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Four Masters Bridge, Glengarriff & other former Irish models/layouts

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Weathering on the bubbles was done by my son Alan who also built them a few years before the IRM models appeared. Dapol Prestwin chassis plus 3D printed bodies he designed. Weathering was mainly acrylics but with other materials added including tooth paste which developed an interesting greenish mould over the years. I tend to use oil based, water and acrylics paints applied at the same time as the 3 tend to separate out and create interesting patterns etc.

A bit of progress on the embankment and Mart site yesterday.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Got sidetracked today, competition on the way - not long now hopefully.

While I think on something for the 1990's - 2005  for IRM to consider! We need  Guinness Fork Lift Trucks with the keg cage attachment and Guinness lorries for deliveries. Cement lorries etc 



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I love those scenes, Ernie - very "atmospheric"!

At this time of year, I have been since teens, and always will be, conditioned to thinking that it is "May Tour Time", as for most of my life I've been preparing for whatever role I would be volunteering for (nowadays very peripheral!). Obviously not this year, but scenes like this always make me think of what I would see about me as I wandered across sidings where the train was parked overnight, after cleaning out the dining car or something....



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  • 2 weeks later...

Going through the files, some more video  from the last century of the Sligo & Donegal Junction has unfortunately been retrieved. are from the early phase with a lot of the track not even laid and revealing the mixture of track types. All of the 00 streamline sleepers would be buried in the ballast.

DOUBLE CLICK ON THE VIDEO to play it or you will only see the top half. Its 4:3 rather than 16:9 


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  • 5 weeks later...

Its been rather too hot of late to do much modelling on Glengarriff, but work is now in hand to complete the Guinness compound and a warehouse next to the Goods shed. 

The next project is a re-incarnation of the Sligo & Donegal Junction but as a 5'3" gauge 4mm scale model rather than narrow gauge depicting either  the 1960's with grey/yellow 121's etc and the last dregs of steam or just post WWll. The railways didn't really change that much infrastructure wise until the end of steam, loose coupled goods etc.


The plan is to locate it above the Glengarriff fiddle yards at about 55 inches height and will be end to end with minimum 2ft radius curves.



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I have worked out a rough sketch for the planned Sligo & Donegal Junction which is more than what I did for Glengarriff and also worked out the er usual complicated and extremely sophisticated electricals. When I actually have the boards up and see what the track looks like 'on the ground' I will have a better idea of what I want and whether it 'gels'. Even borrowed some of the grandbairns coloured pencils but not to impressed with them


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Glengarriff Farmers Warehouse is now more or less finished and embedded next to the Loading Bank and Goods shed. Painting is a bit rough because my eyes and co-ordination are playing up a bit. Hopefully it won't be noticed once the foliage etc is done.

I have been collecting bits for the S&DJR MkII and have been attempting to acquire some more of the Gaugemaster ballasted underlay. Apparently after checking out some 20 odd online shops only to find its been out of stock for over a year. I accordingly telephoned Gaugemaster to find out what the problem was and the  German company who produce it say the supply of the basic foam material has been unable to supply it. Gaugemaster say the German Co. have found an alternative supplier of the material and if things go to plan they hope to start manufacturing the underlay in 2021. Meanwhile good old E Bay has been having a field day with £25 rolls going for over £55. As a last resort I contacted a Trader here in Haltwhistle who usually deals at shows just in rolling stock and he had 3 part rolls which I obtained for £5 delivered to my gate! More than enough for my needs. Some you win!



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  • 2 weeks later...

The whole scene just hangs together really well. May well be that limiting the amount of track means there is a nice balance to things.

 Less important if your main focus is operation, but essential when trying to compose a 3D picture. Nice too, to see the layout from varying angles, a bit like a sculpture, where you can turn it round, whereas a painting can only be seen from one side. Works for me anyway!

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On 15/4/2020 at 7:35 PM, Irishswissernie said:

Today I decided to run the layout, I think over the last 12 months I have only run one train so whilst waiting for the glue to set on the latest tree-bashing I gave the fertilisers a run and one train led to another. Here is a short video


What is 192 hauling at the end of the video?

Any more Glengarriff videos?

That one is truly spectacular.

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Glengarriff is looking a bit cluttered whilst I finish off the last bits of scenic work, however I felt the need to escape to the 'man cave' or should it be eyrie as its int loft so I did a bit of videoing. Didn't bother cleaning the track and there's been a bit of movement track wise over the usual Haltwhistle summer heat wave so a bit shaky. A few more photos as well.







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