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Everything posted by murrayec

  1. I can hear it, but cant see it? Sounds good Eoin
  2. I visited one of the Fair's patron's garden railway layout in the Avoca hills, Co. Wicklow yeasterday;- Eoin
  3. Hi John I'll go for two kits - Luggage van & Heating/Luggage van Eoin
  4. Have a look here;- http://www.tower-models.com/towermodels/ogauge/dapol/dapolloco/jinty/index.htm Eoin
  5. @Georgeconna yes the higher it gets the better shots I can get from the garden, the city lights become less interfering and with a guided camera I can get longer exposures- hopefully!! Eoin
  6. Yes, some success in getting a few photos last night, 6 seconds unguided shots;- The glow in the lower part of the pictures is Dublin city sodium lights, adjustment has been done to remove as much sodium red, on the second photo the red can be seen in the comet tail but adjusting that further messes up the shot...... Eoin
  7. Maybe a chance tonight!!;- Comet Neowise over the Poolbeg power station in Dublin in the early hours of Saturday morning. Photograph: Antonio Martin-Carrillo
  8. Thats a wagon behind the Tamper Machine;- Eoin
  9. Really need to go for 1:87 scale for modern stuff, Oxford do have some Range Rovers & a Volvo but not much else for modern times. Here is a Ford Focus at 1:87;- https://www.minichamps.de/kategorie_neu/street-car/?order=ASC&orderby=title&suchbegriff=&filter_scale=187&filter_material=&filter_jahr=&filter_hersteller=&filter_lieferbarkeit=&filter_fahrer=&filter_haendler=&filter_sammler=&filter_marke=ford Eoin
  10. @WRENNEIRE is the man to talk to, the MM 141s are up here with today's models and their the only 141s available! Eoin
  11. Hi JB Yes, it's going to be silver Eoin
  12. The painting started last night, first was a light coating of etch primer to the metal parts. I decided to paint the chassis also. I was going to metal black the roof plate lifting hooks and stick them on later, but recently saw a photo that showed them in the same colour as the body, so I stuck them on and primed them to. The bogie sides were 70deg soldered to the brass motor out-riggers, thinning the brass with 180deg solder first. Some of the sides detail going on- brake pull rods and a bit of over frame piping, I'll hold off on the ladders until the body and chassis are out of the paintshop just to get the alignment right! The front of the bogies is looking a bit crude so I have worked up a drawing to do a front crossframe and revised wheel guards, the guards cast on the bogie frames are way out from the track..... Eoin
  13. The best solution for this is to use Deluxe 'Tacky-Wax' to hold them on, then they can be easily removed and attached elsewhere..... Eoin
  14. The hills and the city lights are in my way Eoin
  15. This is the photo of the roof I worked from, hard to see exactly what's there but exhaust smoke is coming out of one of the ports- why at first I amused one port! A chap on fb posted a picture of two ports and confirms this is correct;- The exhaust ports were moved when re-engined, I reckon popeye has it correct Eoin
  16. The Roco Multimouse is an economical and very simple entry into DCC controllers, one can then upgrade to the Roco z21 for a bit more punch and can be optioned to be controlled from your mobile phone, the Multimouse can be used with it also and not become redundant. The Multimouse is around €100 but many second-hand are available for less. The z21 is up in the €250 - upward region. Eoin
  17. I just cut n pasted the pic from one of my threads, it's the only photo of the 171 I have- their Gauge 1 VS rods.... I did get the parts from Mr Murphy just haven't installed them yet! Eoin
  18. My trusty 171, one of the Marks Models commissions was picked up in a charity shop for €5.00 a few years back- it does need a little bit of work though!!
  19. @DiveController The fan is at the other end and it's still in, I'm now considering a smoke generator for the exhaust! the only thing was the colour of the smoke- 'C's' belched out black stuff and the generators do white/grey? Eoin
  20. It would all be the same, it's to do with stock hanging out over the rails on the bends and fouling a train doing the same thing on the other track, you may have some leeway with HO stock but if your going to be running OO Irish stick to above 65mm- at that dim Irish Cravens get pretty close! Eoin
  21. @mmie353 65mm minimum, Peco recommend 67mm Eoin
  22. After an informative comment on the exhaust on fb yesterday- the fact that C's had twin exhaust ports! I decided to modify my single port to a twin. The old styrene hoop was forced out and the hole filled with a 1mm styrene disk. Then 3mm holes were drilled and broached to take 3mm dia thin wall brass tube. A little bit of filling needed around the styrene disk...... Eoin
  23. A bit of cab interior stuff being made up now- Internal window frames and seats, cut from .5mm styrene and ready for painting. Paint work touch-ups have been done in readiness for a gloss lacquer for doing the lining. The buffer beams were edge lined in satin black with a bow pen and then touched up with paint brush. The crew turned up in the workshop today on an inspection of the works, the fireman was a little optimistic bringing his shovel loaded with coal! It's a beast, when you got something to scale it to your reminded of it's size! Eoin
  24. I was reflecting on the roof details of the model today after seeing IRM's A at the Fair yesterday, and decided that I would wipe the rear roof ventilators off and install the exhaust as the SF body is devoid of an exhaust opening! After browsing through my reference photos of the Class I found a silver liveried one with these rear roof ventilators, with the exhaust opening in-between them- a much easier job! Drilled out a 5.7mm hole between the ventilators and cut a hoop from 5.5mm styrene tube to trim and make an up-stand to the exhaust. While browsing the photos I also decided to add a little more detail- door handles to the louvred doors with .3mm brass wire epoxied on and trim detail around the lower body openings below and in front of these doors, the same lower detail was done on the other side also. The lower detail might get a rub of a file when the epoxy fully sets as they look a bit over scale, though a few coats of paint will improve their appearance by not contrasting as much as they do now....... Eoin
  25. We had an excellent Fair this morning with great attendance and a few brought along current projects;- A Gauge 1 Brendan Kelly Class A. And Fran from IRM dropped in with it's little sister and a few other forthcoming models. And KMCE brought his Wicklow South diorama and his current build project- the 'Jeep' Thanks to everyone that attended and those who brought along goodies for all to drool & talk over- a great start to the new run of the Fair. Eoin
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