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South Dublin Toy&Train Sale

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  garfieldsghost said:
What's the handiest way to get to the Stillorgan Park Hotel using public transport? Is it far from the Luas at Sandyford, or is it better to get a bus?


46A will drop you outside.

  garfieldsghost said:
What's the handiest way to get to the Stillorgan Park Hotel using public transport? Is it far from the Luas at Sandyford, or is it better to get a bus?


There's a few buses that pass the hotel, inc. I think the 84a, 84x, check the web, in my experience the 46a's usually travel in packs of three's :-bd

  garfieldsghost said:
What's the handiest way to get to the Stillorgan Park Hotel using public transport? Is it far from the Luas at Sandyford, or is it better to get a bus?


It's also about 20 mins walk from Blackrock Dart station if you fancy getting som exercise in while you're at it!

  burnthebox said:
There's a few buses that pass the hotel, inc. I think the 84a, 84x, check the web, in my experience the 46a's usually travel in packs of three's :-bd


  irishthump said:
It's also about 20 mins walk from Blackrock Dart station if you fancy getting som exercise in while you're at it!


Cheers, lads... I'll go with Fran's suggestion of the 46A as it'll be the handiest. Should've known to use it... used to get it to work every day! :doh:


Quick note to say well done to the organisers. It was a fantastic fair I have to say, better than any Clontarf gig I had been to. Good venue, loads of stuff on offer and very good prices too. Well done to all involved!


Just to echo that, I met up with a few dodgy looking characters alright :) Having been to a few of the other trade shows, have to say this had the best layout, atmosphere and mix - will be back in Feb!

  Anthony said:
Great day lads great seeing you all again. Oh yea and I finally got to meet Garfield great to finally meet you bud:tumbsup:


Likewise, man. Hope all's OK at your end tonight.


As has been said, the fair was very well organised and there was a good turnout. Would've thought the folks at Fran's new place of work would've thought him that no means no, but seeing the items in his bag proved that wasn't the case... :P


It was nice to meet up with a few of the other familiar names from the forum, including Boskonay, Burnthebox, DartTrain, and of course, Wrenn, from whom I picked up 161 in Supertain livery... will hopefully make it up again for the February fair.

  108 said:
Definitely a great mix of stands. Roll on February. (Money to spare after the Christmas madness)


Amen to that!


Have to agree, well organised (apart from that dodgy character on the door!) and plenty of stuff on offer. I only picked a few small bits and pieces myself, hopefully will have a few bob to spend at February's gig.




Yep good to meet you finally and BurntheBox too ,nice to meet you both (as well as the many other friends on here, Anto, Fran, Dave ......)great venue, great lighting, you could actually see what was on offer, great variety, what a fair should be like.


Well done to Chris for organising.


Roll on feb


Paul R


great show thanks to Chris and his little Big helpers ( Wrenneire) and thanks to all who visited my stand and let me take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy Christmas .looking forward to seeing you all at Chris,s next show on the 17th February 2013 in Stillorgan or on the 30th of December 2012 in Bray at the Bray Wheelers Clubhouse for the End of Year Sale/Party



Great time was had by all it seem's, and rightly so, I totally enjoyed it, venue was just great, and I picked up a few bargans, including one from wrenneire. ??? I also got to meet, even put a face on a few more members from here, Anthoney, Boskonay,Garfieldsghost, DartStation, & of course, wrenneire, & I got to meet " Train Repairs" , Brendan, ( thanks again Thomas ) glad to meet one & all at last, now I know you do exist, & not just in cyberspace. already looking forward to next one, I'm not going to say I forgot my camera, cause who would believe it, but I did,, wanted to get some pics of any / all, everything, sorry guys, :banana:

  garfieldsghost said:


As has been said, the fair was very well organised and there was a good turnout. Would've thought the folks at Fran's new place of work would've thought him that no means no, but seeing the items in his bag proved that wasn't the case... :P



I did well to walk out of there without a challenger. Now that's restraint!


It sounds like everyone had a great time. It's a great way to make friendships and cement others, plus there's trains involved. Everyones a winner. I would love to have been able to attend but maybe next time. Sounds like Fran got some of the good stuff.




Picked up these at the Stillorgan gig

Not train related but just shows what is out there

A pair of Triumph Garda figures by Britains.

Never released as a mainstream product but a small amount, believed to be around 50 were commissioned by the Triumph agents in

Ireland in the early 70's when Triumph triumphed with the order to provide their motorcycles to the Gardai

They differ from the "Police Patrolman on Triumph" model in that the bike colour is a darker shade, the shirt & tie is also blue as compared to white on the Police one

The bike also has leg defenders fitted which did not appear on any other Britains Police model.





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