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Everything posted by RobertRoche

  1. Perhaps try building up the colour and weathering on that base colour.
  2. Glad I'm not the only one! I didn't manage to get any photos over the weekend - I think it was one of the most popular layouts at the show!
  3. If you are making the jump from film to digital, you should consider going all the way with it!
  4. I use a Canon M50 which I find to be very good. Might be a bit more expensive, only released last year.
  5. I believe but am open to correction, that Irish Rail lease (maybe own) the Sperry wagon, not sure if Sperry have anything to do with the analysis of the data it collects. They don;t have anything to do with infrastructure works etc. There is talk of it in another thread here:
  6. Sperry is the company. "For 85 years, Sperry has been the world leader in Rail Health® solutions, helping railroads achieve continuous safety and performance improvements. Our integrated full-coverage solutions are designed to detect more defects in less time, so you can resume operations quickly. Inspired by the passion of our founder, Dr. Elmer Sperry, the inventor of the first non-destructive method for testing rail, Sperry is committed to delivering fit-for-purpose Rail Health® solutions that make railway travel safer and more reliable for everyone."
  7. £50-60 for Railtrack autoballasters on ebay at the moment, though by the time the respray is done not much of a saving...though you are less likely to have spare generator vans if you do it that way
  8. I did a similar change of couplings on mine but using Bachmann 36-025 mini couplings.
  9. There are some pretty fancy options out there too...
  10. RobertRoche

    Air brush set

    I have been using something similar to this and it has proved to do a good job for me. A year or two ago I ditched the lidl/aldi compressor for something like what is available in Marks Models - great improvement. https://www.ebay.ie/itm/Double-Action-Trigger-Gravity-Airbrush-Kit-SP180K-Air-Brushes-Spray-Gun-DLUK/273248693278?hash=item3f9ee42c1e:g:IkYAAOSwvg9XVOsg:rk:11:pf:0
  11. I intend on getting a 3D printer next year, however the 3D skills are not up to anything complex at the moment. Almost anything is possible but there are also plenty of limitations with 3D printing and the models would still require a level of finishing after printing.
  12. Having just watched this video I can say that it is highly recommended! Screenshot from the video:
  13. All comments are appreciated! Got my IRM Tara Mines wagons and some MERG kits last week in time for Christmas.
  14. Thanks everyone The cement wagons were painted last week, I think the blue on the curtain is too dark, but I also think that it might do when weathered.
  15. Wow that looks great
  16. RPSI 3173 - painted the sides today. Waiting on some detail parts to complete the roof and chassis. The original glazing will be reused.
  17. Looks great, best of luck with it!
  18. Thank you, I'll give it a go.
  19. Can anyone recommend a blue for the curtain cement wagons please? RPSI 3173 has also progressed this weekend - painting next week.
  20. Here is the information affixed to the buffer stop on the siding in Wellingtonbridge showing the distance and spacing of the friction elements.
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