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Everything posted by jhb171achill

  1. A question to all you 3D-ers..... This is a medium I know little or nothing about, hence the question: suppose I was to provide someone with a drawing of a coach, let's say, or even a loco, as a one-off job. Using best quality available materials, what sort of cost is it to produce one or two items?
  2. Excellent job indeed! Having taken my pills, I can be calm and conniption-free. I haven't had a fit of the Screaming Fits in a week, and I'm recovering well after my last episode of the Heeby Geebies..... A heavily weathered chassis will show little or nothing of its actual colour, so it's useful for black wagon chassis in general. The above could well be grey underneath! Looks completely realistic. Of all the wagons that ever existed, the bubbles were probably the worst weathered in modern times! For those with GSR / CIE steam engines, if the model is black, and of a type that never had black examples, heavy weathering can make them look acceptably realistic.
  3. If he parked them along the border, then hey presto! There's his wall.....
  4. That's a TOP class job, Noel.
  5. Buying separately is a good idea. You'd often see them sitting in goods yards.
  6. An absolutely superb layout getting better and better. (Glad it didn't become a greenway!)
  7. Dugort Harbour takes shape. Highly impressed after a visit to Baseboard Dave in the distant lands of Deepest Edenderry....
  8. I think there are still a small number of GNR and UTA / NIR men alive. Frank Dunlop and Barney McCrory spring to mind.
  9. The CVR stuff certainly appears to be a mix. CIE narrow gauge wagons ended up in a deplorable state - thus, rust. A few CDRJC wagons appear to have had some black ironwork, but others all grey. When jhb171Senior visited the CVR in 1937, nothing black was to be seen on any wagon ironwork - at least, not by him. However, I have certainly seen photos showing black on some stock at least, so it is likely that the policy changed at some stage. As Mayner says, however, on the NCC, UTA, GNR, GSR and CIE, ironwork was never picked out in black. Nor on the BCDR. Exception: the BCDR had eight private owner wagons belonging to C Ritchie. Initially at least, these had black ironwork. The East Downshire wagons also look as if they may have had black ironwork, but photographs are inconclusive given weathering and rust. In reality, black and white photos are highly unreliable for colour shades - very obviously!!
  10. I absolutely love this ongoing work of art. An aside, in the photo; this is where modellers have in the past assumed black painted ironwork; rust on same, despite being originally painted body colour! This will appear darker in black and white photos. (You can see one end member in better unrusted order). I always presume that this common misunderstanding is behind the "zebra stripes" on Whitehead's "Ivan" (though it doesn't excuse the cream inside balcony ends on it, also responsible for misleading modellers! Dunno where they got that one.....!)
  11. Interesting stuff..... with its main line railcars, the NCC was well up to date - easy, when you had a parent with deep pockets.
  12. Warb, I am speechless. How has this one remained secret! Your layout is among the top masterpieces I've ever seen. An urban setting is rarely done with convincing scenery. Everything about that - the setting, proportions, atmosphere and accuracy is absolutely top class. Well done! Maybe more about your locos and stock?
  13. I've been to the doctor, Noel. There's good news - if you have an infestation of bogies, the antidote is a pair of filthy J15s and a green "C" class. They'll shunt them into a shed, allowing proper four-wheeled goods stock to take their place.
  14. Damn!! Todd Andrews at his work again......! He'll be shutting the West Cork and the Harcourt Street lines next!
  15. Very promising type of layout - and that track looks so much better than older types.
  16. Yes, the NCC cabins were very distinctive with their large roof overhangs. NCC and GNR cabins would be quite incompatible with layouts based on the other company; indeed, NCC cabins in particular, being unique in design, would fit in nowhere else, like DSER ones.
  17. Ahhh sure they're philistines, Eoin. See what it looks like in Translink "red bull" for the craic.......
  18. Wowww!!! (Just needs lined blue paint now, and a big "G N"!)
  19. They look it, yes. The 201s always seemed a slight shade lighter, but I never compared them up close. The difference is probably exaggerated a bit in the photo, as 084 is straight out of the paint pot, while 218 is a bit worn.
  20. That's the one! And a mighty good condition one too, by the look of it. Snap it up, it's a rare gem!
  21. 'Tis true indeed, prototypically, but in this case the contrast is too great; the rest of the loco looks to clean to match the way the smokebox is.
  22. Excellent.... and if you look at the wheels in the lower pic, you can see what it looks like when oily. The upper pic shows a rare thing - what it looked like when clean in working days! Note the smokebox. It looks much darker, and it is - but this is far from prototypical. The RPSI correctly painted it grey like the rest of the loco, but because some volunteers simply thought it "didn't look right" (always a fatal mistake in historical accuracy in preservation), they "allowed" it to darken through not polishing it clean.
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