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Everything posted by Westcorkrailway

  1. I’m one step ahead of you there JB. A certain man who worked for Fords down here donated these. Two zephers and a 100e anglia….maybe a very small 3 car rake is in order….
  2. most of my photos of the ford cork operation are not digitised. These are a few more shots of the area. I’m sure many people get a taste on what ran on these trains.. ivatt shunter 201, 207 or 208 was often down here as were J26 Ex MGWR locomotives. The bandon peckett 495 was purchased by the GSR for cork city railway use. Though more for the tight curves of some sections. Arigdeen, St mologa, 100 and 90 ect would have also run on this train. As you can see above even the original E401 class ran in the cork city railway. Some cars would go down the bandon system, but most of them headed across the rest of the city railway to Kent station. And up the mainline. Ford traffic continued after the fall of the west cork railway. 1966 is reported to be the last time a ford car went to Kent via the cork city railway/Albert Quay but by this stage, cars were taken over to Penrose quay and loaded from there (likely the case in the 4th photo) One night the ford train was left in Albert quay. All the hubcaps were stolen and from that time all the hubcaps were locked in the cars overnight something worth noting that ford were seriously considering opening a factory in Ballinascarthy. much much bigger then then one in Cork. Locals blocked it though. I often ponder how that factory could have saved the West Cork railway!
  3. From memory it was always 4 wheel flats. (Including some EX-GNR ones) but I have no idea if these more modern Bullied wagons ever were used on the Ford train. Needs more investigation
  4. Is there any chance at all these wagons would have been used for car traffic?
  5. Damn. Was not aware they stopped making those. I was expecting many more A’s of the silverfox era to be for sale after they became essentially obsolete.
  6. In my opinion, the above is actualy a viable model. If the Jinty is viable enough for 500 units from Hornby, and that GSR sentinel shunter and Hornby make the Peckett. I think this varient is perfectly viable. Not to mention this little engine was working until 1949 on paper meaning twas a CIE Loco too. I’m sure many of us in this forum could make some story to justify it on our layouts. the only differences between the standard 0-4-0 peckett in my rather crude photoshop above is the steam dome, open rather the closed cab, and adding the number plate (I think there are a few more minor differences) the only thing is I have no idea if that was the green peckett delivered the loco to Allmans distillery in the 20s however from contrasting with the few photos i have. The lining looks spot on.
  7. what’s crazy is you were by far from the only one. I met about 5 or 6 young fellas on the cusp on entering the hobby or were only knee deep that day. I wish I had held my marked down ferts a while longer…..i was happy to see 90, 467 and my BR mark 1s pull in the crowds for questions! I had forgotten about this thread. But it’s very valuable to the kit basher. I’m still considering doing the below idea…although I’ll need to dust down the workbench, it’s been a while.
  8. I personally don’t think so, but Gerry’s Hoeys stuff is by far the next best thing. Sure certainly some of the locos don’t look as they should but just from a quick look at his adverts page. An NIR C clas for 100, a G class at 30 quid. Irish cement for 25 a wagon. Bulleid wagons for 20 ect. The dickie taras are the closest we will ever see in terms of a “railroad” range. It worked out at 10 euro a wagon. looking back on where I started. I worked the entire summer of 2019 to buy C212 from silverfox. I was buying tri-ang wagons at a fiver each at my locoal antique store and painting them with a grey spray can. It was just way to expensive for me to even think of buying anything modern. As much at it would be somehat advisable to be patient. You have to start somwhere
  9. All helpful folks, and this isint for me. But those who watch this forum anonymously trying to find out ways to model Irish on pocket money. The amount of young railway modellers I saw and met at the swap meet was staggering
  10. can’t find a thread on something along the lines of this, so here I go I can remember 6 years ago being priced out of this hobby due to not having a job . Since then I have managed to gain some disposable income. But before that the chance of of even finding something cheap was slim. I met a member of this forum and they asked for advice on budget modeling. All they had in terms of Irish locos was a kit built 121 class they had picked up for 50 quid. All I told them to do was look up milipeade or Gerry Hoey on adverts, it some of Leslie’s GNR wagons, buy something like aG class off silverfox and perhaps paint a bunch of cheap Mark 1s into Black and Tan. can anyone else think of budget modeling solutions
  11. Todays swap meet at ballincollig eas a great success. Despite having a much larger room then the 2 previous events. We ran out of space again! It was fair to say that I came out much lighter then I came in (I have just seen two of my books in @Darrman‘s haul today, great meeting you for a chat!) as did many other railway stalls surrounding me. Unfortunatly I did have a copy of the CIE 1952 timtable taken from my stall but I must say the organisers did everything in there power to find out what happened to it. So much so that by the end of the day I had completely forgotten about it’s disaperence by the end of today. That will tell you how nice twas. we will probobly have to have a bigger venue again next year! Also I can confirm that 138.80 was raised for charity thanks to all who attended the event
  12. I’ve seen 800 run done the dugort line and taken no issue with it. I’m just genuinly curious weather such a movement ever happened!
  13. Tomorrow will mark the 3rd Cork Model Swap Meet and the first to utilise the much larger venue within the oriel house hotel ballincollig as previous events proved our previous space a bit to congested for the footfall. Exhibitors will get soup and sandwiches during the exhibition. the new facility allows for one room to accommodate everyone at the swap meet admittance to non exhibitors will be free as per the last two shows
  14. On a branch like this (loughrea, fermoy ect) . Would cravens have run down them?
  15. None of the other Irish liveries are on show are they?
  16. Still something I’m always “thinking” of getting
  17. Probobly another day at the office in the CCCP
  18. The government of china will tell you otherwise!! Lol
  19. 3/4s of a grand for a locomotive that could be re-released for a third of the price…
  20. Not entirely suprising tbh. As ye guys have said time and time again. Accurascale carry’s the buisness majorly. Let’s hope that IRM can continue to not loose so much money it becomes unjustifiable… Because if Todd andrews was in in charge….lol
  21. The list of exhibitors for the upcoming cork model swap meet. I’m very happy to see that the list of exhibitiors has gone up dramatically since the last swap meet. Attendance is free so I’d your looking for something to do december 3rd and are in the area…I recommend tables thus far will be…. Noel Quinn Stephen o Malley Dan o malley Dave Bracken by 3 tables Joe P Keegan Paul Reynolds John Cahill Paudie o riordan Chris Larkin Joe o Toole. George roche John Sheridan taking 2 tables Premier Auto collection. 3 tables Cathal deasy. Rob Remote Controls Stephen plastic kits Dermot Taxi Brian Collins Enterprizes. Sean Cain Platform 4 Kevin Meany Brendan Buckley. Denis Walsh. Nicolas Carroll Ned Ramsel Darren Clarke Sean Ruiz Barry McMahon Stephen.fitspatrick 2 Barry macaroni 2 tables Tom Spillane Miles Cronin as far as I’m aware tables are still available at 20 quid per table. Please PM me if interested
  22. When researching the CBSCR for the first time. I was astounded how little timoleague had changed since 1961.
  23. When you look on google maps at the site. You can see how one level crossing at maam cross station itself opens up THAT amount of track I wonder will we see platforms at each end of the track…or will it just be a run around .
  24. People who purchased murphy models products got far better value before IRM came along and made the rolling stock. I’d recommend anyone who wants these get them now. Because often the hattons 6 wheelers sell out the day of or even before release.
  25. No there not going to be.
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