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Everything posted by hurricanemk1c

  1. It is RAL7015 as stated above, although depending on which loco there is slight differences in shade
  2. See, a bit of research makes the automatic "this is new it must be bad it's the end of the world" automatic response a bit stupid. As for concerns over one centre looking after most of the country, it already happens in thr existing CTC!
  3. What do you think the real ones are - they are JJA's with buffers at each end and 5ft 3in bogies. Nothing overly special about them! Great work on the layout and stock warb!
  4. To clarify a few matters: Most of the existing CTC equipment dates from DART introduction in 1984. To do auto-routing takes about two days to prepare on ancient computer equipment (relatively speaking) that struggles with the current service level without an more services. It's a dull, compact, crowded place in Connolly. There will be a back up in addition to the existing Emergency Control Panels around the country The new building is being built on what was Guinness Sidings 1, 2 and 3 (from memory). 4, 5 and 6 are remaining for stabling as required This is also being combined with the Garda Control Centre, so if anything it's saving money by combining what would be two buildings into one TMS is industry standard now, this will allow multiple different systems (that have to be separate to perform different functions etc) to work together, such as the Hacon Train Planning System to auto upload routing information to the TMS, that can then adapt said routing on a day-to-day basis to cope with delays etc I'm not even going to bother arguing about fleet issues, since it's been discussed time and time again with little understanding despite attempts from multiple angles
  5. Aircraft reportedly gone tech, deferred until repairs completed which won't be started until tomorrow
  6. At the moment seeing where Youtube takes me on auto-generated playlists. Alestorm, Rammstein, Delain, Unleash the Archers, Arch Enemy, Sabaton, Nightwish, Eluviete, Faun, Visions of Atlantis, Amaranthe, The HU - list goes on!
  7. I would say contact the store for guidance?
  8. He used to do them in N Gauge, so wouldn't be too difficult
  9. I suppose with the lock down it's time to actually start getting a handle on the large photo backlog I have. Photos from an early February trip to Manchester, primarily for a Delain concert (excellent, on the day their new album launched too), but of course arranged for a few spins around the place as part of it. As always, click on any of the photos below to view them or this link to view them all https://www.flickr.com/photos/hurricanemk1c/albums/72157713889539327 Regards, Kieran
  10. I realised after I pressed "order" that I was missing the metal plates over the bogies, plus a few other bits (should have looked at my own photos more!). Thanks Glenderg
  11. I've ordered a couple of Dapol Schafenberg couplers (spares for their 15x and 22x models) and will adapt to that. For me, they will be in a fixed formation so doesn't bother me And yes, the flat is my own design, it's an LX wagon as used on the IWT liner
  12. There's Class 3000s and 4000s on Shapeways, otherwise modified 170s
  13. Among the many things Anthony did was give copies of the Red Brick Building plans back to IÉ (the originals are stored in the IRRS), as part of the drive to digitise their archives. Gives new meaning to them every time I'll use the main entrance
  14. Shapeways do seem to be a bit variable, wilm definately be buying my own printer shortly, just to decide which one! In the meantime.....
  15. Yes, all the electrical equipment (Metrovick, not Brush) was original on the A and C Class locos, the latter having rewound generators to cope with the doubling of horsepower
  16. That is very sad news indeed, may he rest in peace and my condolences to his family who I know well through the IRRS. Always a lively chap
  17. Galway either ran around in the station or propelled out to the loop. The latter happens today with Belmond, and I recall seeing a photo of a propelling move with a 201 back in regular loco hauled days Pilots were used at Heuston, Connolly and Limerick, not sure whether anywhere else used them
  18. Latest bit of work, primed a few bits and test bogies for the Mark 4. Need to add primary suspension damper but apart from that should be good enough for N gauge. I can't take credit for the 201 design, being Valve Design model
  19. Thanks for the comments. Mike: I had noticed there is a bit of stratification on them, even after a bit of sanding. It doesn't help that some of the curves are quite complex but we'll get there. As you said from a normal viewing distance it looks alright John: I haven't as yet got my own printer (there's a few I have my eye on alright!) so currently going through Shapeways but in time intend to do them myself A couple from tonight's messing around
  20. I'm currently using Shapeways but looking to get my own printer. It takes a while to get used to designing but once you've done a bit it becomes easier The latest prints are of Mark 4 vehicles. These are test prints again, and since then I've added extra detail to them Standard vehicle (luckily the bodyshell is the same for all the passenger vehicles with only the buffet windows and the Standard End vehicle having detail differences) Control Car (need to add in the 'crease' below the cab windows). This also has grill detail but needs primer to pick it out Regards, Kieran
  21. Thanks for the comments folks! I've got something new coming in a few days hopefully, as well as a couple of updates to the ICR CAD
  22. I visited on the first weekend, and it was good to see healthy numbers going through (although the real test of that will be omce the hype has died down a bit). Fascinating to be able to view the collection and the displays are well thought out The only comment I'd have about the layouts is that they feel a bit dead - no people around. It's a small thing that is far easier to fix than a major issue! Bray Head was spectacular, really impressive
  23. I'd probably 3D print them There's a possibility that part of the rail network will survive for a bit after the end of peat operation, but expect things to start becoming available in the next 12 months
  24. Was actually looking at a few of the real things today, I might have a crack at them after a couple of other projects
  25. Thanks Robert, interesting stuff and you may end up costing me a bit! Initially I was the same Mike, it took a lot of tinkering to get it right and a lot of cursing / starting again at some points, but once you get into it, I've found it gets easier and easier. A good drawing (especially one with detailed measurements) is a great base. I've also done a commission for a friend of a Class 2751 in HO gauge, and currently doing a bus for another friend
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