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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. Hi Paudie, I've removed the phone number from your last post for privacy purposes. Can you correspond via PM, please? Thanks!
  2. Now there's the basis for an interesting layout... coal trains, cattle specials, and passenger connections to Dublin and Sligo. The GNR also looked at electrifying the Dublin-Belfast line. There are drawings of proposed diesel and electric designs in past copie of New Irish Lines (can't remember the exact issue offhand).
  3. Hi Greybeema, Welcome to the forum. Lovely modelling... however, I'd advise setting up your own workbench thread as this one is for Riversuir's work.
  4. Hi Hydey, I'm going to lock this thread as you've already posted a request here: http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/4162-New-to-this?p=62709#post62709
  5. They're essentially the same loco, Bosko. V65 was the class designation it was given by Deutsche Bundesbahn. MaK (Maschinenbau Kiel) was the manufacturer. There are some minor differences between them, one of the main ones being that the doors were located on the side of 800/K801's cab, whereas they were located at the cab ends on its continental cousins.
  6. Great photo! Looks like the operating manual was only supplied in German...
  7. Trying my damnedest to get pages laid out at the moment... apologies for the delay.
  8. Can you please stop trying to drag this thread off-topic? Thanks.
  9. Clear as mud, JB. Didn't know if you were referring to green locos specifically or if you meant the entire fleet...
  10. JB, I'm pretty sure I've seen photos of steam locos with a yellow Flying Snails on the tender, along with yellow numbering...
  11. Thanks lads... always guaranteed a party with this New Year's lark *hic*
  12. Happy Birthday, Fran... go easy on the Babycham tonight!
  13. Garfield

    Happy Christmas

    Happy Christmas, folks... hope Santa leaves some modeller-friendly gifts under the tree for you all.
  14. Looks good... looking forward to seeing what you have in store for it! I can imagine how that conversation went... "There's no way you're bringing home a... what do you mean, you've already bought it!? *sigh*"
  15. Doubt it, but even if one was there's a perfectly good paint shop in Inchicore...
  16. Garfield

    Happy birthday

    Happy Birthday, Richie... birthday pint for you next time we're down at your local!
  17. Can you be more specific? It's pretty much the same as asking how to remove the body on a CIÉ loco... there are several different kinds!
  18. RPSI volunteers have steamed 131's boiler for the first time since 1963. Photos on the society's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.779882512077140.1073741844.715053831893342&type=1
  19. Nederlandse Spoorwegen is to trial a 'laser railhead cleaner' which will be placed on the chassis of its stock, facing downwards, and which will shoot a beam which remove leaves and dust from the rail and dry it before the wheels pass over it... http://businessetc.thejournal.ie/dutch-trains-are-trying-out-lasers-to-blast-rail-debris-away-1826350-Dec2014/?utm_source=twitter_self Could save a lot of money in the long term.
  20. Nice post, Richie... should put an end to all the speculation! Re. DCC-ing the Atlas chassis... it's a simple process of removing the circuit board and dropping in a Digitrax DH165A0 decoder.
  21. No problem! If you're really stuck, click the 'insert image' button (third from right just above where you enter text when you're writing a post, then click 'from URL' and uncheck 'Retrieve remote file and reference locally'.
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