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GSR 800

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Everything posted by GSR 800

  1. He has a nice range of Irish models
  2. How bout Bonney Rd station eh? Maybe I am just talking jibberish
  3. I have a feeling that scene will eventually get modelled....
  4. And also with that limit on dairy production per whatever... lifted,surely there would be an increase in traffic of dairy
  5. Lego Irish locos,if the De Dietrich is anything like what the 201 will be I will wait very eagerly for your next update!
  6. Has IE ever transported milk? Not sure if they have the right stuff for that but anyway. As Noel said the main traffic was agri which would have decreased even though there can still have been traffic for it.
  7. I vaguely remember a film of the BCDR terminus at queens quay showing what was said to be a Bagnall tank steaming out.
  8. We're there any other bagnall WCR locomotives?
  9. The GNR railmotors? I believe they were built by the north British locomotive company. As you said Bagnall built the WCR tanks which ate coal and unsurprisingly were bad steamers. So after that I think Bagnall didn't get many Irish orders after that
  10. The new track plan is looking good,can't wait for more updates
  11. Great pic Andy and thanks for the wiring pic
  12. I would say it keeps going much further as I remember seeing what I believed was the line, at athlone, cut off just where a level crossing would have been
  13. There are good quality 3d printers but they won't come into commercial affordability for maybe 10 years. I was watching a programme and they were even researching how to make printed organs!
  14. If a pair of 201s were at the front and back of a train wouldn't that cause "hunting " due to the engine at the back like what happened with the hunslet on the enterprise reopening
  15. Still are there about 6 miles from Mullingar station
  16. You could use a tiny drill bit to open it up a bit,but be very careful as you could crack the rod
  17. Will we ever see a double headed train of 201s?
  18. Yes I heard that,don't think traffic from the mines was sufficient to build it though or something like that,though it could have been funds.
  19. Ahh that makes sense. I can't really tell the difference in the Shunter as I don't have another OO gauge Shunter to compare it.
  20. Maybe so but my HO diesel Shunter works well on my OO gauge track
  21. That would not be a problem today as HO scale seems to be the same as 00
  22. thanks mate
  23. If it wouldn't trouble you could you also post a pic of that wiring? I'm sorry I am asking for so many pics but your layout is like mine and my electrical skills are absolutely awful! When I tried to wire a while back I had no movement atoll .
  24. GSR 800


    Hi northman I am using DC for my layout. This is mainly because most of my locos are dc and to change them all would be a pain,but also because I find DC is easy to work with and isolating can be very easy via an plastic fishplates or self isolating points.
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