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Midland Man

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Everything posted by Midland Man

  1. That's a mock up! WOW!
  2. Does anyone know if there is any colur photos of the LLSR? The reason I would want to know is that I am thinking of building a Gardin railway in 7mm using 16.5mm track. Hope someone will be able to answer this. MM
  3. You have to remember that if you want to do a branch line the signal box will be a lot small than that on a main line.
  4. Hey jack. I have some but can not find them at the minute. A lot of my stuff that was in paper form was binned like cattle passes dating from the 70s by the Mrs. If I can find it I will pm it to you. Stay safe. MM
  5. A lot of stuff got the scrap in Mullingar due to the modernization in the 70s/80s. I am always surprised that the RPSI never got a D or a F class shunters.
  6. May I ask how do you have such amazing stock so detailed? Love the brake van.
  7. So then what is this about you ask. Its a topic for anyone to tell a story about a event involving railways that has something to learn from. Yes i know it's childish but story's are what you get info on in any hobby. If you have ever been to Hell's Kitchen you know you will get a good story. So this topic is for telling story's to help people get along in this weird time. So then hope you all like the story's. Story 1. I mentioned above hells kichen and Thai is where this story takes place. We were walking around Sean (The owner ) told me of a story about Gay Byrne had taken a cab ride on engine number 463. He had sent a letter to Sean saying if he had a pic of it but Sean (at the time) did not know what engine it was. We takes about for half an hour thinking it was a DSER 0-6-0 tender or even a Bandon tank. When I came home I took my copy of Tom Middlemass"s Irish standard gauge railways where I found it was the first Bandon tank built in 1920. I wanted to sent a letter to Sean or Gay but never got the time until Gay passed and I was like . I really do wish I had told one or the other as gay probally went on the engine when the line was being closed down as I beleive 463 and 464 were one of the last of the class left. So then never leave stuff to late. Hope you like the story and stay safe. MM
  8. I am guessing that IRM will probally do a C or a B class after the A class and at the same time do some ammonia bogie wagons. MM will probally do something like mk3s executive coaches. My dream is that one of the two will do 461.
  9. Cravans are nice but not as great as park royals. Cart wait until one of the big company's like IRM or MM make some.
  10. Lovely engine number 50 was. It looks like somewhere near York road as a place like Larne never had any type o style like that on the building in the far left. Is number 50 one of the Beyer peacock locos supplied to the NCC in 1890 but were rebuilt in 1931/32?
  11. Hey all Over the past few days I have been doing some building an trying to improve my standards as a modeler. I have been working on a 7mm scale shed that will probally end up in a diorama. Th shed is still in a messed up state but I am sure that when finished it will look fabulous. Here are some pics. Yesterday I bought some wills stone sheet whitch will be the final finish on the walls as for the roof slate using individuals prices of 0.5 plaster card soulds like an interesting idea. The window is not to be to scale but rather a catonistic type of window. The side window is meant to be covered up to have a disused feel. So then hope you all like and stay safe. MM.
  12. Dont forget a Midland B class like the H class they were withdrawn because the Fs were a lot powerful than both of them.Both classes were withdrawn about 1935 butvi think on of them lasted until 1940 but i dowt that its true.
  13. Supler stuff. That orangr looked awfull. MM
  14. Lovely pic jhb my favorite is the second pic probally the angle it was taken at. You can't do those kind of photos any more.
  15. They look like J15s than L classes. A product of the GSR
  16. Wow Amazing stuff love the new coplings on 143
  17. Queens quay sheds would make a nice little layout. MM
  18. Like nearly all good things made in the the late 40s [ excepted the IRRS] it has probably left us. This may be due to that all the members were off the age and when they left there was no new members.
  19. Lovely engine. Pity we will never see one run again. Probally for the better. The 4-4-2 tanks would look well in 3mm. MM
  20. The derail is amazing @Gavin Hamilton What engines are you going to build and is a garden railway?
  21. Wow the detail on it is crazy. Was it a kit or srcatch built and if it was a kit what was the price? Hope I do. Not seem rude in any way. MM Oh I have just seen the title.
  22. Amazing stuff @Noel. What kind of wagons are you going to use. If you going for late steam days early diesel ma i recommend the GNRI ballast as a rake of them was used by CIE up to about 1965 on the midland line ballast pit.Hope i do not seem rude in any way. Does anyone make a kit of them as they do look quite nice. MM
  23. Fabulous phot @jhb171achill 609s tender looks quite small and old. Did it ever get a new one?
  24. speaking of Ballysodare i found this........... @jhb171achill was talking about it a while back. MM
  25. Wow. Is it a easy kit?
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