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Everything posted by Westcorkrailway

  1. I noticed Patrick, one of those CIE trucks was for sale on the bus stand. Did you get it??
  2. Oi I purchased one with the snail! problem is it’s still in the box and I haven’t even left Dublin
  3. Litterally forgot that beet wagons could be announced. An essential wagon to have rocking about in a siding or for full rakes, traveled over a huge veriety of railway lines by all sorts of locos from steam (hint hint) and diesel. Not to mention it’s a very uniquely Irish wagons…and the tri-angulated chassis will be “handy” for other models
  4. I only litsened in on a conversation but Due to delays in china it’s just listed as “coming soon”
  5. It does not happen to be massed produced by IRM as of 11 o clock today is it??
  6. Due to technical issues the 1230 enteprise service to an IRM announcement is delayed
  7. Jaysus I remember those tenerife wedges…can’t get em here “You all laughed at me, who’s laughing now?”
  8. Wait that announcement was for today?????
  9. I remember at last years show being in the line with a member of this forum watching hooded men fly out the door with bags full of dickie taras and logging on here to find what the announcement was.
  10. The signal box was supposed to be demolished Saturday night. RPSI followers would have arived in cork Saturday evening to see the signal box only to come in Sunday and find it gone!!! However that didn’t happen so who knows when it’ll come down now….. anyways you can see here the preparation for the new platform that was in place Saturday night
  11. I’m waiting for the little electric shunter sample
  12. Something I always wanted to do was the old IRRS headboards which is now above the door of there HQ in heuston.
  13. I got the phone call earlier day. Im speechless. For context to this. He elected me to the Munster Area IRRS comitee just 11 days ago. He gave a show about what he loved, the bus. RIP
  14. I think the wifi is slow over there in the canaries because I can see clearly that it’s 4k 1080p crisp photograph of a Cork and Macroom Railway bus
  15. Grey, with that silloette…it can’t be a steam engine can it?
  16. I sent a PM with my name attached so I thaught? If somone claiming to be @westcorkrailway on the forum comes up and looks older or younger then 20 then shun them away!!!
  17. They look superb! Always nice to see Murphy models updates wait until I see them in person in jus under a week…
  18. As far as I’m aware, your looking at a (yes) concerningly high failure rate. However I suspect the chances of getting a 22k (which isint too bad) are high but if there is a delay due to a failure is the real killer
  19. Might be worth painting a 7 car ICR purple at this stage…
  20. The lower section of the body (we will say the running board area) is slightly wider then the 4’8 counterpart. However if somone on this forum was going to convert one to CSE livery, I don’t think they will mind the slight difference
  21. The accurascale 0 gauge Ruston 88ds is added to this list. Any other new models that fall into here?
  22. My “dream layput” is crossbarry in the 1960s with the catch that the kinsale branch never closed for….some reason I have yet to come up with in my head cannon.
  23. Just purchased my Dublin train ticket…
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