true https://www.ebay.ie/itm/133270200047?ul_noapp=true
  2. Don't forget to have a look at www.wexfordmodelrailwayclub.ie today
  3. The Wexford Model Railway Club has a new website! www.wexfordmodelrailwayclub.ie will be fully available from Sunday 1st December. We will continue to post notice of our exhibitions and outings on the IRM forum as well as on our new website, along with other club news, photos etc. You can also follow the club on Facebook.
  4. I picked up this truck at the SDMRC show last weekend. I repainted the cab and crane, and altered the ramps at the back of the bed. Also applied some dry brushing to the bed. New registration plates were also applied to both models here.
  5. Set C still available, I will be at the SDMRC show in Blackrock again tomorrow.
  6. Any visitors should be made aware that the opening of the Wexford Festival Opera is on Tuesday night, with fireworks on the Quay at 19:40. The Quays will be closed to traffic from 17:00 - 20:30. There is parking at the WMRC club but it may be in demand.
  7. I've looked before and I didn't find much. I'd go for murky and dark like this one in Moyasta. Also have a read fo this US site http://gshsignal.blogspot.com/2011/07/whats-on-inside-of-those-water-tanks.html
  8. Hi Tony, I 3D printed this crest earlier this year. It is a bit rough but it might interest you.
  9. I like these ones... https://twitter.com/IrishRailExcuse/status/1028538827328167942
  10. Excellent, what products did you use?
  11. Bachmann flat and round top are the same except for the flat top. The Irish ones are round top, and the flat tops can be converted with some styrene and filler before painting. Lots of decals on those models!
  12. Paddy had 3/4 other cab samples, with the windows above the bonnet
  13. Inspection car 723 travelled over the South Wexford line in June - possibly the last ever movement across the line.
  14. Just like anything else there can't be one rule for some and a different rule for others.
  15. Great detail!
  16. Indeed I would take a few
  17. You could try pre-wired SMD LEDs. Several sizes and colours available from evemodeluk on Amazon.
  18. Hi Robert, these parts are scratch built with styrene, and probably oversize for the MK2...choose a smaller diameter tube! Styrene is easy to bend using a gentle heat.
  19. Expanding the fleet and working on some details.
  20. ALL SOLD 1 set of IRM Cement Bubbles Set A (SOLD) 1 set of IRM Cement Bubbles Set C (SOLD) 1 set of IRM Cement Bubbles Set G (SOLD) for sale as I have duplicates. €125 each. Collection in Wexford.
  21. Everything here is much too clean.... Grass is photoshopped
  22. If it does not work on DC with the blanking plate then it may be the internals, broken motor wire perhaps? I had an issue using the MM chip with the Hornby Elite where the sound would work but no movement. It stopped working on the Hornby system for no reason, no firmware updates etc. Both sound and motor worked fine when tested on the NCE DCC system.
  23. Very nice
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