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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. Well , Marks Models appear to be completely out now but Dave knows that guy ......... @flange lubricator Forgot to say, great photo Flange
  2. Dave just sold some RPSI blue & cream off the forum
  3. Me no understandee. Converted how?, innards removed to accommodate P&T poles. What are the lights for?
  4. The same question was asked within the last year by someone wanting to set up a model ship in Waterford
  5. It is definitely a short. Instructions from your type of model controller OPERATION: Each output on your GAUGEMASTER controller is fitted with a vari-colour LED. At zero output the LED will glow red, and dependant upon the control level selected, will change colour through the range of red to orange and then green. Should the LED remain red, or change immediately from any other colour to red, then an overload condition has occurred and the unit has ‘tripped’. Having investigated and rectified the overload condition the unit should be reset in accordance with the instruction below. Please note that whilst a tripped condition exists it may be possible to measure a small no load voltage at the output. This is normal. Each output pair is protected by resetable circuit breakers. Should an over load condition occur the appropriate LED will glow red, and remain so irrespective of the output level set on the controller (See OPERATION). To reset the unit, having first investigated and rectified the reason for the overload, turn the appropriate control knob to and zero wait approx. 30 sec. before using the equipment as normal. Agree with Enniscorthyman, worth having a look yourself. You'll need a small jewelers screwdriver to open the screws, available any hobby/hardware store. Don't drop the loco and place the screws in a small container You may find a loose wire or something metallic/foil etc that may have gotten into the loco or the bogies might do it.
  6. I think that gypsum flows didn't cease until 2001, so that was a newly repainted wagon without yellow hand wheels intended to go back into traffic? Not for PWD with gypsum one the side.
  7. That's not bad @popeyePopeye. I thought about it briefly but haven't been there for almost 15 years. Well worth a visit actually as it's in good shape (whenever it's open again I suppose)
  8. Knew I'd seen the IR marked Molasses tank wagons somewhere but not sure if I've seen that IE ballast wagon. Maybe @Warbonnet might post when things cool down after the show and IRM announcement, and get us back on track on this tread. Sorry if we've got a bit off topic from ballasts/gypsums Molasses 2/5 of the rake still in IR, Foynes 1998
  9. I don't know which ballast wagon but 26750 is the fuel oil tank wagon seen at Limerick 2005
  10. Some of the more esoteric offerings on 20' tank tanktainers Octel owned tanktainer carrying EDB or TEL antiknock for leaded petrol (From Nuacht 1973) Duckhams Tanktainer with 20' flat and Bells Adelaide Yard 1976 https://www.flickr.com/photos/152343870@N07/49701284643/in/photolist-25jgX93-boyTbS-hGE82h-ch8rfs-de7JwY-VZZgnW-9oArha-nA1nrr-nKZSDd-2g8dgGs-2f3ddeP-dW13cF-8Xoasr-4FW5Qn-CniZv-9oAqoV-Be2XqU-qB3xoN-244EzUq-ch8rb7-apXvmm-aqXMWm-9xekGq-6L7TkX-cPw9po-qB7pMa-8Svu7i-4bSrNY-JtskFs-cPw8Wj-96Go3a-dGUzBt-x8Z6dk-xoamTw-wtBEqi-VWTFZW-a1btu9-2iHW5mK-2iZfpZ4-wttaJ7-2cQTW5y-rjHpy2-2iZcG2x-xoanD9-wdcYsS-deLKGV-27cKDBy-25x9Xsf-xpFohJ-9EUoSR
  11. Which means you have some basic sound on DC while considering moving to DCC
  12. With the easy access, it would be easy to have fewer sound chips than locos and just swap them out. Care with removing and fitting the sound decoder so as not to bend any of the pins is all that's needed on the As by the look of it. Maybe budget for one chip to start and see how you get on. The V5 sound chips don't work on DC do they? From ESU, but I'm not sure if this means for sound... The LokSound 5 decoder is also suitable for analogue DC and AC (!) layouts.
  13. Wow, that's very cool and so much more user friendly for access than models from 10-15 years ago
  14. I looked through photos of whatever Hiberno-Norman keeps and castles I could think of and didn't find anything resembling this. I think that as NIR says its more in keeping with a folly which were much more prevalent in GB and again I couldn't find a anything on the Irish folly scene that looked all that similar.
  15. The IRRS have some good shots restricted to members, membership 50 euro @Irishswissernieon this forum has an extensive online railway archive including the GNR(I) on Flickr
  16. You're not wrong. The true cost of a sound equipped A class at €315 a pop just hit me along with the realization that I have the choice of more locos or more sound I might be popping some chips in and out I think. It sounds well though!
  17. I watched your layout progress and it looks excellent. I realized that ultimately you might consider the functionality might be somewhat restricted. I think the circular layout looks ok (not great) in TT or N or whatever that is but might be much more restricted in OO. The optics are the same no matter where you view it from, ... circular. Maybe something modular that you could disassemble if necessary, maybe multilevel (or at least not completely flat to increase interest and operability in a tight space? Any way to get 10 x 6' at countertop level maybe with a liftoff section for access? Excellent scenics on your layout
  18. Well, of there was a way to export like Hattons is about to do that would certainly be something I'd consider
  19. Language can be changes to english by hitting the world globe symbol near the top
  20. If you missed out on the rush, Marks Models still have some IRM IR Plough Vans https://www.marksmodels.com/?pid=34697
  21. Me likee but I'm still co-building Hogwarts with my junior partner! Do it resemble anything Irish, Kilkenny or the West?
  22. I'm sure someone on the site could produce a sheet of these and maybe some related liveries on a sheet. One of the bus enthusiasts like @GSI345 might know Railtec might do it idk
  23. Existing tooling, so yes for that reason i would think
  24. Mad(e) (too many) purchases today but would have liked to see some coaching stock for the As and 121s as a 5th year offering tbh
  25. Sounds like they need a go fund me page?
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