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Everything posted by scahalane

  1. In other news, the old dorms on Water Street (and nearby billiards/reading room) are no more. Ya I got a photo of them last week as loftus moved in to demolish. Shame, but at least I managed to model them last year.
  2. Looking forward to seeing the Bascule bridge and perhaps a dock side crane or two. Its going to be a cracking diorama I think.
  3. Surprised nobody has done an ammonia depot yet. Looking forward to this one.
  4. Very exciting, can't wait to see the pre-production bubble..great offer as well.
  5. Leslie will you keep a few of the standard beet wagons for me at the Raheny show. I hope to be up on Sunday.
  6. Wow minister that is some collection..thanks for the link.
  7. That would be a real shame..I better get a move on and model it.
  8. Fantastic stuff Richie, keep those photo's coming, always a delight.
  9. Great shot, give that yellow van a belt with the weathering stick and the scene will almost look real.
  10. Thanks Rich, great idea's there.
  11. Tony are you selling 7 or 4 coaches. The text is a bit misleading.
  12. Forget the couplings.. I'm loveing the teaser shot of the coloured beast complete with ballast. Is that one ye painted yourselves because it looks dam sexy..more please.
  13. The detail is only amazing lads...well done.
  14. That really is an art form in its self, I have a greater appreciation of the whole process now. Thanks for putting it together, it would make a great magazine article.
  15. Looks great.
  16. I know the main yard at Cork will never return to freight but if you scroll down to the end of the article there's a bit about bio mass freight from the marino point site. (Meanwhile, Port of Cork is leading a c€8m consortium buy-out of the site of the former fertiliser plant IFI on 114 acres at Marino Point which will be developed to take oil, agri-feed and fertiliser shipping traffic and use the facility’s rail link for biomass freight.
  17. Looks like rail freight could be returning to Cork with the redevelopment of Marino Point. http://www.irishexaminer.com/ireland/quay-developments-set-to-transform-cork-city-and-harbour-412831.html
  18. All the hard work is truly appreciated lads, well done and very excited in anticipation.
  19. Very professional, a real labour of love, its going to be some size when its finished.
  20. How do you put a price on building something like that...Wow!!
  21. Wow, just like the real thing.
  22. Looking forward to seeing it progress.
  23. Exquisite work.
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